Lived Experiences of Women Entrepreneurs Regarding Socio-Cultural Constraints in Entrepreneurship in Southern Punjab, Pakistan
The research paper investigates the socio-cultural constraints faced by women entrepreneurs during startup and expansion of their entrepreneurial ventures in Ahmedpur East of District Bahawalpur through documenting their lived experiences. The research is primarily a multi-sited ethnography and utilizes qualitative research methods such as in-depth semi-structured interviews and focused group discussions on collecting primary data from a selective sample of 25 entrepreneurs ascertained through sampling technique. The study highlights gender-specific socio-cultural challenges such as social perceptions and biases, work-life balance, patronage of male family members, restricted mobility owing to Purdah and low recognition and payment of women's work etc. as prime reasons that hinder not only women participation as entrepreneurs but also inhibits their engagements and choices in entrepreneurship. Socio-cultural factors not only systematically impact women's social interactions and decision-making but transform into multiple other challenges that women fight and struggle with while making their space as entrepreneurs.
Ahmedpur East, Entrepreneurship, Gender, Lived Experiences, Multi-Sited Ethnography, Socio-Cultural Challenges, Southern Punjab, Women Entrepreneur
(1) Mehreen Raza
M. Phil Scholar, Department of Anthropology, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Inam Ullah Leghari
Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Pak-U.S. Relations: An Analysis of Major Challenges (Post-9/11)
The Pak-U.S. relations have been through many ups and downs throughout the history of Pakistan. For most of the time during the cold war, relations remained either warm or normal except for some short periods. The ties went down the slope after the cold war and towards the onset of the twenty-first century. In addition to some drastic shifts in the regional and global political scenario, the incident of 9/11 proved a watershed for Pak-U.S. ties as well. Pakistan's decision to stand with America and her allies provided an opportunity for both the states to improve bilateral ties. Key challenges include, but not limited to, issues of trust and coordination, the problems of strategic harmony and divergence of interests and varied policies about arms and nuclear proliferation. Pak-U.S. relations have also been affected by their respective relations with other states. From Pakistan's perspective, it is essential not only to identify points of convergence and divergence with the United States but also to explore policy options to meet such challenges.
U.S., Bilateral, Challenges, Strategic Harmony, Nuclear, F.M.C.T., Proliferation
(1) Sultan Mubariz Khan
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science & IR, University of Gujrat, Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Saiqa Hanif
Associate Lecturer, Department of Political Science & IR, University of Gujrat, Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Shumaila Rafique
Associate Lecturer, Department of Political Science & IR, University of Gujrat, Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan.
Micro-Takaful by Takaful Operators in Pakistan: Problems and their Solutions from the Practitioners' Perspective
This study investigates the underlying reasons behind the limited offering of micro-takaful(insurance) products by takaful operators in Pakistan and suggests solutions to enhance thegrowth of micro-takaful products in the country. The study is qualitative in nature. The researchers conducted atotal of twenty (20) semi-structured interviews of relevant Islamic finance practitioners (5 sales heads, 5 businessheads, 5 product development heads, and 5 sales agents) working at all five takaful operators (Dawood FamilyTakaful Ltd., Pak-Qatar General Takaful, Pak-Qatar Family Takaful, Pak Kuwait Takaful, Takaful Pakistan Limited)operating in Pakistan. NVIVO 12 software was used for generating items, codes, word clouds and text searchqueries. According to the findings of this study, the issues faced by practitioners include the poor financialcondition of the public, lack of sufficient funds with takaful operators, lack of cooperation among takaful operators,lack of customer awareness and interest, lack of takaful experts and diversified takaful products, absence of aculture of takaful practices, and lack of research and product development in the field of micro-takaful.Academicians should develop suitable micro-takaful products according to the needs of the public, and theregulator can require takaful operators to offer micro-takaful products.
Challenges, Micro-Takaful, Pakistan, Solutions, Takaful Operators
(1) Mohammad Ayaz
Associate Professor, Department of Banking and Finance, University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Maryam Saeed
PhD Scholar, Department of Banking and Finance, University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Muhammad Ather Ashraf
Department of Banking and Finance, University of Management and Technology (UMT), Pakistan.
An Exploration of Issues and Challenges Faced by Students in Distance Learning Environment
This paper investigates the issues and challenges encountered by students obtaining distance education in Pakistan. We conducted interviews with students obtaining distance education and they were enrolled in different study programs. Qualitative interviews were conducted to understand the perception of the study participants regarding the issues and challenges faced by them in learning. Students from five distance learning programs were selected and five participants from each study program were interviewed in this study. The findings reveal that distance learning students encounter impediment in their learning due to their personal circumstances, teachers’ related issues, and due to assessment and evaluation issues. These factors negatively affect distance learners learning experiences. Based on the study findings, we provide recommendations to universities for enhancing distance learners experience.
Distance education, Experiences, Learners, Challenges, University
(1) Asaf Niwaz
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, The University of Haripur, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Qazi Waqas Ahmed
PhD. Scholar, Department of Education,University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.
(3) Sohail Kamran
Assistant Professor,Department of Business Administration, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.
High School Students' Perception of Challenges in Physics Learning and Relevance of Field Dependency
The study examines high school Students’ Perceptions and challenges in learning Physics regarding Field Dependency. Physics is often represented as being abstract and unrelated to the real-life subject. Field Independent students gain higher than the Field Dependent students as hat independent students’ confidence and understanding are higher than dependent students. The study uses a survey with samples of students drawn from both Urdu and English medium from rural and urban higher secondary schools (N = 500). Firstly, a survey questionnaire for perceptions and challenges in Physics learning and second test for Level of Field Dependency of Johnstone experiment test which is also known as group embedded figure test. Field dependency shows high mean value represents the outcome that mostly students are field dependent. Female students’ ratio is exceeded than male students because of the current pattern of education.
Physics, Perceptions, challenges, Level of Field Dependency, Group embedded figure test, Hidden Figure Test
(1) Nasrin Akhter
Assistant Professor,Department of Educational Research and Assessment,University of Okara, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Abdul Majeed Khan
Assistant Professor,Department of Education, University of Mianwali, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Muhammad Naseer Ud Din
Professor, Institute of Education & Research,Kohat University of Science & Technology, Kohat, KP, Pakistan.
National Plan for Devolution of Power under 18th Amendment: Challenges for Government in the New Pakistan
History of the politics of agitation and protest indicate that political agitation has always been converted from any point to the issue of provincial autonomy in Pakistan. The case of Pakistan Tehrik-E-Insaf (PTI), on alleged rigging after the general elections of 2013 also suggests that the protest after general elections 2018 would at last be transformed from rigging to demanding the redressal of provincial grievances over devolution of power under 18th amendment. Since, provincial governments including Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) had continuously been registering grievances about the transfer of liabilities without transferring corresponding assets and resources to provinces. In current scenario under the slogan of 'New-Pakistan' the registering of complaints by political leadership against federation though the card of provincial autonomy would have more and prolonged potential and attraction for the general public rather than merely protest on rigging. Therefore, the biggest challenge for the government in new Pakistan would be addressing the provincial issues. Because sooner or later the protest led by opposition political parties over rigging in 2018 elections would be transformed within one year into the protest for provincial issues. In the backdrop, this study highlights the challenges for newly established government of PTI in-terms of center-province relations over provincial autonomy. Further, conventional approach of federalism (extreme centralized federalism) still prevails in Pakistan which ultimately poses impediments to center-provinces virtuous working relations. That’s why it would be significant to investigate that on what issues working relation between federal and provincial governments may potentially be deteriorate. Political and economic measures have also been suggested in this study for PTI government to address the regional grievances and disparity in New-Pakistan.
Federalism, Provincial Autonomy, 18th Amendment, Challenges, New Pakistan
(1) Sajida Begum
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science & IR, Minhaj University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Imran Ashraf
Assistant Professor, Department of IR, National Defense University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(3) Waseem Ishaque
Assistant Professor, Department of IR, National Defense University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Challenges to Fitness and Coaching During Covid-19
COVID-19 pandemic has halted fast-forwarding activities of the world. Everything has been confined to homes with limited physical activity. The imposition of lockdowns has paralyzed activities and public interaction. Consequently, physical fitness has been disadvantaged compromising public health. Restrictions of COVID-19 also put down coaching and sports. Physical training and interaction between players and coaches are significant to improve players performance. The sports sector affected by pandemics due to the low-level education of the players and coaches and lacking knowledge of modern training programs. Technological illiteracy has also added to the adversity, preventing players from getting effective benefits from online training programs. This study explores the challenges to coaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research also explores a comparison between direct coaching and online training in this regard. The research emphasizes the scope of maintaining physical fitness during pandemics. Findings of the interview conclude that Covid-19 has compromised the coaching and sports performance of athletes, and concepts like distance training remain ineffective due to the purely physical nature of the matter.
Covid-19 Pandemic, Physical Fitness, Direct Coaching, Challenges, Performance
(1) Raheela Anjum
MPhil, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Riphah International University, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Maheen Hashim Khan Burki
MPhil, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Riphah International University, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Muhammad Adnan Jahangir
MPhil, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Riphah International University, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
A Study to Investigate the Issues Facing Teachers in ECE Assessment
This research was undertaken to investigate the problems teachers experience in ECE assessment. A qualitative research design with semi-structured interviewing was undertaken. The study's intent was to identify the assessment techniques used by ECE teachers to assess their students' learning during class. All primary level private schools in urban areas of Lahore were considered as the population of the study. Ten ECE teachers were selected by using a purposive sampling technique from the private school sector of Lahore.The data was analyzed through thematic analysis by using open and axial coding techniques. The major findings were that teachers used different assessments such as small class tasks, question answer techniques and observational techniques. The study revealed that the major issues teachers in ECE assessment were facing were students' individual differences, their level of understanding, their family background and lack of resources.
ECE, Assessment, Challenges, Students, Teachers, Education
(1) Hina Akbar
Lahore College for Women University, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Shabana Manzoor
Lahore College for Women University, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Hafiza Gulnaz Fatima
Lahore College for Women University, Punjab, Pakistan.
Exploring Challenges of IoT-enabled Safe City Projects
The Safe City Project is a complex phenomenon based on the Internet of Things (IoT), interconnected devices using Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The purpose of this study is to explore the challenges faced in the development of Safe City Projects. For this purpose, an exploratory case study was conducted in two main cities i.e. Lahore and Islamabad, Pakistan. Some challenges faced by the management while deploying such projects have been discussed. The population is the top management, Middle management, and lower management. Twenty interviews have been taken from Islamabad and Lahore Safe City Projects. Data were analyzed by Creswell's (2009) technique which outlined the six steps to analyzing case study data in order to develop different patterns, themes and descriptions. The finding of this research reflects that Lahore Safe City Project seems to be more successful whereas the results of the Islamabad Safe City Project reflect partial success. Based on the research findings, this research also documents challenges and their remedial strategies to overcome those issues for better implementation of a Safe City Project in future.
Safe City Projects, IoT, Challenges, Planning, Implementation
(1) Muhammad Kashif Adnan
PhD Scholar, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Abdul Zahid Khan
Assistant Professor, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
A Qualitative Analysis of the Problems and Challenges in Special Education from the Teacher's Perspective in Sargodha Division
Students with special needs have come a long way in their education. Numerous transitions have taken place from special education (SPED) to integrated education, as well as from collaborative learning to inclusive education. The objective of the study was to explore teachers' challenges, obstacles in the teaching-learning process and collaborative impediments. This study's respondents were chosen using the purposive sampling technique. The problems and difficulties faced by SPED educators were identified using the Qualitative Research Method (QRM). Data were analysed using a thematic approach. This paper concludes that accessibility, lack of interdisciplinary team, insufficient technological aids, s/t ratio, community attitudes, transition, policy gaps, budgetary constrain, negative social attitudes, parents' negligence about SEN students and administrative laxity are challenges of SPED department that should need to resolve.
Special Education, Challenges, Teacher’s Perspective
(1) Muhammad Bilal Tahir
PhD Scholar, Superior University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Khawaja Hisham ul Hassan
Assistant Professor, Superior University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Farhana Akmal
Lecturer, Superior University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.