It was a comparative analysis of students’ motivation in light of Glynn and Kobal-la (2006) five factors model at a higher level. Objectives were to assess the level of students' motivation and differences in the students' motivation on the basis of gender/age/university. The population was 9615 students of public universities of Islamabad. By using a convenient sampling technique, 260 students were selected. The tool was developed by Mubeen and Reid (2014), in light of the G&K model. The data was analyzed by using Cronbach alpha reliability, intersection correlation, t-test, and ANOVA. The majority of respondents were above Average level of motivation. A significant difference between male and female students related to all the factors of motivation, and females were found better than male students. However, age-wise, no significant difference was found related to motivation. Overall, Air University students were found better than other universities. It is recommended that teachers and management need to plan group work for students not only involved but also engage them in positive competitions. There is a need to develop a sense of responsibility. Teachers need to set achievable goals as well for students to encourage task completion.
Key Words
Motivation, Intrinsic Motivation, Self Efficacy, Assessment Anxiety, Grade Motivation
Motivation is a concept of psychology that attempts to explain the quality of behaviors exhibited in different tasks. Motivation is the basic element of success in all activities of the world. It refers to the drive that initiates the desired behavior (Watters & Ginns, 2000). Human beings have a variety of feelings, emotions, modes, interests, and choices. It is generally difficult to judge a person and to assess his feelings, emotions, and choices. However, this has been the topic of interest of researchers in the past few years to explore the ways, styles, and factors that motivate a person. Motivation is the key to productivity in all organizations. Especially in educational organizations, student and teacher motivation is the most essential part of management. Factors of motivation can differ from person to person, position to position, and situation to situation but the quality of the work productivity depends on the level of interest and motivation.
Student motivation is a debatable topic for researchers. Internal and external both types of motivation play an important role in student academic achievement. Human interest is affected by internal and external both factors. Additionally, the demographic characteristics also effects the nature and level of motivation among students; gender differences, age variation and learning environment also effects the motivation of students. It is the most essential function of an educational organization to provide such an interesting and supportive environment that student motivation must increase.
However, it has also been observed that at higher-level education, students have multiple reasons, interests, and factors of motivation. Their interests and reasons also change with the passage of time. Thus this study is planned to analyze student motivation in detail. Gender, age, and university variation would also be addressed by researchers in this regard.
Statement of the Problem
The study in hand has been designed by keeping in view motivation as a key element of success in a student's academic career. Thus this study aims at the analysis of student motivation studying at the university level. Higher education is one of the most important steps in the educational career of the students and the students are mature enough at this stage to realize the importance of education. Thus the study would compare the differences in the motivation of the student's gender, age and university wise.
1. To evaluate the level of students’ motivation.
2. To appraise the difference in the students' motivation gender-wise.
3. To appraise differences in the students' motivation age-wise.
4. To appraise difference in the students' motivation on the basis of university (Included as Sample).
Research Hypotheses
Ho1: There is no statistical difference in the students' motivation gender-wise.
Ho2: There is no statistical difference in the students’ motivation age wise.
Ho3: There is no statistical difference in the students' motivation university-wise (Included as Sample).
Significance of the Study
This research is important because it provides empirical evidence for educational administrators, teachers, and curriculum developers to consider changes in curriculum and teaching methodologies to enhance the motivation level among students by keeping in view their gender, age, and environmental differences.
Literature Review
Motivation is an inner state to trigger, guide and maintain goal-oriented behavior. Pintrich and Schunk (2002) take motivation as a method that takes place for a goal-directed activity that remains activated and continuous. Students must be motivated to participate in meaningful and valuable activities and task which help in their learning (Glynn & Koballa, 2006). Well-motivated students can achieve academic goals by involving themselves in different tasks such as question/answer sessions, laboratory work, and group work (Schunk, Pintrinch & Meese, 2008). According to Bandura (1997), a person's belief in his ability is called self-efficacy, while it is the ability of having the confidence to perform a task well although he/she has less efficiency. On the contrary, a higher level of ability tends to enhance their level of motivation level which will increase their performance levels. Schunk (2004) argues that motivational disharmony is influenced by many factors, including individual, society characteristics, teaching methods, family state and culture.
Motivation is, whether intrinsic motivation or extrinsic motivation, it is considered as the most important psychological concept in the field of education. It can be expressed by the realization of setting their personal goals and taking an interest in their core areas; and relying on external recognition and pressure (Dearnley & Matthew, 2007).
Motivation has multiple forms, such as intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, personal relevance, self-efficacy, and self-determination (Steward, Bachman and Johnson, 2010). Self-determination and assessment of anxiety, when a student succeeds, it produces a series of incentives of reflection, contact, self-confidence & self-esteem in a positive manner. So it is the duty of educators at the tertiary level to create a positive working environment that encourages and disseminates a safe learning & achievement environment (Freitas & Leonard, 2011).If there is a chance of success, then students will be self-motivated and will struggle to seek more ways to win and be energetic, which will help to develop qualities and potentials that will also help to enhance their professional status in the future (Maxwell, 2013).
Motivation for students contributes more in developing best practices among educators, such as improving various teaching skills, further demonstrating verbal & non-verbal behavior, creating positive impressions, and stimulating learner interest (Falout, Elwood & Hood, 2009). In addition, the content is linked to the student's needs, his/her concerns, their goals, motivation, and experiences; they are encouraged to apply self-talking and affirmation and emphasize that increased efforts are most likely to lead to success and add value to the student's readiness to learn (Wentzel, Battle, Russell & Looney, 2010).
There are primarily five key structures in the self-regulatory system that adds to the overall willingness of students to learn (Bandura, 2001). First, there are internal and external motivations, the motivation to do something for inner satisfaction and benefit is mainly internal, and the motivation to achieve the goal which belongs to the external environment is mainly external. Secondly, students have intrinsic motivation along their learning objectives to seek to understand and master scientific content and skills, while students with performance goals tend to be externally motivated, seeking the highest scores and impressing their teachers (Cavallo, Rozman, Blinkenstaff & Walker, 2003). Third, there is self-determination, motivations increase when students think they have some degree of control over learning, such as choosing some of their experimental subjects (Reeve, Hamm, & Nix, 2003). Fourth, self-efficacy, defined by Bandura (1997), is the belief in the ability of a person to organize and perform the actions required to produce a certain achievement. Students' self-efficacy was found to predict the results of a university science course (Zusho & Pintrich, 2003). Fifth, there is assessment anxiety; high levels of assessment anxiety have been found to hinder student motivation and achievement (Cassady & Johnson, 2002).
The motivation for educators is hard to calculate; because learning motivation is difficult to describe as we require some indicators to observe and measure motivation must be to find behaviors that exhibit motivation of both levels (high and low). However, most methods rely on their own reporting, which only measures the perceptions of respondents and may or may not be able to reflect the actual position (Danili & Reid, 2004). Teachers have the ability to identify those who are highly motivated easily because of their work styles, their commitment, and passion. Similarly, those learners who are not motivated to work, so they do not meet the perceived needs. In fact, even students who are motivated on the surface can actively participate in the learning experience when classroom activities are arranged in such a way to meet the academic requirements/needs of learners. In order to learn to succeed, it must attract attention and interest.
In the past decade, gender differences in motivation have gained a lot of attention from researchers (Greene & DeBacker, 2004; Greenfield, 1998). Although study (Lai, Chan, & Wong, 2006) reported that there are gender-based differences exist in both (male or female), they differ from one another in extrinsic motivation as well as intrinsic motivation (Rusillo and Arias,2004) and Glynn (2009). According to Britner and Pajeras (2006) found that middle school boys were found with more self-efficacy in learning than girls. Cavallo, Potter, and Rozman (2004) and Taasoobshirazi (2007) said that college boys were significantly higher than girls in terms of self-efficacy. According to Meece and Jones (1996), boys are more able to control their learning and evaluate different problems as compared to girls in terms of self-determination. On the other hand, girls try to avoid problem-solving, reduce risk, and demand more help as compared to boys, although they (female) believe that they are more able to control over learning as compared to male students, in case of personal relevance, there is no gender-based difference (Glynn, 2009).
Motivation has a vital role in the life of a student in his professional capacity at a higher level. There are basically two types of motivation; a) intrinsic motivation b) extrinsic motivation. When we talk about intrinsic motivation, it means when a student is willing to do something by his or her own will, when a student is internally motivated to gain something or learn something using his or her own driven capacity. While on the other side, an extrinsic motivation means that there is an eternal factor is involved in his or her motivation towards learning. It can be in monetary terms or be non-monetary. For example, a person is motivated by getting some bonus in the form of money or by getting some appreciation or praise from his or her instructor (Ryan & Deci, 2000).
Definition of Motivation in Recent Decades
When we look at the concept of motivation in recent decades, we see that researchers and teachers were very much interested in students' interest and motivation because learner motivation is the main factor that contributes towards his or her academic achievement and his or her desired learning outcomes. According to Lumsden (1994), he said that motivation is the main factor that pulls learners to achieve something by his or their own willingness. If a student is well-motivated, he or she will face challenges during the learning process; otherwise, he or she will fail to perform that task even though they are well equipped with outstanding abilities ( Dornyei,2015).
Motivation is the main factor that is responsible for taking on the learning activity, and it is the foremost condition to provide the boost and speed to the learning process. According to Dornyei (2020), a factor of motivation is strongly associated with involvement, and in order to achieve the maximum involvement of a learner, his or her motivation must be ensured. Dornyei also suggested that to keep the learner involved and engaged in the learning process, whether it is the traditional mode or online learning, it is necessary that a student must be motivated towards learning.
According to Hedge (2001), he said that student's motivation can be acquired through different experiences gained in the classroom, which plays a significant role in his or her learning.
Motivation in Online Courses
Online teaching-learning started in the mid 1990s and is widely spread with so many benefits, i.e., broader and easy access to teaching-learning activities and educational opportunities. There is an important factor as well, which cannot be ignored, that is, students motivation along with teacher's skills(Barbour & Reeves, 2009; Campbell & Sarac, 2018).
According to Hartnett (2016), on line learning activities can be explained as a kind of distance learning conducted by using technological support in the learner's own isolated setting away from the direct teaching-learning source.
During the Covid crisis, a shift from a traditional classroom environment towards online courses was implemented on very short notice. All teachers and students have experienced the situation of uncertainty and unpredictability about the effectiveness and significance of the teaching-learning environment.
Many questions have been aroused about the impact of the educational process, but the most important concern was students' motivation in the online distance learning platform, which was a new situation and experience for all stakeholders. For the online teaching-learning process, there is a need of ICT skilled teachers, and students should also be trained in the handling of technology. The development of ICT (information and communication technologies) is leading towards a major contribution in teaching-learning process. ICT (information and communication technologies) and the use of the internet support educational activities in the pandemic situation, and they are openly and flexibly contributing in the educational process. It is well understood that some activities or components of the educational environment affect students behavior during all the educational processes, either in the face-to-face or online mode of the teaching-learning process. The main component which contributes a lot to the teaching-learning process is motivation. Motivation is the factor that plays a vital role in the educational process, if a student is willing to learn something, he or she will definitely learn more than other fellows. Motivated students play a significant role in all forms of education, even more than in online classes when students are alone in their efforts. The online situation is a lonely affair when students are less supported by their family and friends, and the only factor motivation is there to keep them on track.
Effects of Motivation on Students’ Learning and Behavior
Motivation has several effects on students' learning and behavior. In these areas, the first and most significant role of motivation is to direct the behavior of a student towards a specific goal. Motivation also helps in determining that particular goal towards which students strive, so it affects the interest and choices of those students. It guides them to choose the area where they want to go in the future, which means providing them career counseling. For example, motivation gives them guidance whether they want to get enrollment in art discipline or science discipline, in which school or college they want to get admission, also helps in priorities their activities according to their requirement. Motivation also gives them a boost and energy towards their activities. It also determines whether a student can perform or pursue the task (although it may be difficult for him or her) with full participation and enthusiasm or with lackluster behavior. Motivation also helps students their persistence towards tasks assigned to them. It also increases the learner's time on any given task or activity, which is another important factor that affects the learning and academic achievement of a learner. Motivation is also responsible to enhance the cognitive processing of students, which in return influence the given information because when students are well motivated to do some task, they are willing to give attention and try to explain and comprehend the taught material instead of producing the same or simply recall the learning material as it is in a superficial manner. Motivation is actually a responsible factor that determines the consequences either positively contributing to learning or negatively means either reinforcement or punishment. Students will be highly motivated to secure an A- grade who have high GPAs in their academic achievement in their classroom learning, and they will be considered themselves punished if they have a grade- F.
Creating a Highly Motivated Classroom
There are traditional tools used by educators and institutions to recognize and try to motivate learners to secure high achievement in their academics. Some of those tools are as; certification, honor roll, and recognition at school assemblies, and students try to get more and more awards. Underachieving learners are not really motivated to do the things that seem unapproachable. Most of people would be extremely motivated to perform such kinds of tasks involving the incentives in terms of money, not considering the skill development as an incentive.
How can the teacher help Students to Learn?
It's a teacher who has to do a lot with his or her student to motivate to engage them in the teaching-learning process. Maybe a student come to a classroom with a certain level of motivation, but the teacher's conduct, his or her teaching style and even his or her behavior, content he or she has to teach, the nature of project or assignment allocation, and informal interaction with his or her students all contribute to lessen the motivation level of a student, which can affect the whole career of student badly. It is a prime duty of a teacher to enhance the motivational group of their students.
Theoretical Framework
Glynn and Koballa (2006) explained motivation as a combination of five factors. These 5- factors are as follows
• Intrinsic Motivation & Personal Relevance
• Self-efficacy & Assessment Anxiety
• Self-determination
• Career Motivation
• Grade Motivation
The following diagram explains the model presented by Glynn and Koballa (2006):
Figure 1
Theoretical Framework by Glynn and Koballa (2006)

Thus, this model served as a base for the data collection tool.
Research Approach
The research in hand was quantitative in nature. Data was collected through a questionnaire. By the method, the research was descriptive research that addressed the issue related to the present situation. A further comparative style was adopted to conduct the research. The respondent's demographic characteristics related to gender, age, and affiliation with the university were used as the base for comparative analysis.
Nine thousand six hundred fifteen social sciences students enrolled in the public universities of Islamabad (session spring 2018) were the population of the research.
Due to shortage of time, resources and unavailability of comprehensive students name list the convenient sampling method was used to select the sample. 260 students from the different departments of social sciences were sample size.
Data Collection Tool
The researcher adopted a questionnaire
developed by Mubeen and Reid (2006) in the light of the Model presented by Glynm and Kobal-la (2006) for the purpose of data collection. This questionnaire was based on five sections containing 30 items in total. Glynn and Kobal-la (2006) proposed 5- factors of motivation in their model that were as follows:
• Intrinsic Motivation and Personal relevance
• Self-Efficacy and Assessment Anxiety
• Self-determination
• Career Motivation
• Grade Motivation
The above-mentioned five factors formed five sections of the questionnaire.
Data Collection
Researchers personally visited the sample students and distributed the questionnaire. The respondents were given time (approximately 15-20 minutes) to fill the questionnaire individually.
Data Analysis
The data was analyzed by using various statistical techniques with the
help of the SPSS 20th version. The following table explains the data
analysis procedure:
Table 1. Description of Data Analysis
S. No |
Objectives |
Statistical Techniques |
1. |
To evaluate the level of students’ motivation. |
Individual score |
2. |
To appraise the difference in the students' motivation gender-wise. |
Independent sample t-test |
3. |
To appraise the difference in the students’ motivation age wise. |
Independent sample t-test |
4. |
To appraise the difference in the student’s motivation on the basis
of university |
Table 2. Reliability
of the Scale
Scale |
Sub Scales |
Items |
Cronbach’s Alpha |
Student Motivation Assessment Scale |
30 |
.94 |
Factor 1 |
10 |
.89 |
Factor 2 |
09 |
.80 |
Factor 3 |
04 |
.77 |
Factor 4 |
02 |
.72 |
Factor 5 |
05 |
.78 |
Table No. 2 above explains the reliability of the scale. Student
motivation assessment scale was found reliable at .94, while the Cronbach’s
Alpha reliability of its subsections/variables (IM, SE, SD, CM and GM) was .89,
.80, .77, .72 and .78.
Table 3. Inter Section Correlation between the
subscales of Student Motivation Assessment Scale
Factor1(IM) |
Factor2(SE) |
Factor 3(SD) |
Factor 4(CM) |
Factor 5(GM) |
Student Motivation |
Factor 1(IM) |
1 |
Factor 2(SE) |
.672** |
1 |
Factor 3(SD) |
.674** |
.727** |
1 |
Factor 4(CM) |
.616** |
.647** |
.670** |
1 |
Factor 5(GM) |
.428** |
.686** |
.491** |
.564** |
1 |
Motivation |
.887** |
.907** |
.841** |
.773** |
.691** |
1 |
Table No. 3
shows the correlation between the subscales of the student motivation
assessment scale. The table explains that the highest correlation was found
between self-efficacy and the student motivation assessment scale (.907**).
While the lowest correlation (.428**) was found between sections related to
intrinsic motivation and grade motivation. All sections were found
statistically significantly correlated with each other at a 0.001 level of
Table 4. Level of Student Motivation
Level |
Score |
N |
Percentage |
Below Average |
30-70 |
16 |
6 |
Average |
71-105 |
108 |
42 |
Above Average |
100+ |
136 |
52 |
Table No. 4
shows the level of student motivation. It explains that the majority of the
students had an above-average level of motivation. The level of motivation was
divided into four levels (below average, average, and above average). Students
scoring between 30-70 were considered in the category of below average,
students scoring between 71-105 were considered as average, and students
scoring 106 or above were considered as above average.
Table 5. Difference in student motivation
on the basis of gender (N=260)
Variable |
Sub Variable |
Group (Gender) |
N |
Mean |
t |
df |
Sig. |
Motivation |
Male |
124 |
109.94 |
4.19 |
258 |
.000 |
Female |
136 |
109.91 |
Intrinsic motivation |
Male |
124 |
36.48 |
3.12 |
258 |
.00 |
Female |
136 |
39.34 |
Self-efficacy |
Male |
124 |
31.76 |
4.75 |
258 |
.000 |
Female |
136 |
35.16 |
Self-determination |
Male |
124 |
14.48 |
3.19 |
258 |
.00 |
Female |
136 |
15.72 |
Career motivation |
Male |
124 |
7.35 |
2.93 |
258 |
.004 |
Female |
136 |
7.99 |
Grade motivation |
Male |
124 |
10.85 |
2.85 |
258 |
.00 |
Female |
136 |
11.71 |
Table No. 5
explains the difference in students' motivation gender wise. According to the
results, there was a statistically significant difference (t=4.19) between male
students and female students with reference to motivation. Thus hypothesis No.
1 is rejected. Further there was statistically significant difference found
related to intrinsic motivation (t=3.12), self-efficacy (t=4.75),
self-determination (t=3.19), career motivation (t=2.93) and grade motivation
(t=2.85). In this way hypothesis, No. 1is rejected.
Table 6. Difference in student motivation
on the basis of Age (N=260)
Variable |
Sub Variable |
Group (Age) |
N |
Mean |
t |
df |
Sig. |
Motivation |
20-30 |
148 |
106.30 |
.70 |
258 |
.48 |
31-40 |
112 |
104.74 |
Intrinsic motivation |
20-30 |
148 |
38.18 |
.50 |
258 |
.61 |
31-40 |
112 |
37.71 |
Self-efficacy |
20-30 |
148 |
33.80 |
.79 |
258 |
.42 |
31-40 |
112 |
33.20 |
Self-determination |
20-30 |
148 |
15.03 |
.60 |
258 |
.54 |
31-40 |
112 |
15.27 |
Career motivation |
20-30 |
148 |
7.80 |
1.26 |
258 |
.20 |
31-40 |
112 |
7.53 |
Grade motivation |
20-30 |
148 |
11.49 |
1.47 |
258 |
.14 |
31-40 |
112 |
11.01 |
Table No. 6
shows that there was no statistically significant difference found related to
student motivation based on age variation (t=.70). Thus hypothesis No. 2 is
failed to reject. Further no statistically significant difference found related
to IM(t=.50), SE (t=.79), SD(t=.60), CM(t=1.26) and GM(t=1.47). Thus hypothesis
No 2 is approved.
Table 7. The difference in student
motivation on the basis of University (N=260)
Variable |
Sub Variable |
Group (University) |
N |
Mean |
F |
df |
Sig. |
Motivation |
Name |
100 |
110.00 |
23.32 |
Bahria |
80 |
95.20 |
257 |
.00 |
Air |
80 |
110.60 |
Intrinsic motivation |
Name |
100 |
39.70 |
18.57 |
Bahria |
80 |
34.00 |
257 |
.00 |
Air |
80 |
39.80 |
Self-efficacy |
Name |
100 |
35.14 |
20.29 |
Bahria |
80 |
30.23 |
257 |
.00 |
Air |
80 |
34.85 |
Self-determination |
Name |
100 |
15.80 |
13.29 |
Bahria |
80 |
13.68 |
257 |
.00 |
Air |
80 |
15.75 |
Career motivation |
Name |
100 |
7.84 |
14.18 |
Bahria |
80 |
6.90 |
257 |
.00 |
Air |
80 |
8.28 |
Grade motivation |
Name |
100 |
11.52 |
9.04 |
Bahria |
80 |
10.40 |
257 |
.00 |
Air |
80 |
11.93 |
Table 8. The difference in Student
Motivation on the basis of University (Post-Hoc) (N=260)
Variable |
universities |
universities |
Mean Difference |
Sig. |
Total |
Name |
Baharia |
14.800* |
.000 |
Air |
-.600 |
.808 |
Baharia |
Name |
-14.800* |
.000 |
Air |
-15.400* |
.000 |
Air |
Numl |
.600 |
.808 |
Baharia |
15.400* |
.000 |
Motivation |
Name |
Baharia |
5.700* |
.000 |
Air |
-.100 |
.924 |
Baharia |
Name |
-5.700* |
.000 |
Air |
-5.800* |
.000 |
Air |
Numl |
.100 |
.924 |
Baharia |
5.800* |
.000 |
Self-efficacy |
Name |
Baharia |
4.915* |
.000 |
Air |
.290 |
.730 |
Baharia |
Name |
-4.915* |
.000 |
Air |
-4.625* |
.000 |
Air |
Name |
-.290 |
.730 |
Baharia |
4.625* |
.000 |
Self-Determination |
Numl |
Baharia |
2.125* |
.000 |
Air |
.050 |
.913 |
Baharia |
Name |
-2.125* |
.000 |
Air |
-2.075* |
.000 |
Air |
Name |
-.050 |
.913 |
Baharia |
2.075* |
.000 |
Motivation |
Name |
Baharia |
.940* |
.000 |
Air |
-.435 |
.084 |
Baharia |
Name |
-.940* |
.000 |
Air |
-1.375* |
.000 |
Air |
Numl |
.435 |
.084 |
Baharia |
1.375* |
.000 |
Grade Motivation |
Name |
Baharia |
1.120* |
.002 |
Air |
-.405 |
.254 |
Baharia |
Name |
-1.120* |
.002 |
Air |
-1.525* |
.000 |
Air |
Numl |
.405 |
.254 |
Baharia |
1.525* |
.000 |
Table No. 7 and
8 explain the difference in student motivation on the basis of universities
included in the sample. Researchers targeted three universities as the sample
of the study that was NUML, Bahria and Air University.
Data analysis
showed that there was a statistically significant difference (F=23.32) in
student motivation on the basis of university variation. Students from Air
University were found more motivated as compared to other students. Further
significant difference found related to intrinsic motivation (F=18.57),
self-efficacy (F=20.29), self-determination (F=13.29), career motivation
(F=14.18) and grade motivation (F=9.04). Students from Air University were
found better related to IM, CM and GM. While related to SE and SD, students
from NUML were found better.
Objective No.1 was about to assess the level of students' motivation. The data revealed that the majority (136/260) of the respondents were having Above Average level of motivation. That shows that the students at the higher education level are well motivated towards their studies and are aware of the importance of education. Motivation has a very vital role in the academic success of the students. However, there are multiple factors involved that affect the motivation of the students. There are individual differences also present, and the same is the case with motivation (Britner & Pajares, 2006). Every child has a different factor in getting motivated towards the study (Cassady & Johnson, 2002). However, the higher-level students are more mature and well aware about the need and importance of education, and they are usually self directed learners (Glynn & Koballa, 2006).
The second objective was about to assess the difference in the student's motivation, gender, age, and universities wise included in the sample. There was a significant difference found between male and female students related to all the factors of motivation and girls were better in comparison with boys. The common observation in Pakistani society is that females are found more hard-working and devoted towards the education as compared to the male students (Greenfield, 1998). Same is the finding of this study as well. The female are found more motivated as compared to the male students. There can be many factors that can be the reason of this. Female in Pakistani society are having less opportunities generally towards higher education due to any reasons. This also creates a sense of importance and thrust towards getting higher education. While no significant difference was found related to motivation based on age. Among universities, a statistically significant difference was found related to all the sub-factors of motivation. Overall the students from Air University were found better in comparison to the other two sample universities. The environment where one is spending time and its culture also effects on the motivation of the individual (Schunk, 2004). This can be the reason that the students from Air University found better in the level of motivation. The universities need to provide a challenging environment to the students where they can think, share and create knowledge. The universities are the factories that produce manpower for the country and the government need to focus on the facilities of these institutions in order to get productive citizens.
Majority respondents were Above Average level of motivation which shows that the students at university level are well motivated towards their studies, and they know the importance of education as well. The common observation in Pakistani society is that females are more hard-working and devoted towards education as compared to the male students (Greenfield, 1998). Same is the finding of this study as well. The female are found more motivated as compared to the male students.
1. Thus it is recommended that the teachers and the management need to plan group work for the students to get them involved in the work. They need to be engaged in positive competitions and there is a need to develop a sense of responsibility.
2. Teachers need to set achievable goals for the students to encourage them for the task completion.
3. The role of teachers is significant to enhance the level of motivation of students so they may arrange academic competitions within the universities to encourage the students.
4. University may call motivational speakers periodically to arrange an interactive session with the students.
5. Regular teacher-parent meeting can also be fruitful in this regard.
6. Different job fairs can also be arranged by the university management to motivate the students to get a good job opportunity
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APA : Begum, J., Shabbir, J., & Hina, Q. A. (2021). A Comparative Analysis of the Student Motivation in Light of Glynn and Kobal-la (2006) Five Factors Model at a Higher level. Global Social Sciences Review, VI(II), 299-310. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-II).30
CHICAGO : Begum, Jamila, Javeria Shabbir, and Quratul Ain Hina. 2021. "A Comparative Analysis of the Student Motivation in Light of Glynn and Kobal-la (2006) Five Factors Model at a Higher level." Global Social Sciences Review, VI (II): 299-310 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-II).30
HARVARD : BEGUM, J., SHABBIR, J. & HINA, Q. A. 2021. A Comparative Analysis of the Student Motivation in Light of Glynn and Kobal-la (2006) Five Factors Model at a Higher level. Global Social Sciences Review, VI, 299-310.
MHRA : Begum, Jamila, Javeria Shabbir, and Quratul Ain Hina. 2021. "A Comparative Analysis of the Student Motivation in Light of Glynn and Kobal-la (2006) Five Factors Model at a Higher level." Global Social Sciences Review, VI: 299-310
MLA : Begum, Jamila, Javeria Shabbir, and Quratul Ain Hina. "A Comparative Analysis of the Student Motivation in Light of Glynn and Kobal-la (2006) Five Factors Model at a Higher level." Global Social Sciences Review, VI.II (2021): 299-310 Print.
OXFORD : Begum, Jamila, Shabbir, Javeria, and Hina, Quratul Ain (2021), "A Comparative Analysis of the Student Motivation in Light of Glynn and Kobal-la (2006) Five Factors Model at a Higher level", Global Social Sciences Review, VI (II), 299-310
TURABIAN : Begum, Jamila, Javeria Shabbir, and Quratul Ain Hina. "A Comparative Analysis of the Student Motivation in Light of Glynn and Kobal-la (2006) Five Factors Model at a Higher level." Global Social Sciences Review VI, no. II (2021): 299-310. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-II).30