Editorial guidelines

At Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR), we are committed to maintaining high standards of integrity, quality, and transparency in the publication process. These guidelines are intended to assist editors, authors, and reviewers in upholding these standards and ensuring that all manuscripts are treated with fairness and rigor.

  1. Scope: Manuscripts submitted to GSSR must be original works within the broad field of social sciences. Authors should ensure their work aligns with the journal’s aims and scope.
  2. Plagiarism Check: All submissions undergo plagiarism screening. The GSSR has a plagiarism threshold of 10%, and manuscripts exceeding this will be returned for revision or rejected. The Higher Education Commission (HEC) threshold of 19% will also be considered during the review.
  3. Manuscript Format: Submissions must adhere to the GSSR manuscript formatting guidelines detailed at, which include complete author informaion, title page information, abstract, keywords, main text, references, and any figures or tables.
  4. Licensing: Authors are required to agree to the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license upon submission. This license allows others to download and share the work, provided that proper credit is given, and the work is not altered or used commercially.

  1. Double-Blind Review: GSSR operates a double-blind peer review process, meaning both the reviewer and author identities are concealed throughout the review.
  2. Reviewer Selection: Editors select reviewers based on their expertise, avoiding any conflicts of interest. Reviewers are expected to provide constructive, unbiased, and timely feedback.
  3. Timelines: The review process should be completed within the agreed timeframe to ensure timely publication. Editors will communicate with reviewers and authors to ensure smooth processing.
  4. Confidentiality: Manuscripts under review must be treated with confidentiality. Editors and reviewers must not share or use unpublished content for any purpose other than the review process.

  1. Acceptance, Revision, or Rejection: Editorial decisions are based on the reviewers' reports and the manuscript's compliance with GSSR’s standards. Editors may accept, request revisions, or reject manuscripts. The decision is final and communicated to the authors promptly.
  2. Revisions: Authors are given the opportunity to revise their manuscripts according to reviewers' comments. The revised manuscript must be resubmitted within the stipulated time.
  3. Appeals: Authors may appeal editorial decisions if they believe an error has been made. Appeals must be submitted in writing, and the editor will re-evaluate the case.

  1. Authorship: All listed authors must have made significant contributions to the research and preparation of the manuscript. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all authors are in agreement with the submission and its content.
  2. Conflicts of Interest: Authors, reviewers, and editors must disclose any conflicts of interest that may influence the publication process.
  3. Research Integrity: Editors must ensure that all research presented in manuscripts adheres to ethical standards, including compliance with institutional, national, and international research guidelines.

  1. Corrections and Retractions: If errors or ethical issues are identified post-publication, GSSR will take appropriate action to issue corrections or retract the work if necessary. Authors must notify the editors immediately if they discover errors in their published work.
  2. Archiving: GSSR ensures the digital preservation of all published content through reliable archiving platforms to maintain the accessibility of content for future reference.

  1. Appointment: Editorial board members are selected based on their expertise, academic qualifications, and commitment to maintaining the journal’s high standards.
  2. Contribution: Editors are expected to actively participate in the peer review process, contribute to strategic decision-making for the journal’s development, and uphold ethical standards.
  3. Rotation: GSSR periodically reviews and rotates editorial board members to ensure the inclusion of diverse perspectives and to promote academic renewal.

  1. Author Queries: Editors are responsible for addressing author queries related to submission, review, and publication processes.
  2. Timely Responses: Editors and reviewers should maintain professional communication and respond to inquiries promptly to ensure an efficient editorial workflow.

By following these guidelines, the Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR) seeks to foster a transparent, ethical, and academically rigorous publication process that benefits authors, reviewers, and readers alike.