44 Pages : 456-467      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-II).44      Published : Jun 2020

Pakistan's International Image and Need for Public Diplomacy

    Public diplomacy is an attempt made by governments to correspond directly with foreign publics. Each country has its own objectives to fulfil through public diplomacy, including image building and relationship building in the longer run. Nowadays, states frequently utilize Public Diplomacy to pursue their national interests. Pakistan is among the states that suffer from the menace of a negative perception owing to the countryÂ’s association with terrorism and instability. Now that the country has effectively won the War on Terror and an improved internal security situation prevails, the next step shall be towards improving its reputation by using public diplomacy. In this article, the authors delve into emphasizing why public diplomacy is imperative and the need of the hour for Pakistan, and how it can reform and rebuild its international image by employing an effective public diplomacy strategy.

    Diplomacy, Public Diplomacy, Propaganda, Image Repairing, Cultural Diplomacy
    (1) Areeja Syed
    MPhil Scholar, Department IR, COMSATS Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Shabnam Gul
    Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Zahid Akbar
    Ministry of Defence, Pakistan.

55 Pages : 441-450      10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-III).55      Published : Sep 2019

Under Western Eyes: A Critical Consideration of Fictitious Muslim Stereotyping in English Fiction

    English fiction pertaining to the British rule in India marked Indian Muslims intovisibility through the portrayal of their stable stereotypical identity, and since its publication, A Passage to India has gained the status of authentic imagining of Muslims asconservative religious ‘Other’ of the West. As such, they are analyzing this text as an instance ofcolonial fixity necessitates the identification and consideration of those discursive strategies used bythe text for the projection of abrasive Muslim images. The focus of this paper is to critically approachA Passage to India through the application of Fairclough’s threedimensional model so as to validate the claim of stereotypicalrepresentation of Muslims in India during colonial rule. Largely amatter of despotic manipulation within the text, the narrator doteson the anecdotal treatment of Muslim characters with a purpose tojustify. By adhering to colonial discursive binarism, this noveldepicts colonized Muslims as dehumanized and caricatured othersin essentialist terms by shelving their political, historical andcontextual identification.

    Colonial Discourse, Foreground, Image Construction, Stereotypical Representation, Colonized Muslims
    (1) Kanwal Zahra
    Assistant Professor, Centre for Languages and Translation Studies, University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Aisha Jadoon
    Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, COMSATS University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

17 Pages : 254-272      10.31703/gssr.2018(III-IV).17      Published : Dec 2018

A Conceptual Framework on Customer Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Corporate Image

    This research study is intended to deliver a swift review of what is previously known about customer satisfaction and enhanced understanding of the factors of customer relationship management (CRM) in relation to customer satisfaction. By examining the literature of prior studies, this article requires enhanced understanding of customer satisfaction in international airline industry of Pakistan. The study delivers a conceptual framework to broaden the customer satisfaction and the influence of CRM factors comprising service quality, social network interaction, and relationship through solving customer problems, physical environment and trust. The mediating role of corporate image will further strengthen the connection of CRM factors and customer satisfaction. The research findings supplement the present literature of CRM by enhancing the understanding of the dimensions of customer satisfaction. The proposed conceptual framework makes an essential input to the current literature on customer satisfaction by addressing its theoretical and practical implications.

    Customer Satisfaction, Customer Relationship Management, CRM Factors, Corporate Image, Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory (EDT)
    (1) Muhammad Salman Azhar
    PhD Scholar, School of Business Management, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia.
    (2) Ismail Bin Lebai Othman
    Associate Professor, School of Business Management, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia.
    (3) Norzieiriani Ahmad
    Senior Lecturer, School of Business Management, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia.

01 Pages : 1-20      10.31703/gssr.2018(III-II).01      Published : Jun 2018

Soft Power and Cultural Diplomacy as Counter-terrorism Measure in Contemporary International Politics

    Public diplomacy lies at the heart of modern development of information age and shapes the concept of social and political thought. This paper analysis the concept of soft power vis-a-vis counter terrorism strategy of nation states and discusses the significance of the soft power and public/cultural diplomacy in building image, nation branding and ultimately building a narrative. It will bring the reference point of Pakistan on the issue of relevance with today's world at the same time carrying a negative image of terrorist state. This paper establishes co-relation between nation branding and public diplomacy. Since the hard power is meeting with failure in order to curb the terrorism, there is limitation of state capacity to use hard power in bringing the structural changes needed for curbing terrorism. The paper recommends that there is a great need for revisiting religious narrative that extremists invoke for justification of their acts.

    Soft Power, Image, Nation Branding, Public Diplomacy,Cultural Diplomacy
    (1) Noor Fatima
    Assistant Professor, Department of Politics & IR, International IslamicUniversity,Islamabad,Pakistan.
    (2) Zahid Ali Khan
    Professor & Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Mardan, KP,Paksitan.

38 Pages : 384 - 391      10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-II).38      Published : Jun 2021

Exercising Metaphoric Impact on Advertisements: An Ecolinguistic Appraisal

    Metaphors may produce desired sensations because of figurative metaphoric connections, and they can speed up the processing of complicated or abstract material. As a result, a growing body of advertising research has focused on this topic in recent decades.This study provides a review of metaphoric research in the marketing literature, explains why metaphoric advertising is important for achieving key advertising objectives and points out critical research gaps in the existing literature. Marketers often use metaphors in their persuasive discussions with customers, and they suggest that a product, brand, service, or company propagate a distinct concept. Marketers accomplish a variety of goals,including gaining customers' attention, engraving imagery, highlighting comparisons, suggesting a bond between an idea and product, explaining a complicated or technical product, and affecting the opinions and thoughts of consumers. Advertisers would benefit from understanding how people process metaphors, if consumers understand metaphors employed in marketing.

    Ecolinguistics, Advertisements, Metaphors, Imagery, Symbols
    (1) Muhammad Farooq Alam
    PhD Scholar, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Zafar Ullah
    Department of English, Virtual University, Islamabad, Pakistan
    (3) Muhammad Awais Madni
    Research Assistant

01 Pages : 1-8      10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-IV).01      Published : Dec 2021

ISPR Productions vs. Nationalism, Inclination to Join Army and Image Building: Case of Pakistan's Military Operations

    This study targets to investigate the impact of Inter-Services of Public Relations (ISPR) production, broadcasted during the war against terrorism, on Pakistani youth. It is hypothesized that ISPR productions have helped in inflating the motivation level of Pakistani youth, thus helping in promoting the nationalism and positive image of Pakistan. Furthermore, the role of ISPR productions in motivating youth to join Pakistan's Army is also explored. A cross-sectional survey research design was used. The sample of this study was comprised of youth aged between 18 to 24 years, selected through the non-probability purposive sample. The measures comprised of a self-constructed indigenous questionnaire assessing the impact of ISPR productions during a military operation in image building, promotion of nationalism and motivation to join the army. The data analyzed through SPSS Version 22.00 yielded insightful findings. The finding revealed that watching ISPR productions helped in instilling a fervent attitude of Pakistani youth towards nationalism and the Pakistani military. There had been a clearer inclination of youth to aspire for joining the military for upholding the nationalism beliefs, and this finding appears promising, keeping in mind the relative declining opinion that has been observed in youth from the past decade pertaining to nationalism and military operations.

    ISPR Productions, the War against Terrorism, Image Building, Nationalism, Inclination to Join the Army and Pakistani Youth
    (1) Rubab Musarrat
    Lecturer, National University of Modern Languages, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Muniba Fatima Zahra
    Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Media and Communication Studies, University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Amna Ashraf
    Lecturer, National University of Modern Languages, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.

34 Pages : 356-370      10.31703/gssr.2022(VII-I).34      Published : Mar 2022

Determinants of Customer Loyalty in the Banking Sector of Pakistan

    The aim of the current study is to inspect the intervention of customer satisfaction in the association between service quality and corporate image to customer loyalty in the Pakistan banking sector. The population of this research is banking customers and a sample size of 210 respondents. This study uses the SPSS, Correlation, ANOVA and regression analysis techniques along with AMOS methods. The results of the study show that service quality and corporate image of the banks are not associated with customer loyalty, but this association is possible due to customer loyalty. This study shows that banks must focus on customer satisfaction to engage customer loyalty. CL is only achieved through customer satisfaction. The Pakistani banking sector, therefore, improves customer satisfaction, so the association between service quality, corporate image and customer loyalty must be enhanced.

    Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction, Corporate Image, Service Quality
    (1) Rizwan Ali
    Lahore Business School (LBS), The University of Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Tanveer Aslam
    Lahore Business School (LBS), The University of Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Hammad Zafar
    Lahore Business School (LBS), The University of Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.