24 Pages : 224-236      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-III).24      Published : Sep 2020

Assessing the Impact of Vocational and Technical Education (VTE) for Human Capital Development in Balochistan

    Technical Vocational Education and Training Program, also known as TVET, is broadly recognized as one of the most prominent disciplines in the education system. Technical education, as included in Pakistan's national education policy, is concerned with the quality technological human capital leading to a national pool of skilled and self-reliant artisans, technicians and technologists in the fields of vocational and technical education. The descriptive research design was used, and a total of 625 students and 137 TVET institutes of Balochistan participated in the study. The instrument for data collection was an adopted, and amended questionnaire based on study constructs, and data were collected by the researchers. Opportunities lie in the emerging demand for skills in CPEC projects, global markets of Europe, the Middle East and neighboring Gulf states for conventional work and profits, national skills requirements, human capital optimization through workforce skills development, provincial incorporation of skills in major projects.

    Balochistan, TVET System, TVET Practices, Human Capital Development, Government Policies & Strategies, Curriculum Design, Curriculum Delivery
    (1) Shoaib Younis
    MS Scholar, Institute of Management Sciences, University of Balochistan Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan.
    (2) Saubia Ramzan
    Dean, Faculty of Management Sciences Business and IT, University of Balochistan Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan.
    (3) Nagina Gul
    Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, Faculty of Management Sciences, Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakist

32 Pages : 307-316      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-III).32      Published : Sep 2020

US Policy of Regime Change: Interplay of Systemic Constraints, Leaders' Perceptions, and Domestic Pressures

    How are the systemic constraints transformed through the transmission belt of leader's idiosyncrasies and domestic pressures in order to result in the outcome, which is the pursuance or non-pursuance of regime change policy by the United States? This study analyses the foreign policy decision making of President Bush vis-a-vis Iraq, President Obama vis-a-vis Libya, and President Trump vis-a-vis Iran. It raises the following questions: What is the US policy of regime change, and why and how has it pursued this policy? Why were the US policies different in Iraq, Libya, and Iran, and what have been the implications of these policies upon the region as a whole? While using neoclassical realism as the theoretical paradigm and using qualitative content analysis, this study hypothesizes that the interplay of systemic and domestic level variables results in the foreign policy outcomes in the form of action or inaction towards a particular issue.

    Regime Change, Systemic Constraints, Domestic Pressure, Leaders' Idiosyncrasies, United States, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Bush, Obama, Trump
    (1) Muhammad Nadeem Mirza
    Faculty Member, School of Politics and International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Ayesha Nayab
    MPhil Graduate, School of Politics and International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan.

37 Pages : 362-369      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-I).37      Published : Mar 2020

Need Analysis of School Management Information System for Public Schools in Punjab (Pakistan)

    The research was designed to identify and analyze the need for School MIS at secondary and higher secondary school levels in Punjab. Three separate questionnaires were developed for school principals, teachers and parents. The population of the study was the principals, teachers and parent members of the school councils of public schools. Punjab has 36 districts and the study was delimited to 12 districts selected randomly. A 10% sample from each of twelve districts was taken. Findings of the study indicated that there is no type of school-based MIS available in public schools and there is a dire need of school-based MIS to easily record and retrieve information. It was concluded that school efficiency cannot be improved significantly without introducing school-based MIS in public schools of Punjab

    School MIS, management, information system, SMIS, SIMS
    (1) Jahangir Afzal
    PhD Scholar, Department of Educational Planning,Policy Studies and Leadership (EPPSL), Allama Iqbal OpenUniversity Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Tanveer Afzal
    Assistant Professor, Department of Science Education,Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

03 Pages : 14-20      10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-IV).03      Published : Dec 2019

The Neo-imperialist Logic of Global Capitalism in A Banker for All Seasons by Tariq Ali

    The research attempts to evaluate the nexus between neoliberal global capitalism and neo-imperialism as portrayed in Tariq Ali’s play A Banker for All Seasons (2008) from a Marxist Postcolonial perspective. It applies the theory of World System and Dependency to examine the polarization of the globe into the core, imperialist and peripheral, colonized capitalist economies through the evolution of a capitalist world system in the last five centuries. In the same light, the present study scrutinizes the perpetuation of dependency in the postcolonial, peripheral states by the development of US-centric transnational enterprises which, supported by the national capitalists and neoliberal agenda, economically exploit masses across the globe. A textual analysis of Agha Hasan Abedi’s character in the play highlights the way the global Bank of Credit and Commerce International founded in Pakistan ran neo-imperialist operations and plundered the hard-earned money of its small depositors, benefitting the big capitalists.

    Capitalist World System, Dependency, National Bourgeoisie, Neoimperialism, Neoliberal Globalization
    (1) Kalsoom Khan
    Ph.D. Scholar, Department of English, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Nighat Ahmad
    Assistant Professor,Department of English, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.

40 Pages : 590-600      10.31703/gssr.2018(III-IV).40      Published : Dec 2018

Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal System for Government Secondary School Teachers in Punjab

    Performance Appraisal of the team is a core element of administration to achieve the required objectives of an organization. The study was intended to measure the effectiveness of the existing performance appraisal system towards professional excellence of secondary school teachers as perceived by their principals. Two hundred secondary school principals were found available as a sample to mark the questionnaire. The researcher himself developed a questionnaire for the principals to seek their opinions on the present performance appraisal system. The data collected were analyzed with descriptive statistics. It was found that the effectiveness of the system is of moderate level in Punjab. The performance appraisal system contributed fifty-nine per cent to the professional excellence of the teachers. Some strong recommendations were also written on the basis of findings to see the performance appraisal system more effective

    Performance Appraisal System, Secondary School Teacher, Professional Excellence, Principal, Punjab
    (1) Naveed Azmat
    PhD scholar, Department of Education, GC University Faisalabad, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Khuda Bakhsh
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, GC University Faisalabad, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Khaliq Hussain
    Student, Department of Education, GC University Faisalabad, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.

06 Pages : 74-93      10.31703/gssr.2018(III-III).06      Published : Sep 2018

Perception of Transition on Assessment and Learning at Postgraduate level

    This study explores the students and teachers’ perceptions of transition in assessment from annual to semester system at university level. For collection of data two research tools i.e. questionnaire (students) and interview with teachers are used. The study finds that through assessment teachers get information about thinking of students and on which level they think. Assessment is helpful in making different educational policies. Assessment is effective to understand the working characteristics of students. If we assess curriculum, we modify it according to goals or standards. Assessment is a back bone of all education system. Mixed method was used to explore this research study. The responses from the questionnaire and interviews shows that the majority of the teachers and students agree annual examinations give better overall picture of learning progress.

    Assessment, Semester System, Annual System
    (1) Nasrin Akhter
    Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Research and Assessment, University of Okara, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Naseer Ud Din
    Associate Professor, Institute of Education & Research, Kohat University of Science & Technology, Kohat, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Abdul Majeed Khan
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Mianwali Campus, University of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan.

18 Pages : 319-342      10.31703/gssr.2018(III-II).18      Published : Jun 2018

Fear Appeals Reinforcement in Social Marketing and Inducement of Behavioral Change

    Pakistan is signatory of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) where promoting good health is at the heart of achieving various goals. Social marketing has earned its credit worthiness quite convincingly in influencing behavior change. It is, however, pertinent to see nature of the challenges that social marketing program tend to address are quite complex and each social problem need to size up with broader social context rather merely using conventional approaches. Number of scholars has questioned approaches that have been barely successful in bringing perceptible improvement. This gap quite pervasive as most of the techniques employed used one way communication, persuasive techniques of communication. The paradigm of participation in social marketing has shown better results in bringing about sustained behavior change. This study uses broad categorization of fear appeals elements using the explanatory power of participatory paradigm to induce behavior change. Study participants were randomly selected from a Public Sector University. The participants were randomly assigned to study intervention. Study participants were given treatment based on fear appeals in groups, based on activity theory. The qualitative data drawn was analyzed using NVIVO. The different themes were explored were grouped into four categories using activity theory like activities produced by artifacts, activities produced by subjects, activities produced by rules and transformational activities. The participatory paradigm using systematic interaction proved key factors to reinforce fear appeals that enhanced the value for social marketing program to achieve sustainable behavior change.

    Participatory Paradigm, Fear Appeals, Systematic Interaction, Social Marketing
    (1) Farooq Ahmad
    PhD Scholar (Management Sciences), International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Kamran Naqi Khan
    Dean, Hamdard Institute of Management Sciences, Hamdard University Islamabad Campus, Pakistan.
    (3) Shazia Hassan
    Assistant Professor, School of Leadership Studies, National Defense University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

21 Pages : 369-384      10.31703/gssr.2018(III-II).21      Published : Jun 2018

Causes of Teacher's Favoritism and Its Effects on the University Students: A Case Study

    This study aims at exploring and examining the causes of teacher's favoritism and its effects on the university students. Quantitative tools are applied to collect data for the study and to check its reliability. The results of the data reveal that the teachers favor the students on the basis of gender, race, area, similar political ideology and family/blood relation. The study also indicates that a teacher's favoritism in the class affects boldness, mutual trust and respects between students and teacher which results in the student's struggle for favoritism instead of studies and academic achievements. Moreover, the students may opt for leaving the institute in which favoritism exists. The study also shows that both male and female students have the same opinions regarding different factors and effects of favoritism. The study concludes that the students' flair, potential, abilities and academic achievements should be emphasized as essential criteria for testing and evaluating the students' academic performance. It will, further, compel the students to focus on their studies, rather than on gaining teacher's favor.

    Teacher‟s Favoritism, Causes, Effects, Semester System, University Students
    (1) Amjid Ali
    Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Islamia College, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Dost Muhammad Khan
    Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Mardan, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Mujeeb Hussain
    PhD Scholar (Statistics), Department of Statistics Islamia College, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.

08 Pages : 113-129      10.31703/gssr.2018(III-I).08      Published : Mar 2018

Shah Waliullah and his Concept of Welfare State: An Analysis

    Muslim scholars have contributed enormously to the concept of welfare State. Among them Shah Waliullah is the rising sun who was born in South Asian sub-continent in the 19th century. He was holding the firsthand knowledge of Quran and Hadiths, the first primary sources in Islam. Shah Waliullah's point of view regarding welfare state occupies central theme in his works. His basic concepts like equality, justice, anti-usury, and rights of working classes, espoused with responsible governance, are the pillars of the edifice of the Islamic polity. To purge the Muslims out of dogmas and channelize their energies in compliance of the true religion, Islam, Shah Waliullah has left deep imprints on modern mind. His solutions to the prevailing ills of the society can be found in his works and thought. This paper is aimed to present Waliullah's thought on establishing a happy society by curbing the inequality in the socio economic conditions of the Muslims. Historical descriptive approach is adhered to investigate the ills and present solution thereof.

    Welfare State, Righteous Economic System, Private Property,Productive Sources, Professional Balance
    (1) Zahir Shah
    Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan,Mardan, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Zubair
    Associate Professor & Chairman, Department of Law, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan,Mardan, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Jan Alam
    MPhil Scholar, Department of Political Science, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Mardan,KP, Pakistan.

15 Pages : 244-262      10.31703/gssr.2018(III-I).15      Published : Mar 2018

Impact of District Ranking System on Students Achievement Score in PEC Exams

    Data about functioning capability of schools and students’ achievement is collected through program monitoring and implementation unit (PMIU). It shows satisfactory trends about the performance of schools and students’ achievement scores in PEC exam. But, its correctness is questionable in many aspects because of having no auditing system or third-party validation. This paper investigates the influence of district ranking system on students’ achievement score in PEC exam by using cheating in PEC exam as a mediator. The data were collected from 300 students who recently passed PEC exam from 10 schools by using a questionnaire developed by the researchers. 10 focus group interviews were also conducted from teachers of these schools. Hence mixed method approach was used in this study. Data was analyzed in SPSS and PROCESS. The results of the study reveal that district ranking system has significant positive influence on students’ achievement score in PEC exam. District ranking system also has significant positive impact on cheating in PEC exam. Furthermore, cheating in PEC exam partially mediates the relationship between district ranking system and students’ achievement score. The results suggest that quantitative target achieving behavior overlooks other important aspect of schools’ performance and focus only on few indicators. Additionally, monitoring system and PEC assessment system have failed to provide accurate, valid, reliable, trustworthy and practical data over school and students’ performance. These performance measuring systems need consistent audit and third-party validation to ensure the correctness of data.

    District Ranking System, Cheating in PEC Exam, Students’ Achievement Score
    (1) Ghulam Qambar
    PhD Scholar (Education), Department of Educational Research and Assessment, University ofOkara, Okara, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Tahir Khan Farooqi
    Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Research and Assessment, University of Okara,Okara.Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Hafiz Muhammad Ather Khan
    Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Training, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur,Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.