Inclusive Growth Measurement Under Different Political Regimes of Pakistan
Existing literature focuses on the determinants and ways to enhance economic growth. This, however, neglects the growth benefit to society. Distribution aspect of economic growth is ignored in the previous decades. As a result, the world cannot enjoy the benefits of economic growth. In this paper inclusive growth index (IGI) is used which is constructed by the Asian Development Bank, 2011 to investigate whether the economic growth in Pakistan creates opportunities for the entire population on an equal basis and how political regimes affect the inclusive growth. Performance of the sixteen indicators of inclusive growth index is assessed over the period of 1978-2014, under two Democratic and two dictators' regimes. The result of the study shows that inclusive growth in Pakistan is low. However, the trend of inclusive growth in Pakistan is positive. Inclusive growth can be increase by increase the pace of economic growth besides democratic culture.
(1) Muhammad Masood Anwar
PhD Scholar, Kashmir Institute of Economics, University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.
(2) Aftab Anwar
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Ghulam Yahya Khan
Assistant Professor, Kashmir Institute of Economics, University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.
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APA : Anwar, M. M., Anwar, A., & Khan, G. Y. (2020). Inclusive Growth Measurement Under Different Political Regimes of Pakistan. Global Social Sciences Review, V(IV), 42-49.
CHICAGO : Anwar, Muhammad Masood, Aftab Anwar, and Ghulam Yahya Khan. 2020. "Inclusive Growth Measurement Under Different Political Regimes of Pakistan." Global Social Sciences Review, V (IV): 42-49 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2020(V-IV).05
HARVARD : ANWAR, M. M., ANWAR, A. & KHAN, G. Y. 2020. Inclusive Growth Measurement Under Different Political Regimes of Pakistan. Global Social Sciences Review, V, 42-49.
MHRA : Anwar, Muhammad Masood, Aftab Anwar, and Ghulam Yahya Khan. 2020. "Inclusive Growth Measurement Under Different Political Regimes of Pakistan." Global Social Sciences Review, V: 42-49
MLA : Anwar, Muhammad Masood, Aftab Anwar, and Ghulam Yahya Khan. "Inclusive Growth Measurement Under Different Political Regimes of Pakistan." Global Social Sciences Review, V.IV (2020): 42-49 Print.
OXFORD : Anwar, Muhammad Masood, Anwar, Aftab, and Khan, Ghulam Yahya (2020), "Inclusive Growth Measurement Under Different Political Regimes of Pakistan", Global Social Sciences Review, V (IV), 42-49
TURABIAN : Anwar, Muhammad Masood, Aftab Anwar, and Ghulam Yahya Khan. "Inclusive Growth Measurement Under Different Political Regimes of Pakistan." Global Social Sciences Review V, no. IV (2020): 42-49.