Potential Benefits of Bilingual Teaching in Learning History
Bilingual education has been controversial since the beginning of educational programs, there is still uncertainty among school leaders while deciding the medium of instructions for their system especially while measuring its impact on students’ learning. This research evaluated the outcomes of bilingual education for the subject of History. The target population of this research was grade V students studying in a private school In Pakistan. This study explored benefits of bilingual teaching by adopting Urdu language explanation and discussion for clarifying details. Scaffolding and Translanguaging were applied during the history periods and positive results were recorded after the intervention., benefits were observed on the overall academic performance, class participation and conceptual clarity of the experimental group who were taught with bilingually. Conclusively, bilingual instructions proved to be aid that supported learning.
Bi-lingual, Trans-language, Scaffolding, ELL (English language learners)
(1) Sara Sehar
School manager, Department of Social Science, Greenwich University, Karachi, Pakistan.
(2) S. Khurram Khan Alwi
Associate Professor, Department of Social Science, Greenwich University, Karachi, Pakistan.
(3) Mohammad Shaiq
Director ORIC, Department of Social Science, Greenwich University, Karachi, Pakistan.
Executive District Officers (Education) and Quality Assurance at Secondary Level in Punjab, Pakistan
Quality of education furnishes learners to develop intellectual capabilities, knowledge, skills and to contribute information of respectful, enlightened and peaceful democratic societies in order to uplift the sustainable well-being of individuals. The aim of secondary education is to build individual intellectual capabilities. There have been no serious and integrated efforts to develop an effective system of quality assurance for secondary education though, certain efforts have been made to improve certain aspects of school education. The aim of the article is to collect the opinion of Executive District Officers (EDOs) about quality assurance in education in the area of teachers and learners at secondary level. The research instrument was developed, validated through experts in the field of education, and reliability (internal consistency) was found through SPSS. Results of this study showed that teachers had mastery over the subject but did not have competency in pedagogical skills
Physical facilities, Quality education, Secondary Schools, Quality teachers, Quality learners
(1) Nazneen Nazak
PhD. Scholar, Department of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, Mohi-Ud-Din Islamic University Nerian Sharif, AJ&K, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Aslam Asghar
Professor,Faculty of Social Sciences, Mohi-Ud-Din Islamic University Nerian Sharif, AJ&K, Pakistan.
(3) Tariq Javed
SST, Federal Government Public School No. 2 (Boys), Tariqabad, Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.
An Exploration of Issues and Challenges Faced by Students in Distance Learning Environment
This paper investigates the issues and challenges encountered by students obtaining distance education in Pakistan. We conducted interviews with students obtaining distance education and they were enrolled in different study programs. Qualitative interviews were conducted to understand the perception of the study participants regarding the issues and challenges faced by them in learning. Students from five distance learning programs were selected and five participants from each study program were interviewed in this study. The findings reveal that distance learning students encounter impediment in their learning due to their personal circumstances, teachers’ related issues, and due to assessment and evaluation issues. These factors negatively affect distance learners learning experiences. Based on the study findings, we provide recommendations to universities for enhancing distance learners experience.
Distance education, Experiences, Learners, Challenges, University
(1) Asaf Niwaz
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, The University of Haripur, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Qazi Waqas Ahmed
PhD. Scholar, Department of Education,University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.
(3) Sohail Kamran
Assistant Professor,Department of Business Administration, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.
A Study of Stimulanting Factors in Self-Motivated Professional Development among Teachers at University Level
The purpose of this study is to find out the factors which stimulate university teachers towards self-motivated professional development at university level. It was a descriptive study based on survey design; a mixed methods design was selected to collect the data through mixed method techniques. 200 questionnaires were distributed with the help of the snowball sampling technique, which helped in reaching 57 teachers for interview. Thematic Analysis, Descriptive Statistics and Chi- Square Test were applied to data. The result shows the intrinsic factors of stimulation were self-thrust towards excellence, respect, acknowledgment and inner satisfaction. On the contrary, extrinsic factors were a good salary package, promotion, better social and professional status and ability to cope with the advanced educational requirements. The study recommends that action through teachers’ consideration, reflection and shared vision may include extrinsic and intrinsic factors of motivation.
CLT, Experimental design, ESL, GMT, Intermediate level learners, Pakistani context.
(1) Fauzia Mushtaq
PhD Scholar, The University of Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Iftikhar Ahmad Baig
HOD, Department of Education, The University of Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Namra Munir
Assistant Professor, Department of Education,Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
Impact of School Climate on Students Achievement at Secondary Level in Pakistan.
School climate indicates three key dimensions of the school i.e. physical, academic and social climate. All three dimensions in the Pakistani school context were focused and examined. The key objectives of the study were to assess the Schools physical, social and academic climate and study its impact on students learning also to recommend remedial measures for improvement of school climate. Schools Principals were the population of the study selected through random sampling technique from Abbottabad, Charsadda, Kohat, Mardan, Nowshera, and Peshawar districts. The data was collected through questionnaires developed on five points Likert scale from the Principals and teachers. A total of 395 Secondary Schools schools were selected. Regression test used for data analysis. The study identified that school climate plays an important role in enhancing their achievement in academics. It proved that the school environment has a direct impact on the learning and teaching process.
School, Climate, Learners, Achievement
(1) Muhammad Rafiq
Principal High School,Teaching,Sarhad University Peshawar, Pakistan.
(2) Nasrullah Khan
Assistant Professor,Department of Education,University of the Poonch Rawalakot Kahuta Campus, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan.
(3) Niaz Mohammad Aajiz
Assistant Professor,Department of Education,Islamia University Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
Discovering the Impact of National Language use in L2 learning on the Proficiency of Learners
Discovering the impact of national language use in L2 learning on the proficiency of learners at degree level was the focus of this research; in order to find out a clear comprehension of the current subject matter, the research aimed at 577 learners who were learning English at graduation level in different public sector colleges and universities of the Southern Punjab, Pakistan. For this study, the researcher used a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The data analysis was done using SPSS (statistical package for social sciences) version 23. The researcher analyzed the data using descriptive analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA), T-Test and Cronbach's alpha. The findings of the present research depicted that the students exhibited extremely positive and constructive perceptions regarding the use of national language in the second language classroom. The majority of the respondents gave preference using Urdu in specific situations for enhancing their proficiency in specific reasons such as while discussing course policies, learning about grammar and its usage in L2 classroom, attendance, and other administrative information.
National Language, L2, Learners, University, College
(1) Muhammad Ahsan
Lecturer, Department of English, Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Saeed Nasir
Lecturer, Department of English, Emerson University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Noshaba Younus
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Riphah International University, Faisalabad Campus, Punjab, Pakistan.
02 Pages : 9-16
http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2022(VII-I).02 10.31703/gssr.2022(VII-I).02 Published : Mar 2022Analyzing English Language Learning Problems of Students through the Lenses of Action Research
Traditional mode of teaching promoted rote learning among learners over the years. A University classroom is a place where learners acquire new knowledge, skills, abilities, capabilities, and techniques. This study unveils the English Language Learning problems of undergraduate students. The target population was 155 university students. Qualitative research methods were fielded. 'Observation, video-recording, focus group interview, and diary notes' were research instruments. Outcomes were drawn through the lenses of Action Research. Purposive sampling was the research design. 'Interpretive approach' was employed for data analysis. Results exhibited that students confronted English language problems, and they affected student learning.The study speaks volumes about the gap between teaching and learning. This gap needs to be addressed through Action Research to achieve effective learning outcomes. This study recommends the use of novel teaching strategies, lesson plans, pair work, group discussions, robust material, learner engagement, and constructive feedback in university education.
Action Research, Teaching Strategies, Learning Problems, English Language Learners
(1) Abdullah Laghari
Lecturer, Department of English, Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering Science & Technology, Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan.
(2) Inayatullah Kakepoto
Professor, Department of English, Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering Science & Technology, Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan.
(3) Faheem Arshad
Lecturer, Department of English, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan.
The Indecisive Role of English and Urdu in Multilingual Pakistan
The paper explores Pakistani graduate EFL learners' attitudes towards the increasing significance of the English language at national and global levels in the contemporary world. The analysis adopts a qualitative style, using twenty interviews to gain painstaking insights into the learners' linguistic attitudes. The research scrutinizes the socio, contextual and cultural factors that impact Pakistani learners' perceptions of English. The study reveals that while Pakistani learners appear uncertain about English in addition to its culture, they have adopted the educational and social functions of the language. The outcomes indicate the linguistic imperialism and symbolic capital of English, as individuals contemplate it as essential for socioeconomic advancement in Pakistan. The study's results can help academicians and officials assess the potential impacts of English on the roles of local languages, particularly in Pakistan's education system.
EFL Learners, Pakistan, Socio-Cultural, Contextual, Education, Socio-Economic
(1) Amna Saeed
Student, Department of Linguistics and Communications, Institute of Liberal Arts, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Aamna Zafar
Student, Department of Linguistics and Communications, Institute of Liberal Arts, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Arshad Ali Khan
Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics and Communications, Institute of Liberal Arts, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
Unveiling Language Hurdles: Exploring Errors in Written English Paragraphs by Secondary School English Learners
This study examines error analysis in written English paragraphs by secondary school-level English learners. It focuses on 20 participants from Government Girls High School Sambrial, Sialkot, shedding light on their challenges. These learners from the English group navigate a linguistic landscape where English is not their primary mode of communication. Using Chanquoy's (2001) framework, the study categorizes errors in the learners' written paragraphs. It reveals challenges in spelling,capitalization, prepositions, verbs, and sentence structure, with the most common error being improper usage of English articles. The study offers tangible suggestions and recommendations to empower EFL instructors in addressing the hurdles faced by English language learners. It aims to unlock their potential for confident expression in English. This research invites the scholarly community to delve
into language acquisition and error analysis. Addressing challenges faced by secondary school English learners, it aims to enhance education, empowering the new generation to thrive in an interconnected world.
Error Analysis, L2 Learners, Written English Paragraphs, Language Acquisition, Secondary School
(1) Komal Akbar
M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Linguistics & Communications, University of Management & Technology, Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Aqsa Atta
Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics & Communications, University of Management & Technology, Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Alia Awan
M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Linguistics & Communications, University of Management & Technology, Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan.