Psychological Trauma and Corporal Punishment
The study analyzes Psychological Trauma as a result of Corporal Punishment at Secondary Level. The population was all the students of 10th class which made a population of 30200 students in Tehsils of District Malakand of KPK. Sixteen secondary schools and twenty-six students from each school were taken as a sample by using a simple random method. The research instrument DASS 42 about corporal punishment used four options, home, at school, both at home and school and neither at home nor at school. The questionnaire was administered to 416 students and 400 were received. The findings of the study were that a significant association of corporal punishment with psychological trauma i.e. depression, anxiety and stress was found. The students were corporally punished both at homes and schools had moderate or severe level of stress, anxiety and depression..
Students’ Corporal Punishment, Psychological Trauma, Depression, Anxiety and Stress
(1) Asghar Ali
Assistant ProfessorFaculty of Education, University of Malakand, Chakdara, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Mushtaq Ahmad Malik
Assistant Professor,Department of Education,University of Sargodha, Sarghoda, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Itbar Khan
Lecturer,Department of Education,University of Malakand, Chakdara, KP, Pakistan.
Depression among Pregnant Females in Punjab, Pakistan: Effect of State-Trait Anxiety
The objective of the study is to examine the impact of state-trait anxiety on depression among pregnant females. A crosssectional study was carried out on pregnant females of all three trimesters from March 2019 to December 2019. The study collected data from pregnant females 153 age 18 to 47 years using the purposive sampling technique. Respondents were from Government and private hospitals of two metropolitan cities of Punjab, Pakistan (Lahore and Faisalabad). All the pregnant females completed a demographic sheet, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory(S-TA), and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) to assess the level of anxiety and depression among pregnant females. The SPSS version 23 was used for data analysis. The regression results highlighted that state-trait anxiety positively predicted depression among pregnant women, with a 16% variance in the outcome variable. Pregnant females experience a diverse level of anxiety and stress that can have serious consequences for the childbearing women as well can make the pregnancy process more complicated if treated with early intervention.
Pregnancy, Anxiety, Depression, Trimesters
(1) Rabia Sajjad
Department of Applied Psychology, Government College Women University, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
(2) Umara Rauf
Department of Psychology, Government College Women University, Sialkot, Pakistan.
(3) Rafit Saheed
School of Public Policy, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad, Pakistan.
The Psychological Effects of Online Classes on Students: A Study of Pakistan in Covid-19 Pandemic
The learning process in the university and the environment on campus have a crucial role in the development of students' psychological and physical well-being. The present study aims to highlight the problems of online classes faced by university students during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. It also examines the factors of online classes that caused depression among Pakistani students. The data was collected through an online survey and students were asked to fill survey comprised of perception sand problems of online classes and Patient Health Questionnaire-9. A total of 820 students were approached. Among them, 734 (89.51 Percent) had completed the survey. The results showed that most of the students had moderately (31.34 Percent) or moderately severe (24.39 Percent) depressive symptoms because considerable problems occurred in their educational learning process due to online classes amid the COVID-19 pandemic. It is concluded that emotional support is necessary for the well-being of students as a study examining the COVID-19outbreak has an extraordinary burden on university students.
COVID-19, Online Classes, Perception, Problems, Depression
(1) Faiza Anjum
Assistant Professor of Sociology, National Textile University, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan
(2) Madieha Akram
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, The Women University Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
(3) Raja Shaharyar
Social Welfare Officer, CDP, Tehsil Kot Chutta, District D. G. Khan, Punjab, Pakistan.
Neuroticism as a Predictor of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Adults
The current study aimed to compare early adult neuroticism between the sexes. Investigating the relationship between early adult neuroticism and stress, anxiety, and depression was the other objective. The current study was carried out using a cross-sectional survey research approach. Each subject was contacted directly by the researcher, and each person's data was gathered separately. The study's 200 participants included an equal number of male and female pupils. A purposive sample method was used when selecting the participants. A Big Five Inventory (BFI) subscale was used to quantify neuroticism.Generally,the BFI dependability varied from 0.80 to 0.89. The scale for stress, anxiety, and depression was also used. Among young adults, neuroticism is a positive predictor of stress, anxiety, and depression. In summary, this research offers valuable insights into how personality traits impact mental health and how neuroticism plays a part in predicting the likelihood of internalizing psychological issues in early adulthood.
Adults, Neuroticism, Anxiousness, Depression, Stress
(1) Sumaya Batool
Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Naveed Riaz
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pubjab, Pakistan.
(3) Khadija Amanullah
Graduate, Department of Psychology, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan.