51 Pages : 569-580      10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-II).51      Published : Jun 2023

Green Energy Solutions for the Local Tourist Sector in Pakistan

    The tourism industry in Pakistan has grown, leading to increased energy consumption and environmental degradation. To address this, green energy solutions are being explored. A study examined the potential, barriers, and benefits of such solutions in the local tourist sector. Survey results showed moderate concern for environmental impact, with some support for green energy. However, respondents were hesitant to pay extra for these services. Correlation analysis indicated relationships between variables, but causation requires further study. Thematic analysis revealed awareness and support for sustainable tourism, but more action is needed. The study recommends prioritizing green energy adoption by businesses and government institutions to mitigate environmental impact and maximize tourism's economic and social benefits.

    Tourism Industry, Green Energy Solutions, Environmental Degradation, Mixed-methods Approach, Barriers and Challenges, Sustainable Tourism, Economic and Social Benefits
    (1) Hafsah Batool
    Lecturer / Head of International Resource Centre (DFDI), Department of Economics, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Samra Khalid
    Assistant Professor of Economic, Higher Education Department.
    (3) Touqeer Ahmad
    Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan.

04 Pages : 37-43      10.31703/gssr.2024(IX-III).04      Published : Sep 2024

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): Security Threats and Challenges for Pakistan and China

    The two countries being strategic partners, both Pakistan and China are confronted with a number of security threats and challenges in their respective regions. Internal security threats are a burning issue for Pakistan they include; terrorism, insurgency, sectarian violence, and separatist movements. These threats are often associated with various outside agents, especially countries, and neighbors in this case India and Afghanistan. Globally, China is now perceived as an emergent power and continues to be checked, especially, by powers such as America. In its own region, China too is not immune to security threats with the territorial disputes regarding the South China Sea or the border tensions with India. It is therefore expected that Pakistan like any ally to China will actively engage in coming up with ways and means of combating the above security threats and challenges. 

    CPEC, China, Pakistan, Challenges, Extremism, Terrorism
    (1) Faisal Ahmad
    Lecturer, Department of Politics & International Studies, Karakorum International University Gilgit, Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan.
    (2) Asma Hussain
    Research Associate, Riphah Institute of Public Policy, Riphah International University Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Sibtain Abbas
    Research Scholar, Department of Media and Communication Studies, Karakorum International University, Gilgit, Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan.

05 Pages : 44-49      10.31703/gssr.2024(IX-III).05      Published : Sep 2024

Psychological Wellbeing and Coping Strategies of ADHD Child Caregivers

    Psychological Well-being was discovered as a dynamic that included the subjective, Psychological, and social dimensions and health-related behaviors. A caregiver burden is the type of stress that caregivers experience because of the hurdles and challenges of caregiving.  To assess the burden of caregivers of children with ADHD and examine the psychological well-being with coping strategies.  Correlational research design with purposive sampling technique among psychological wellbeing burden and coping among caregivers of children with ADHD. Demographics are (Age, gender, education level, and marital status) with measurement of psychological well-being scale. The data were collected from Government hospitals in Lahore. Results showed that the alpha coefficient for this scale is a=.96, the caregiver Burden scale is a= .98, and the coping scale a= Burden has a negative correlation with both psychological well-being and coping. Coping has a positive correlation with psychological well-being and has negative correlation with burden.

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Psychological Well-being, Care Giver Burden, Coping Strategies, Challenges, Behavior Problem
    (1) Ambreen Anjum
    Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Virtual University, Pakistan.
    (2) Shahbaz Sharif
    Lecturer, Department of Commerce, University of the Punjab, Jehlum Campus, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Rashid
    Visiting Lecturer, Department of Commerce, University of the Punjab, Jehlum Campus, Punjab, Pakistan.

01 Pages : 1-10      10.31703/gssr.2024(IX-IV).01      Published : Dec 2024

Empowering Futures: The Impact of Cultural, Social, and Economic Disparities on Girls' Education in Jhelum, Pakistan

    Gender inequality poses a challenge to the educational participation of teenage-girls in Jhelum Pakistan. This paper seeks to examine the complex factors underpinning and the extensive effects of gender inequalities in education within this area. The present study details various causes of gender inequalities as analyzed from a qualitative content analysis of various works, which include economic factors, social-cultural beliefs and practices; early marriage, lack of awareness, physical facilities, and gender biases. This study finds that all these factors work together to exclude girls from education and maintain poverty and non-advancement of socio-economic status. Finally, the discussion highlights the need to establish various strategies to address gender inequality, such as; community sensitization, increasing the percentage of girls education, finances, establishing safe school structures, and favorable laws on gender. The solution to these recommendations would help Jhelum move towards the right direction for giving teenage-girls equal education opportunities and better community.

    Gender Inequality, Women Empowerment through Education, Teenage Girls, Jhelum, Social and Cultural Norms, Early Marriage, Economic Challenges, Gender Stereotypes, Educational Access, Financial Support
    (1) Sana Amjad
    Lecturer, Department of Pakistan Studies, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan.

04 Pages : 33-41      10.31703/gssr.2024(IX-IV).04      Published : Dec 2024

Practices and Challenges Regarding Mathematics Laboratory for Pedagogical Purposes at Secondary School Level

    The purpose of this research was to investigate the practices and challenges regarding mathematics laboratory in Punjab at school level. Descriptive survey design was used to collect data through questionnaire. The population was all secondary schools mathematics teachers of district Chakwal. The sample size was 60 through systematic random sampling technique. Only 5 percent of schools had mathematics laboratories but most of the schools had science and computer laboratories even did not have geometrical shapes and activity kits related to mathematics lessons. The big challenge regarding integration of mathematics laboratories was the lack of effective policy from the Government. There was no support from school management to purchase lab-related equipment and not a single period was included in the timetable for the laboratory. It was recommended that govt. may launch an effective policy regarding mathematics laboratory and school management may include three periods per week for mathematics lab work.

    Practical Learning, Mathematics Laboratory, Learner-Centered Pedagogy, Educational Challenges, Policy Implementation
    (1) Muhammad Kashif Hubdar
    PhD Scholar, Department of Educational Sciences, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Jamila Begum
    Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan.

23 Pages : 253-265      10.31703/gssr.2024(IX-IV).23      Published : Dec 2024

Psychosocial and Cultural Challenges of Social Media Influencers in Pakistan: A Qualitative Study

    Social media influence is a rapidly developing market in which influencers face unique challenges linked to their cultural context. The development of digital platforms in Pakistan has enabled influencers to endorse products and advocate for them. This study investigated the experiences and challenges of social media influencers in Pakistan. Using a qualitative research approach, semi-structured interviews were conducted with N= 8 Instagram influencers who each have over 10,000 followers. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was employed to analyze the collected data. Five superordinate themes emerged, including identity shaping, concerns, growth and resilience, challenges, and coping strategies. The findings indicate that while influencers experience a sense of self-identity construction and financial security, women express greater concern regarding appearance and prospects than their male counterparts do. The findings of this study highlight the need for increased awareness and support for social media influencers, particularly in culturally conservative countries such as Pakistan.

    Social Media Influencers, Pakistan, Cultural Challenges, Identity, Coping Mechanisms, Qualitative Research
    (1) Aqsa Nasarullah
    Alumni, Institute of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Farah Latif Naz
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Bhauddin Zakariya University. Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Iram Gul Gillani
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Bhauddin Zakariya University. Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.