US Policy of Regime Change: Interplay of Systemic Constraints, Leaders' Perceptions, and Domestic Pressures
How are the systemic constraints transformed through the transmission belt of leader's idiosyncrasies and domestic pressures in order to result in the outcome, which is the pursuance or non-pursuance of regime change policy by the United States? This study analyses the foreign policy decision making of President Bush vis-a-vis Iraq, President Obama vis-a-vis Libya, and President Trump vis-a-vis Iran. It raises the following questions: What is the US policy of regime change, and why and how has it pursued this policy? Why were the US policies different in Iraq, Libya, and Iran, and what have been the implications of these policies upon the region as a whole? While using neoclassical realism as the theoretical paradigm and using qualitative content analysis, this study hypothesizes that the interplay of systemic and domestic level variables results in the foreign policy outcomes in the form of action or inaction towards a particular issue.
(1) Muhammad Nadeem Mirza
Faculty Member, School of Politics and International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Ayesha Nayab
MPhil Graduate, School of Politics and International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan.
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APA : Mirza, M. N., & Nayab, A. (2020). US Policy of Regime Change: Interplay of Systemic Constraints, Leaders' Perceptions, and Domestic Pressures. Global Social Sciences Review, V(III), 307-316.
CHICAGO : Mirza, Muhammad Nadeem, and Ayesha Nayab. 2020. "US Policy of Regime Change: Interplay of Systemic Constraints, Leaders' Perceptions, and Domestic Pressures." Global Social Sciences Review, V (III): 307-316 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2020(V-III).32
HARVARD : MIRZA, M. N. & NAYAB, A. 2020. US Policy of Regime Change: Interplay of Systemic Constraints, Leaders' Perceptions, and Domestic Pressures. Global Social Sciences Review, V, 307-316.
MHRA : Mirza, Muhammad Nadeem, and Ayesha Nayab. 2020. "US Policy of Regime Change: Interplay of Systemic Constraints, Leaders' Perceptions, and Domestic Pressures." Global Social Sciences Review, V: 307-316
MLA : Mirza, Muhammad Nadeem, and Ayesha Nayab. "US Policy of Regime Change: Interplay of Systemic Constraints, Leaders' Perceptions, and Domestic Pressures." Global Social Sciences Review, V.III (2020): 307-316 Print.
OXFORD : Mirza, Muhammad Nadeem and Nayab, Ayesha (2020), "US Policy of Regime Change: Interplay of Systemic Constraints, Leaders' Perceptions, and Domestic Pressures", Global Social Sciences Review, V (III), 307-316
TURABIAN : Mirza, Muhammad Nadeem, and Ayesha Nayab. "US Policy of Regime Change: Interplay of Systemic Constraints, Leaders' Perceptions, and Domestic Pressures." Global Social Sciences Review V, no. III (2020): 307-316.