Lived Experiences of Women Entrepreneurs Regarding Socio-Cultural Constraints in Entrepreneurship in Southern Punjab, Pakistan
The research paper investigates the socio-cultural constraints faced by women entrepreneurs during startup and expansion of their entrepreneurial ventures in Ahmedpur East of District Bahawalpur through documenting their lived experiences. The research is primarily a multi-sited ethnography and utilizes qualitative research methods such as in-depth semi-structured interviews and focused group discussions on collecting primary data from a selective sample of 25 entrepreneurs ascertained through sampling technique. The study highlights gender-specific socio-cultural challenges such as social perceptions and biases, work-life balance, patronage of male family members, restricted mobility owing to Purdah and low recognition and payment of women's work etc. as prime reasons that hinder not only women participation as entrepreneurs but also inhibits their engagements and choices in entrepreneurship. Socio-cultural factors not only systematically impact women's social interactions and decision-making but transform into multiple other challenges that women fight and struggle with while making their space as entrepreneurs.
Ahmedpur East, Entrepreneurship, Gender, Lived Experiences, Multi-Sited Ethnography, Socio-Cultural Challenges, Southern Punjab, Women Entrepreneur
(1) Mehreen Raza
M. Phil Scholar, Department of Anthropology, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Inam Ullah Leghari
Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Social and Economic Empowerment of Women in the Age of Digital Literacy: A Case Study of Pakistan, Islamabad- Rawalpindi
The augmented usage of digital technology, predominantly mobile ownership, has significantly altered the ways of doing the thing. The digital era with the internet-connected world is creating new venues for social and economic development, with efficiency in digital literacy for participation. The present article explores the digital literacy skills of women that enables them to be active members of the digital world. It also investigates the challenges, self-learning, and financial constraints among other few, which women face while acquiring these skills. The qualitative research is conducted in Islamabad and Rawalpindi using in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. The study indicated that 83% of women have learnt digital skills informally and yet these help them in strengthening their social networks, managing daily affairs regarding their personal life and most significantly being engaged in entrepreneurship from digital forums. This successful use of digital technology has contributed to their social and economic empowerment.
Digital Era, Digital Literacy, Empowerment, Entrepreneurship, Women.
(1) Sohima Anzak
PhD Scholar, Department of Anthropology, Quaid-e-Azam university, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Aneela Sultana
Assistant Professor,Department of Anthropology, Quaid-e-Azam university, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Redefining Quality Education: A Missing Entrepreneurship Perspective!
This paper establishes a theoretical lens through which funding bodies can see the effectiveness of an entrepreneurial education program, from the perspective of institutional accountability. In this regard, quality notions; exception, fitness for purpose, perfection, transformation, and value for money are put to the investigation during semi-structured interviews. The interviewed data were analyzed qualitatively by employing discourse analysis. The findings of the research suggest that the notion of quality in the entrepreneurship program is a blend of value for money and transformation.
Entrepreneurship, Quality Education, Value for Money, Transformation, Fitness for Purpose
(1) Gohar Saleem Parvaiz
Assistant Professor,Department of Management Science, Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Arif Hussain
Assistant Professor,Institute of Business Studies and Leadership,Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Shams Ur Rehman
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration,Northern University Nowshera, KP, Pakistan.
An Exploratory Case Study of Non-Entrepreneurs (Thematic Analysis)
Non-entrepreneur refers to a person who is non-actor and absent from entrepreneurial actions and not making intention towards entrepreneurship. An exploratory case study method (Yin, 2014) was used to carry out the research. Unstructured interviews were conducted with four non-entrepreneurs and field notes were written down on the notebook with the pencil to save the data. Thematic analysis was applied to the text to reach the important themes deducted from views and perceptions of the participants. Finding of the study depicted that lack of personal intention and will, lack of knowledge and information about entrepreneurship, lack of understanding the entrepreneurship, no familial association with business, family involvement in the selection of career and education were major impediments. In the end, important implications were drawn i.e. seminars and conferences must be conducted to overcome the hurdles of lacking the understanding of entrepreneurship.
Non-entrepreneurs, lack of entrepreneurship knowledge and understanding, family involvement in career selection, lack of personal desire and will, family business, self-efficacy, culture
(1) Muhammad Furqan Ashraf
PhD Scholar,Department of Sociology, Government College University, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Babak Mahmood
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology,Government College University, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Mudassar Mushtaq
PhD Scholar,Business Administration,National College of Business Administration and Economics (NCBA&E) Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
The Competencies and Knowledge Entrepreneurship relationship in Higher Education Institutes: Examining the Moderating Role of Organizational Climate
Higher education institutions, in the knowledge economy, have a significant role in encouraging innovation and ultimately accelerating economic growth by the creation and transfer of knowledge. This study concentrates on the construct of knowledge entrepreneurship in higher education institutions of the public and private sectors in Pakistan. It highlights the competencies required to enhance knowledge entrepreneurship in presence of an encouraging organizational climate. Using the dynamic capability theory, this study theorizes the essential role of Personal, Professional and social competencies of faculty members in Higher education institutions in creating and disseminating various forms of knowledge while the organization maintains support, encouragement, leadership and the vision to accomplish the same. Implications and areas for future research are highlighted for further expansion in literature.
Knowledge Entrepreneurship, Personal Competency, Professional Competency, Social Competency, Organizational Climate, Higher Education Institutions.
(1) Nida Kamal
Senior Lecturer,Department of Business Studies,Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Bakhtiar Ali
Professor,Department of Management Studies,Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(3) Hina Samdani
Senior Assistant Professor,Department of Business Studies,Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Developing Entrepreneurship in Pakistan through Higher Education
This research intended to explore deficit and strategies to improve entrepreneurship regarding higher education in Pakistan. The study was descriptive in nature. It would utilize quantitative cum qualitative research techniques. Quantitative data were obtained through questionnaires and qualitative data from interviews. The population was comprised of all teachers and students who are getting entrepreneurship education in Business Incubation Centres (BIC) supported by Higher Education Commission in public sector universities. The sample of the research were 40 teachers and 200 students selected through random sampling technique. Data were analyzed through descriptive and thematic approach. The findings of the study showed that HEC was not playing an active role regarding entrepreneurship and demanded that special funds, infrastructure, and faculty should be provided to promote entrepreneurship. Institutions may offer useful training programs in colleges and universities for better career prospect and also focused on continuous professional development of teachers to enhance entrepreneurship education.
Entrepreneurship, Higher Education, Business Incubation Centres, Deficits, Strategies
(1) Nisar Ahmed
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Education,The University of Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Arshad
SST – Science, School Education Department,Govt. Fazilka Islamia Model High School Pakpattan, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Muhammad Hameed Nawaz
Associate Professor, Department of Education,The University of Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
A Fresh Perspective on Female Entrepreneurship: An Insight from Pakistan
his research explores the dynamics of women entrepreneurs in the context of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. Underpinning on contemporary literature on drivers and barriers of women entrepreneurs, this research argues that literature and empirical evidences on negotiations is scarce and underdeveloped. Therefore, capitalizing on an interpretive qualitative assumption, this research collected date through semi-structured interviews and analyzed through thematic analysis. Conceptually, this research provides a fresh and novel perspective by providing interesting inside from empirical evidences. This research concludes that women entrepreneurs in Peshawar, Pakistan cultural and social constraints. However, personal motivation and family support helped them to negotiate with these constraints.
Entrepreneurship, Women Entrepreneurship, Developing countries, Pakistan
(1) Shahwali Khan
Assistant Professor,Management Sciences,Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Mohammad Sohail Yunis
Assistant Professor, Management Sciences, Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan
(3) Fahad Abdullah
Associate Professor,Management Sciences, Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
Industrial Entrepreneurs' Decisions for Start-up Behavior in the Context of Economic Corridors: A Scale Development & Contextualization Process
Start-up behaviour is a key resource for entrepreneurial investment decisions. Economic Corridors are a new form of regional and beyond regional entrepreneurial collaborations. The present research aimed at operationalising the measurement scale for industrial entrepreneurs' start-up behaviour in the context of entrepreneurship under economic corridors. Particularly, the present study is committed to developing, contextualising, and statistically pilot testing the measurement scale of start-up behaviour of industrial entrepreneurs. This study applied EFA, validity, and reliability tests on the 6-items constructed for Start-up Behavior.Data was collected from the owners, shareholders, members of the board of directors and Chief level executives of 425 manufacturing organisations (e.g., also known as industrial entrepreneurs) in Pakistan. Results of this scale contextualisation process confirmed that initial developed 7 items were reduced to 6-items, and 1-item was deleted at the stage of face & content validity. The final form of measurement scale for Start-up Behavior consisted of 6- items under 1-factor. Moreover, this study described and presented a systematic process for scale development, scale contextualisation, and statistical pilot testing to ensure the factorisation/extraction of factors, reliability and validity for the
newly operationalised scales for start-up behaviour. This study contributed to the body of knowledge for behavioural sciences, entrepreneurship, and economic corridors by providing a 6-item measuring scale of industrial entrepreneurs' start-up behaviour. This study is also an added advantage for the owners of the manufacturing firms and policymakers up to the extent that they were able to analyse the six behavioural factors for investment in the new start-ups.
Industrial entrepreneurship, start-up Behavior, Star-up Decisions, Scale Development, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Economic Corridors,
(1) Muhammad Arif
Professor, Department of Management Sciences, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Zia Ur Rehman
Department of Management Sciences, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(3) Saira Batool
Assistant Professor, Department of Urdu, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Identifying the Role of Teachers in Developing Entrepreneurial Intention of Prospective Teachers
This research study identified the main areas related to entrepreneurship teacher education. The main objectives of the study were: (a) to identify the importance of entrepreneurship education for teacher education in Pakistan; (b) to identify the areas to prepare pre-service teachers for entrepreneurship education. The nature of study was descriptive while mixed method approach was used to gather information. Twelve teacher educators and eighty five prospective teachers were selected by using convenience sampling technique. ENVIVO-11 and SPSS were used to analyze qualitative and quantitative data. It was revealed that mostly interviewees agreed on entrepreneurial education should be made a part of national professional standards of teachers. Majority of the trainee teachers appreciated entrepreneurship education. Most of the respondents intervene about imparting and improving entrepreneurial education for prospective teachers’ course. Interviewees are appreciating this step of entrepreneurial intentions in prospective teachers’ course.
Entrepreneurship, teacher education, prospective teachers, professional standard.
(1) Saubia Ramzan
Professor,Institute of Management Sciences, University of Balochistan, Balochistan, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Shakir
Lecturer,Department of Educational Training, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Jam Muhammad Zafar
Assistant Professor,Department of Teacher Education,Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan.
Growing From Emerging Entrepreneurs into Brands: A Systematic In-depth Literature Review of the Psychological Factors
The purpose of the study is to identity and develops a comprehensive construct for the entrepreneurs in Pakistani context. The study has used qualitative review to highlight the reasons of entrepreneurship and issues faced by emerging entrepreneurs in Pakistan. The study intended to investigate the extant literature on Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition. The researchers focused on reputed and leading journals in order to contribute in a more objective manner. A comprehend review indicates that not just entrepreneurial factors but also shows how setups are branded. The study also highlights a comprehensive psychological model for quantitative testing. The previous studies only shows the importance and factors of entrepreneurship, however, this study also have highlighted the reasons for branding in emerging entrepreneurship. The study will impact to elaborate clearly on the information's about not only entrepreneurship but also the directions towards branding.
Entrepreneurship, Branding, Issues, Emerging, Pakistan
(1) Shahzad Khan
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Management Sciences, University of Haripur, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Mohammad Daud Ali
Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, University of Haripur, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Abdul Majid
Professor, Department of Management Sciences, University of Haripur, KP, Pakistan.