07 Pages : 66 - 76      10.31703/gssr.2022(VII-II).07      Published : Jun 2022

Analyzing the Head Teacher and School Performance with the Lens of Head Teachers' Qualification

    It is assumed that the qualification plays an important role in performing any task. This study was carried out to investigate the performance of schools and head-teachers in concern with head teacher's qualification. The performance of head-teachers was measured as viewed by their teachers so secondary school teachers were the source of data for this study. The population was divided into two strata based on levels of qualification. It was descriptive-cum-correlational survey and a self-developed questionnaire was administered to 384 teachers to solicited information about the performance of their head-teachers in different administrative tasks. Descriptive statistics and Mann-Witney U-test was used to compare two groups' means to test the hypothesis. Analysis revealed that in the majority of administrative tasks (seven out of ten) the performance of head-teachers who had more than 16-yearsqualification was significantly better and their school results were also found good than their counterpart. Both the hypotheses were rejected and it could be gleaned that high qualifications of head-teachers were effective because they are good in administering the tasks that augmented towards better school performance.

    (1) Muhammad Nadeem Anwar
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Sargodha, Pakistan.
    (2) Abida Parveen
    Lecture, Department of Education, University of Lahore, Sargodha Campus, Punjab, Pakistan
    (3) Khaliq Rizwan
    PhD Scholar, Department of Education, University of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan
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    APA : Anwar, M. N., Parveen, A., & Rizwan, K. (2022). Analyzing the Head Teacher and School Performance with the Lens of Head Teachers' Qualification. Global Social Sciences Review, VII(II), 66 - 76.
    CHICAGO : Anwar, Muhammad Nadeem, Abida Parveen, and Khaliq Rizwan. 2022. "Analyzing the Head Teacher and School Performance with the Lens of Head Teachers' Qualification." Global Social Sciences Review, VII (II): 66 - 76 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2022(VII-II).07
    HARVARD : ANWAR, M. N., PARVEEN, A. & RIZWAN, K. 2022. Analyzing the Head Teacher and School Performance with the Lens of Head Teachers' Qualification. Global Social Sciences Review, VII, 66 - 76.
    MHRA : Anwar, Muhammad Nadeem, Abida Parveen, and Khaliq Rizwan. 2022. "Analyzing the Head Teacher and School Performance with the Lens of Head Teachers' Qualification." Global Social Sciences Review, VII: 66 - 76
    MLA : Anwar, Muhammad Nadeem, Abida Parveen, and Khaliq Rizwan. "Analyzing the Head Teacher and School Performance with the Lens of Head Teachers' Qualification." Global Social Sciences Review, VII.II (2022): 66 - 76 Print.
    OXFORD : Anwar, Muhammad Nadeem, Parveen, Abida, and Rizwan, Khaliq (2022), "Analyzing the Head Teacher and School Performance with the Lens of Head Teachers' Qualification", Global Social Sciences Review, VII (II), 66 - 76
    TURABIAN : Anwar, Muhammad Nadeem, Abida Parveen, and Khaliq Rizwan. "Analyzing the Head Teacher and School Performance with the Lens of Head Teachers' Qualification." Global Social Sciences Review VII, no. II (2022): 66 - 76.