02 Pages : 8-15      10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-I).02      Published : Mar 2019

Economic Issues and Ethical Journalism in Pakistan: Prospects and Challenges

    Journalists are expected to perform truthfully and ethically which contributes to the strengthening of democracy by sharing reliable information. However, the political economy of media suggests that political and economic elites use the media for their vested interests. Politicians and media owners exploit working journalists. Journalists are not well paid, and they are forced to do unethical practices. The present study explores the journalists’ economic issues at Gujranwala (A city of Punjab, Pakistan) and how economic issues affect the ethical practices of journalists. Data was collected through in-depth interviews of 13 working journalists of Gujranwala city. Findings revealed that journalists are facing serious economic issues and these issues are leading them to unethical practices. It is suggested that government, judiciary, NGOs and journalistic bodies should play an effective role for overcoming this alarming situation.

    Local Journalism, Journalists Issues, Economic Pressures
    (1) Malik Adnan
    Assistant Professor, Department of Media Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Arshad Ali
    Assistant Professor, Center for Media and Communication Studies,University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Shahbaz Aslam
    PhD Scholar,Faculty of Media and Communication Studies, University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.

20 Pages : 309-319      10.31703/gssr.2018(III-IV).20      Published : Dec 2018

"For Murder, though have no Tongue, will Speak", Hamlet Speaks for the Contemporary Problems around the Word

    People from different countries reshape and revise Hamlet to suit their situations and alter their personalities accordingly. Hamlet highlights issues in political, moral, social and cultural spheres of a country. Shakespeare’s Hamlet attracts the minds of readers to the extent that they establish a link with their unconscious minds; thus resulting in an empathetic connection between readers, characters and the adapters. This paper offers an analysis of the different adaptations of Shakespeare’s Hamlet in some countries. It delineates the link between Hamlet and its adaptations, particularly Haider –an Indian adaptation. This paper compares Hamlet and Haider and draws parallels between the two in order to highlight and address contemporary problems especially that of conflict between Pakistan and India over Kashmir. This paper talks about Haider that successfully created the desired impact which should be the purpose of an adapted play. Essentially qualitative in nature, this paper uses the lens of Linda Hutcheon –Theory of Adaptation- to conduct textual analysis.

    Hamlet, adaptations, appropriations, Revenge Issues, Globalization, Universal Uniformity and Contemporary Problems.
    (1) Muhammad Muazzam Sharif
    Lecturer, Department of English, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Mardan, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Zubair Shafiq
    Assistant Professor, Department of Media Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Umtul Ayesha
    Lecturer, City District Government Degree College for Women, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.

02 Pages : 15-26      10.31703/gssr.2018(III-III).02      Published : Sep 2018

Agenda Framing of Social Issues in Pakistani Press: A Study of Daily Dawn and Daily Jang

    Media shape public opinion. As a powerful tool of communication, it prioritizes issues and gives them coverage according through editorial judgment. Agendasetting theory explains how media influences the topics in public agenda. In 1968, McCombs and Donald Shaw studied presidential elections of the United States and established a strong relationship between election issue and media coverage. This study has used their theory of agenda setting to explain how two daily newspapers of Pakistan, Dawn and Jang has covered unemployment and energy crisis on their front and back pages during a time period of one year. Content analysis method is applied to investigate the treatment of news in both papers. Findings explain that Jang gave more coverage to these social issues as compared to Dawn. This study recommends more attention to social issues.

    Agenda Setting, Daily Dawn, Daily JANG, Framing, News Treatment, Social Issues
    (1) Muhammad Farooq
    PhD Scholar, Centre for Media and Communication Studies, University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Arshad Ali
    Assistant Professor, Centre for Media and Communication Studies, University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan.

03 Pages : 19-27      10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-III).03      Published : Sep 2021

Earth-Man Degradation In Corasanti's The Almond Tree: An Eco Critical Study

    This article finds out the relationship between nature and human beings. Nature is being damaged by advanced technology as well as by human beings. Glotfelty (1996) presents his idea that it is the relation of living organisms to their environment that bring changes in the surroundings. We have seen the loss of humanity in this age of science and advancement. The Almond Tree by Michelle Cohen Corasanti (2012) is about the conflict between Palestine and Israel. For this purpose, the research is done from Eco Criticism lenses. Both physical and natural world shares close relations. The urgency of examining literature from an ecological point of view has increased due to the present environmental crisis which has swept the globe. This research leads to the conclusion that there must be peace and harmony in the world by being friendly not only with other human beings but with the environment as well.

    Ecocriticism, Environmental Crisis, Loss of Humanity, War, Territorial Issues, The Almond Tree
    (1) Iqra Khadam
    Lecturer, Department of English, University of Okara, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Amna Aziz
    Lecturer, Department of English, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Faiza Saeed
    Lecturer, Department of English, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.

09 Pages : 90 - 99      10.31703/gssr.2022(VII-II).09      Published : Jun 2022

The Role of Salience and Common Grounds in Intercultural Communication: A Descriptive Study

    Jokes are specific discourses that contain cultural, historical and region-specific references. In order to understand the salience of these discourses, the common ground of interlocutors is significantly important. The current study explores how non-natives English speakers comprehend English jokes. In addition, it aims to know the difficulties and the lexical issues encountered by Pakhtoon and Sindhi participants in interpreting English jokes. The researchers used a mixed-method approach for this study. The population of this study includes Pakhtoon and Sindhi undergraduate students.A sample of 20 students was selected and two types of tools were used to check the English jokes comprehension skills of participants. The socio-cognitive approach is used as a theoretical framework and the results of quantitative data were presented with the help of pie charts. Results of this study show that ethnic, religious, racial, and jokes having historic references are difficult to understand. Individuals' social knowledge of English culture is important for comprehending English jokes. Knowledge of semantic expressions, ample knowledge and wisdom of culture-specific words and idioms are important for identifying the salience aspects of English jokes.

    Jokes, Salience, lexical Issues, Culture, Socio-Cognitive Approach, Interpreting Humour
    (1) Hajra Arshad
    PhD Scholar, National University Of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan
    (2) Ejaz Mirza
    Assistant Professor, National University Of Modern Languages (NUML), Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Memona Fida
    Lecturer, National University Of Modern Languages (NUML), Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.

04 Pages : 42-52      10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).04      Published : Mar 2023

Growing From Emerging Entrepreneurs into Brands: A Systematic In-depth Literature Review of the Psychological Factors

    The purpose of the study is to identity and develops a comprehensive construct for the entrepreneurs in Pakistani context. The study has used qualitative review to highlight the reasons of entrepreneurship and issues faced by emerging entrepreneurs in Pakistan. The study intended to investigate the extant literature on Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition. The researchers focused on reputed and leading journals in order to contribute in a more objective manner. A comprehend review indicates that not just entrepreneurial factors but also shows how setups are branded. The study also highlights a comprehensive psychological model for quantitative testing. The previous studies only shows the importance and factors of entrepreneurship, however, this study also have highlighted the reasons for branding in emerging entrepreneurship. The study will impact to elaborate clearly on the information's about not only entrepreneurship but also the directions towards branding.

    Entrepreneurship, Branding, Issues, Emerging, Pakistan
    (1) Shahzad Khan
    Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Management Sciences, University of Haripur, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Mohammad Daud Ali
    Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, University of Haripur, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Abdul Majid
    Professor, Department of Management Sciences, University of Haripur, KP, Pakistan.

14 Pages : 146-154      10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).14      Published : Mar 2023

Traditional versus Social Media News Coverage: An Analysis of the Topic Selection Priorities

    The current study was carried out on framing the ongoing debate on the inter-relationship which exists between social media and traditional media news coverages. Its particular focus is to analyze how both mediums focus on their topic selection when it comes to prioritizing an issue to be presented at the top. By employing the content analysis technique of the Facebook posts and newspaper articles the study tried to sort out to what extent differences exist in traditional media and social media coverage with respect to the selection of the topic in Pakistan. The researchers used Chi-square tests to weigh up the use of alternative media and the frame selection of social media in the selected timeline. The study concluded that social media and traditional media react differently when covering social issues. Social media showed better interaction patterns on grass root issues whereas traditional media focused more on covering political issues.

    Social Media, Traditional Media, News Coverage, Issues, Priorities
    (1) Sadaf Asif
    Lecturer, Department of Media and Communication Studies, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Noor-ul -Ain
    Lecturer, Department of Media and Communication Studies, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Ayesha Siddiqua
    Associate Professor, Department of Media and Communication Studies, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.

26 Pages : 289-300      10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).26      Published : Mar 2023

Treatment Of Environmental Issues In Leading Pakistani Dailies

    Environmental issues are contemplated as the most frightening and challenging issues that occurred due to climate change. These environmental issues are disturbing the whole world including living species. Pakistan is also facing issues regarding environmental changes. Pakistan is considered the 7th most susceptible country in terms of environmental disasters. The current research is conducted to study and analyze the treatment of Pakistani English papers in the coverage of ecological issues and the basic drive of this research is to evaluate the “media representation of environmental issues” as discussed in leading Pakistani dailies (Dawn and The News). The content analysis is used to know the frequency and direction of environmental issues. The universe of the study contains textual content of print media including news stories and editorials. It is concluded that The News, gives more coverage to environmental issues as compared to Dawn newspaper in terms of news stories and editorials.

    Environmental Issues, Media Representation, Pakistani English Dailies, Content Analysis
    (1) Nasim Ishaq
    School of Communication Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Ghazala Kanwal Ejaz
    Govt. Fatima Jinnah College (W), Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Noor
    Govt. Fatima Jinnah College (W), Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.