Human Resource Development Practices and Faculty Development: A Review in the Context of Pakistani Universities
Human resource has been the pivotal factor for sustainable development of any organization. The study aims at finding the effects of institutional activities of human resource development currently in place in the public and private universities in Pakistan and to develop an appropriate faculty development framework/model to improve current level of performance. The research was limited to the Punjab province. The sample of the study included executive and administrative heads, HR mangers and faculty members of social sciences department of ten randomly selected universities of Punjab. Data from was gathered through a self-developed and piloted questionnaire HRDAS and analyzed using statistical software (AMOS) version 21 and a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) framework/model. The results reflect that the formation and recruitment process for human capital, training and development, compensation and profit and mentoring, contribute significantly to the growth of faculties and organizations. The suggested model will improve faculty and institutional performance.
(1) Shehzad Ahmed
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Okara, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Tahir Khan Farooqi
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Okara, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Abdul Shakoor
PhD Scholar, University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Ahmed, S., Farooqi, M. T. K., & Shakoor, A. (2018). Human Resource Development Practices and Faculty Development: A Review in the Context of Pakistani Universities. Global Social Sciences Review, III(IV), 563-574.
CHICAGO : Ahmed, Shehzad, Muhammad Tahir Khan Farooqi, and Abdul Shakoor. 2018. "Human Resource Development Practices and Faculty Development: A Review in the Context of Pakistani Universities." Global Social Sciences Review, III (IV): 563-574 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2018(III-IV).38
HARVARD : AHMED, S., FAROOQI, M. T. K. & SHAKOOR, A. 2018. Human Resource Development Practices and Faculty Development: A Review in the Context of Pakistani Universities. Global Social Sciences Review, III, 563-574.
MHRA : Ahmed, Shehzad, Muhammad Tahir Khan Farooqi, and Abdul Shakoor. 2018. "Human Resource Development Practices and Faculty Development: A Review in the Context of Pakistani Universities." Global Social Sciences Review, III: 563-574
MLA : Ahmed, Shehzad, Muhammad Tahir Khan Farooqi, and Abdul Shakoor. "Human Resource Development Practices and Faculty Development: A Review in the Context of Pakistani Universities." Global Social Sciences Review, III.IV (2018): 563-574 Print.
OXFORD : Ahmed, Shehzad, Farooqi, Muhammad Tahir Khan, and Shakoor, Abdul (2018), "Human Resource Development Practices and Faculty Development: A Review in the Context of Pakistani Universities", Global Social Sciences Review, III (IV), 563-574
TURABIAN : Ahmed, Shehzad, Muhammad Tahir Khan Farooqi, and Abdul Shakoor. "Human Resource Development Practices and Faculty Development: A Review in the Context of Pakistani Universities." Global Social Sciences Review III, no. IV (2018): 563-574.