27 Pages : 265-275      10.31703/gssr.2022(VII-II).27      Published : Jun 2022

Influence of Ethical Leadership on DSIW of Employees: A Study on Healthcare Workers

    COVID-19 has brought severe impacts on societies for a protracted period of time. The purpose of the current study is to examine the antecedents of societal behavior in employees to enable them to bring positive change to societal well-being through their work. Drawing on the signalling theory, the current study investigated the association between ethical leadership and the desire to have a significant impact through work (DSIW) via the mediating role of perceived organizational support (POS). Data were collected through doctors and nurses delivering their services in the health sector in large cities of Pakistan. The findings of the current study envisaged that ethical leadership style has a direct influence on the DSIW of employees. Moreover, study findings show that POS plays a vital role in ascertaining the association between ethical leadership style and employees' DSIW. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed in light of the study findings.

    (1) Sehrish Ilyas
    Department of Business Administration, National College of Business Administration % Economics, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
    (2) Ghulam Abid
    Assistant Professor, Department of Business Studies, Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Ilyas, Sehrish, and Ghulam Abid. 2022. "Influence of Ethical Leadership on DSIW of Employees: A Study on Healthcare Workers." Global Social Sciences Review, VII (II): 265-275 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2022(VII-II).27
    HARVARD : ILYAS, S. & ABID, G. 2022. Influence of Ethical Leadership on DSIW of Employees: A Study on Healthcare Workers. Global Social Sciences Review, VII, 265-275.
    MHRA : Ilyas, Sehrish, and Ghulam Abid. 2022. "Influence of Ethical Leadership on DSIW of Employees: A Study on Healthcare Workers." Global Social Sciences Review, VII: 265-275
    MLA : Ilyas, Sehrish, and Ghulam Abid. "Influence of Ethical Leadership on DSIW of Employees: A Study on Healthcare Workers." Global Social Sciences Review, VII.II (2022): 265-275 Print.
    OXFORD : Ilyas, Sehrish and Abid, Ghulam (2022), "Influence of Ethical Leadership on DSIW of Employees: A Study on Healthcare Workers", Global Social Sciences Review, VII (II), 265-275
    TURABIAN : Ilyas, Sehrish, and Ghulam Abid. "Influence of Ethical Leadership on DSIW of Employees: A Study on Healthcare Workers." Global Social Sciences Review VII, no. II (2022): 265-275.