Psychological Trauma and Corporal Punishment
The study analyzes Psychological Trauma as a result of Corporal Punishment at Secondary Level. The population was all the students of 10th class which made a population of 30200 students in Tehsils of District Malakand of KPK. Sixteen secondary schools and twenty-six students from each school were taken as a sample by using a simple random method. The research instrument DASS 42 about corporal punishment used four options, home, at school, both at home and school and neither at home nor at school. The questionnaire was administered to 416 students and 400 were received. The findings of the study were that a significant association of corporal punishment with psychological trauma i.e. depression, anxiety and stress was found. The students were corporally punished both at homes and schools had moderate or severe level of stress, anxiety and depression..
Students’ Corporal Punishment, Psychological Trauma, Depression, Anxiety and Stress
(1) Asghar Ali
Assistant ProfessorFaculty of Education, University of Malakand, Chakdara, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Mushtaq Ahmad Malik
Assistant Professor,Department of Education,University of Sargodha, Sarghoda, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Itbar Khan
Lecturer,Department of Education,University of Malakand, Chakdara, KP, Pakistan.
Depression among Pregnant Females in Punjab, Pakistan: Effect of State-Trait Anxiety
The objective of the study is to examine the impact of state-trait anxiety on depression among pregnant females. A crosssectional study was carried out on pregnant females of all three trimesters from March 2019 to December 2019. The study collected data from pregnant females 153 age 18 to 47 years using the purposive sampling technique. Respondents were from Government and private hospitals of two metropolitan cities of Punjab, Pakistan (Lahore and Faisalabad). All the pregnant females completed a demographic sheet, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory(S-TA), and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) to assess the level of anxiety and depression among pregnant females. The SPSS version 23 was used for data analysis. The regression results highlighted that state-trait anxiety positively predicted depression among pregnant women, with a 16% variance in the outcome variable. Pregnant females experience a diverse level of anxiety and stress that can have serious consequences for the childbearing women as well can make the pregnancy process more complicated if treated with early intervention.
Pregnancy, Anxiety, Depression, Trimesters
(1) Rabia Sajjad
Department of Applied Psychology, Government College Women University, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
(2) Umara Rauf
Department of Psychology, Government College Women University, Sialkot, Pakistan.
(3) Rafit Saheed
School of Public Policy, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad, Pakistan.
A Comparative Analysis of the Student Motivation in Light of Glynn and Kobal-la (2006) Five Factors Model at a Higher level
It was a comparative analysis of students' motivation in light of Glynn and Kobal-la (2006) five factors model at a higher level. Objectives were to assess the level of students' motivation and differences in the students' motivation on the basis of gender/age/university.The population was 9615 students of public universities of Islamabad. By using a convenient sampling technique, 260 students were selected. The tool was developed by Mubeen and Reid (2014), in light of the G AND K model. The data was analyzed by using Cronbach alpha reliability, intersection correlation, t-test, and ANOVA. The majority of respondents were above Average level of motivation. A significant difference between male and female students related to all the factors of motivation, and females were found better than male students. However, age-wise, no significant difference was found related to motivation. Overall, Air University students were found better than other universities. It is recommended that teachers and management need to plan group work for students not only involved but also engage them in positive competitions. There is a need to develop a sense of responsibility. Teachers need to set achievable goals as well for students to encourage task completion
Motivation, Intrinsic Motivation, Self Efficacy, Assessment Anxiety, Grade Motivation
(1) Jamila Begum
Lecturer, Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Javeria Shabbir
Lecturer, Management Sciences, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan
(3) Quratul Ain Hina
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Thanatophobia and Psychological Distress among Health Care Workers during COVID-19
The Outbreak of COVID-19 has caused distress all around the world. The healthcare professionals significant risk of transmitting coronavirus to others. This research determines the predictive effects of thanatophobia on psychological distress among healthcare workers during COVID-19. The demographic differences were related to age, gender, job title, and year of experience examined in the study variables. The data were collected on the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale and the Templer’s Death Anxiety Scale from doctors, nurses, and paramedical staff in different hospitals of District Haripur, KPK Pakistan via a convenient sampling technique. Findings showed that thanatophobia predicted a 33.5% increase in psychological distress. Women and doctors were more phobic and distressed than men, nurses, and paramedical staff. The older workers with more job experience had high thanatophobia and low psychological distress than their counterparts. The study’s limitations and recommendations are discussed.
Covid-19, Death Anxiety, Distress, Healthcare, Year of Experience
(1) Najia Zulfiqar
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, The University of Haripur, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Alveera Habib
Undergraduate Student, Department of Psychology, The University of Haripur, KP, Pakistan
(3) Muhammad Hassan
Graduate Student, Department of Medical Lab Technology, The University of Haripur, KP, Pakistan.
Students SES status and Test anxiety of the Undergraduate University Students
This paper was to study the relationship between socio economic status and test anxiety of undergraduate students. All the undergraduate students of all the departments of Sargodha University were the population. A sample pertaining 550 students were selected through multistage random including 181 male and 369 female students, selecting 50 students from 11 departments. Instruments were adapted socioeconomic status survey for students and Test Anxiety Scale (WTAS). After pilot testing both the instruments on 100 students, Cronbach Alpha value for WTAS was 0.79, and SACQ was 0.90. The study was descriptive and survey. Analysis of data was done through frequencies, means, percentages t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson r. The majority of students showed a moderate level of SES as well text anxiety, female undergraduate students are of higher SES level and text anxiety than males, and no relationship between SES and test anxiety of the undergraduate students was found. A recommendation is that students may be exposed to group projects, seminars and guidance, and counseling sessions regarding test anxiety.
Socioeconomic Status, Test Anxiety, Undergraduate Students
(1) Farah Shafiq
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Ahmad Bilal Cheema
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Saifullah Khan
Lecturer, Government College Farooka, Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan.
Anxiety and Academic Performance of Undergraduate University Students
Aim of the study was to find out the relationship between anxiety with academic performance of undergraduate university students. The study was conducted for the objectives; (i) to find out the anxiety level of undergraduate university students. (ii) to identify the level of achievement scores (GPA) and co-curricular activities of undergraduate university students, and (iii) to find out the relationship between anxiety and academic performance of undergraduate university students. A sample of 408, including 195 male and 213 female 2nd-semester undergraduate BS students from 12 different departments out of 4 faculties of the University of the Sargodha, taking 34 students from each department, were selected through multistage random sampling techniques. Two instruments, anxiety scale and performance checklists, were developed to collect data from students. Research instruments were validated through experts' opinions, pilot testing was done, and the reliability coefficient Cronbach Alpha value for the anxiety scale was .832. Frequencies, mean, standard deviation, t-tests and Pearson correlation were used for data analysis. There was a weak and negative relationship between anxiety and achievement scores of undergraduate university students whereas. But there was a significant but weak and negative relationship between anxiety and achievement scores and co-curricular activities of undergraduate university students. So it is recommended that teachers of the university may integrate activities in their classroom teaching to keep students involved and reduce anxiety.
Anxiety, Academic Performance & Undergraduate University Students
(1) Muhammad Naveed Khalid
Resource Person, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan
(2) Farah Shafiq
Assistant Professor, Division of Education, University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
(3) Mushtaq Ahmad
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan
Social Interaction Anxiety as Mediating Role of Mental Well-being and Quality of Life Among University Students
"How does our minds connect to dissatisfaction in relationship with others and the mindset that arises at a result hereof a connection?" is a question that needs an answer. The researchers aimed to survey university students. Examining the interplay between anxiety, mental wellness, and happiness, this research used an overall correlational methodology. Three hundred individuals, comprising both undergraduates and graduates, were selected from a variety of schools using a purposive sampling approach. The collected data was sorted and evaluated using SPSS (26). There was a negative link between interacting anxiety and both cognitive health and life happiness, according to the findings of the correlational analysis. On the other side, living a fulfilled life was positively correlated with psychological well-being. Anxiety about social interactions and overall pleasure are both influenced by an individual's mental health, according to model-wise regression with lines analysis.
Social Interaction Anxiety, Mental Well-being, Quality of Life, University Students
(1) Hamna Zaman
MS Scholar, Department of Clinical Psychology, Bahria University Islamabad (campus), Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Zainab Bibi
MS Scholar, Department of Clinical Psychology, Bahria University Lahore, (Campus), Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Abeeha Arshad
MPhil Scholar, Department of Psychology Riphah International University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.