33 Pages : 322-331      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-I).33      Published : Mar 2020

Investigating Cognitive Engagement of Eighth Graders in Mathematics Classrooms

    The main objective of the study was to analyze the association of mathematics achievement and cognitive engagement at the school level. The research was followed by a quantitative research method following a survey by administering a questionnaire on sampled 300 students for data collection. Half of them were male students and the other half were female students in District Lahore. Data were analyzed using inferential and descriptive statistics. The researcher has used two instruments first one mathematics achievement test and second students cognitive engagement in mathematic. The sample was selected by convenient sampling technique. The study revealed that students level of association of engagement and achievement was high. The study also revealed that gender difference exists in students mathematics achievement and students cognitive engagement. The study was also found a positive and strong relationship between students deep level strategies used in mathematics with achievement. This study recommends that the gender difference in mathematics achievement needs attention.

    cognitive engagement, eight graders, mathematics classrooms
    (1) Tahira Batool
    Assistant Professor,Department of Research and Evaluation, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Sofia Akhtar
    Dy.DEO (W-EE), Depalpur. Education Department,Government School Education Department, Pakistan.

34 Pages : 332-340      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-I).34      Published : Mar 2020

Relationship between Teachers Classroom Management Skills and Students Academic Achievements at Secondary level in Southern Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

    he major purpose of this study was to investigate “Relationship between Teachers Classroom Management Skills and Students Academic Achievements at Secondary level districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,” All government secondary schools of southern district were constituting the population of the study and all teachers and students of the secondary schools were also included in the population of the study. From each district, eight schools were selected as a sample from which four schools were male and four schools were female. From each school, five teachers and 20 students were selected as a sample or respondents in this way 280 teachers and 1120 students were selected as a sample of the study. The sample of the study was finalized by using the John Curry formula. The collected data was entered into SPSS version 23 for treatment. According to the nature of the objectives of the study T. Test, Pearsons correlation was used.

    Management Skills, School, Classroom, Academic Achievement
    (1) Gul Andaz Khan
    Ph.d Scholar,Institute of Education & Research,University of Science & Technology, Bannu, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Rahmat Ullah Shah
    Assistant professor, Institute of Education & Research,University of Science & Technology, Bannu, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Safdar Rahman Ghazi
    Assistant professor,Institute of Education & Research,University of Science & Technology, Bannu, KP, Pakistan.

36 Pages : 278-285      10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-IV).36      Published : Dec 2019

Personality of Students: The Role of Pakistani Teachers

    This research investigated the impact of four features of teachers behavior viz. teachers support, facilities provision, security in classroom, and motivation of teachers on five aspects namely agreeableness, extraversion, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness personality traits of the students. The technique of Stratified random sampling was used for the selection of 1438 students from a population of 10 graders of the Hazara Division. The questionnaires, for teachers behavior and for exploring the Big Five personality of the students, were used for gathering data from the students. For analysis, Mean (M), standard deviation (S. D), and multiple regression analysis were used. Results showed that Teachers support negatively predicts the agreeableness trait of personality, Provision of facilities positively predicts extraversion factor of personality. Classroom security positively predicts the extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness factors of personality. Teachers motivation positively predicts extraversion, and conscientiousness factor of personality and negatively predicts neuroticism factor of personality.

    Big Five Factors of Personality, teachers’ support, facilities provision, security in classroom, and motivation of teachers
    (1) Syed Afzal Shah
    Assistant Professor,Department of Education,University of Haripur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Bibi Asia Naz
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education,Hazara University, Mansehra, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Javed Iqbal
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education,Hazara University, Mansehra, KP, Pakistan.

60 Pages : 494-500      10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-IV).60      Published : Dec 2019

Exploring the Practices of Government Secondary School Teachers about National Professional Standards for Teacher

    or enhancing the quality of teachers, the Government of Pakistan introduced the National Professional Standards for Teachers in 2009. The study was qualitative in nature. A case study design was adopted to conduct the research. A purposive criterion sampling technique was used to select the sample. A semi-structured interview and observation checklist was developed by the researcher. The instruments were validated and improved in the light of expertsÂ’ opinions. Research ethics were observed during the study and before the data collection. Themes were generated and interpreted which were relevant to the research questions of the study. The findings of the study indicate that public sector teachers have command of the subject matter knowledge, but lesson planning and proper assessment are missing. It is being recommended that awareness about the National Professional Standards must be created among public sector teachers and teachers should be made bound for planning their instructions according to standards.

    Case Study, Teacher Standards, Professional Standards, Classroom Practices, Teaching
    (1) Fasiha Altaf
    PhD Scholar, Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Saeed
    Associate Professor, Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.

18 Pages : 137-144      10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-I).18      Published : Mar 2019

Effective Use of Classroom Management Techniques in Overcrowded Classrooms

    This study was conducted to find the effective use of classroom management techniques in overcrowded classroom. It also explored factors that influence overcrowded classrooms. 30 secondary school teachers participated in the study. A questionnaire and a check list were used for the collection of the data. The findings indicated that teachers used different management techniques in the overcrowded classrooms.

    Effective, Classroom Management, Techniques, Overcrowded
    (1) Tehseen Tahir
    Assistant Professor, Additional Director,Quality Enhancement Cell, University of Haripur, KPK, Pakistan.
    (2) Kifayat Khan
    Lecturer, Department of Education, University of Haripur, KPK, Pakistan.
    (3) Wajeeha Aurangzeb
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education,NUML, Islamabad, Pakistan.

09 Pages : 127-141      10.31703/gssr.2018(III-IV).09      Published : Dec 2018

Teaching Mathematics at High School: A Comparison of Public and Private School Teachers' Practices

    This paper compares the mathematics teaching practices of private and public high school teachers in Punjab. Two hundred public and 180 private school teachers were selected by using random sampling technique from district Sahiwal. The quantitative data was collected by using a Likert type 58 questionnaire items. The questionnaire consisted of six parts: mathematic teaching practices, mathematic effective students’ instruction, mathematic resources availability, use of mathematic resources, use of instructional techniques and evaluation techniques used by the teachers. The study indicated that private school teacher teach in cooperative environment, individual concentration, small group discussion and encourage students in mathematic classrooms as compared to public school teachers. They write equations to represent concept and then engage students in problem solving and practice computational skill as compared to public school teachers. Public school teachers highly believe that text book is primary instructional tool for teaching. They practice difficult problem by drill in their classes. Although Public school teachers are well trained, qualified and experienced yet they emphasize rote learning which is a big hurdle in conceptual understanding. Provision of material resources in public schools is high. Mathematic curriculum document, manipulative, measuring devices, and spreadsheets, worksheet calculators, teacher guide and computers as teaching resources are available in public schools. Whereas, helping books and calculators’ availability is better in private schools.

    Teaching Practices, Mathematic Classrooms, Secondary Education.
    (1) Gulnaz Hameed
    PhD Scholar (Education), Department of Education, University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Intzar Hussain Butt
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.

12 Pages : 168-195      10.31703/gssr.2018(III-II).12      Published : Jun 2018

Classroom Observation: Linking Teacher Evaluation and Professional Development in TESOL

    This study examines the impact of increasingly challenging nature of classroom observation as part of teacher evaluation in English Language Teaching (ELT). This paper highlights the complex nature of evaluative classroom observation systems in various educational contexts. It also considers various issues that embody the challenging nature of classroom observation and teacher evaluation in connection to the professional development of teachers. In a small-scale study of Teaching of English to the Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) professionals in Saudi English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context, it adopts an interpretive approach and utilizes semi-structured interviews to collect data. The results, presented in four major themes provide a detailed account of teachers’ perceptions of the role of classroom observation in their professional learning and development. However, this development has not occurred due to the observation as a tool to elevate teaching and learning standards, alternatively, the managerial demands and the fear of being fired or transferred to remote campuses have stimulated teachers to develop professionally and offset this challenge. Despite their personal drive to professionalize themselves in a collaborative and professional culture, the challenge of observation still prevails owing to the teachers’ lack of autonomy and some insufficiently trained observers’ subjective approach.

    Teacher Professionalism, Professional Development, Classroom Observation, Teacher Evaluation
    (1) Sayyed Rashid Shah
    Lecturer in English, English Language Institute, King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
    (2) Roohul Amin
    Assistant Professor, Department of English, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Hussain Ahmad
    Lecturer in English, English Language Institute, King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

23 Pages : 400-420      10.31703/gssr.2018(III-II).23      Published : Jun 2018

Wh-Movement Pattern in the Spoken Discourse of Teachers: A Syntactic Analysis

    This study investigates the syntactic structures of spoken discourse of teachers in academic discourse. The knowledge of syntactic structure of a language helps in understanding the spoken discourse. So, the study identifies the wh-Movement in the syntactic structures of teachers in English classroom sessions. The data was collected from two universities of Federal government, Pakistan. The one was Air University Islamabad and the second was National University of Modern Languages Islamabad. The data was collected through the recording tool where the English classroom sessions of the teachers were audio-recorded and transcribed. The analysis of data was quantitative and qualitative in nature. The frequency of wh-movement in the structures of recorded English spoken data was analysed quantitatively. In qualitative analyses, the transcribed data was analysed syntactically, keeping in view minimalist perspective, with the help of parsing rules and figures. The analyzed data shows that the teachers at undergraduate level use language where wh-movement is employed in syntactic structure of English used in classroom sessions. They move whexpression into other slots like internal merge and pied-pipe. However, the minimalist parametric unit, wh-movement, was found in the sentence structures of the teachers in the delivery of classroom sessions. So, the minimal pairs of sentence structure impacts different level of language.

    Academic Discourse, Classroom, Minimalism, Spoken Language, Syntactic Structures, Wh-Movement
    (1) Muhammad Saleem
    MPhil. Scholar (English), Department of Humanities, Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Fatima Alam Khan
    Independent Researcher (English), Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Mardan, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Aleena Zaman
    Graduate Scholar (English), Department of English, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.

11 Pages : 160-175      10.31703/gssr.2018(III-I).11      Published : Mar 2018

Teachers Emotional Social Intelligence and its Relationship with Students Cohesiveness in Classroom Learning Environment

    The purpose of the study is to investigate teachers’ emotional social intelligence and its relationship with students’ cohesiveness in classroom. The main objectives of the study were to; find students’ perception of emotional social intelligence level of university teachers, find students’ cohesiveness in classroom, and measure the relationship of teachers’ emotional social intelligence with the students’ cohesiveness in classroom learning environment. Research questions were formulated. Population of the study was teachers and students (8775) of all universities (29) of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The sample of the study was taken from nine (9) universities’ teachers and students (900) through simple random and purposive sampling techniques. Questionnaires and interview were used as research instruments to collect data from the concerned participants and informants. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed for the analysis of the data. It was found that there is a significant correlation between social emotional intelligence of teachers and students’ cohesiveness in classroom learning environment. It is recommended that research studies should be conducted at different level with different variables relating to emotional social intelligence.

    Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, Learning, Learning Environment, Classroom Learning Environment
    (1) Fazle Khaliq
    PhD Scholar (Education), Department of Education, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan,Mardan, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Amir Zaman
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Mardan, KP,Pakistan
    (3) Abdul Ghafar
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Mardan, KP,Pakistan

12 Pages : 176-193      10.31703/gssr.2018(III-I).12      Published : Mar 2018

Effects of E-Learning Media on Cognitive Skills Enhancement of Students

    The significant time that learners spend on using e-learning media for teaching learning purpose at schools and homes creates some thought provoking questions like how the use of e-learning media may influence cognitive skills enhancement?, and if it does have influence, then how much? The study evaluates the effects of e-learning media on cognitive skills enhancement of science students respectively, and compares the impact of elearning media on cognitive skills enhancement of male and female science learners. The study is experimental in nature. Results of the study are tested at significance level alpha: a = 0.05. After conducting pre-tests, treatment and post-tests, it is found that the post-test results of male and female science students are better than their pre-test. It is also found that the cognitive skills enhancement score of both genders of students of experimental group is higher than the score of both genders of students of control group on the basis of post-tests scores. It is also found that there was no difference between cognitive skills enhancement score of male students of experimental group and that of female students of experimental group on the basis of post-tests scores. Consequently, it is concluded that the use of e-learning media has considerable positive effect on the achievement of male and female science students and it enhances their cognitive skills, but no considerable difference was observed between the cognitive skills enhancement of male and female students using e learning media.

    E-Learning media, Traditional classroom, E-learning media based classroom, Effects, Cognitive Skills, Cognitive Skills Enhancement
    (1) Rahmat Ullah Khan
    Ph.D Scholar (Education), STED Faculty of Education, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad,Pakistan.
    (2) Hafiz Muhammad Inamullah
    Associate Professor, IER, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan.
    (3) Hafiz M Irshadullah
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Mardan, KP,Pakistan.