Political participation and unity of nation on political affairs in the country to increase the participation of youth in political affairs their political development is a basic requirement. Pakistan studies support creating political awareness among the youth of the nation. This research study investigated that how the 10th grade ‘Pakistan to study textbook’ creates a political sense among the youths. This study was conducted through content analysis of 10th-grade textbooks, and the students’ political development level was also measured through a survey questionnaire focused on the questions related to political development elements. The sample for content analysis was 10th grade Pakistan studies textbook, and for the survey was 120 students of 10th grades enrolled in secondary schools of Quetta city. Major findings high lights that political development was not supported by the Pakistan studies textbook.
Key Words
10th Grade, Political Development, Secondary Level, Textbook, Content
The knowledge of politics makes the students an informed and active member of society. The curriculum plays an important role to do this task in a sufficient way (Government of Pakistan, 2002). We may consider education as a strategy to train people’ abilities and mind in order to develop their skills and improve their knowledge (Batool Farrah, 2007).
Different research studies in Pakistan was conducted to measure the political knowledge of the students. Results indicate that the students have poor political knowledge. It is the responsibility of the educational institutions to develop the student in all perspectives, political development is also one of the main objectives of education, but the institutions are failed to achieve this objective. Many factors are contributing to creating this issue. Education is the major source that may improve the political knowledge and political development of the youth of the nations. Teachers are also responsible for creating political sense as they are communicating the content of Pakistan studies. But the common scenario is that Pakistan studies are not considered an important subject, and very few students choose this subject for specialization (UNESCO, 2007).
Society progress depends upon socio-political development. If this process is figured out in a correct way, then establish an equitable, true political democratic system. It is a fact that society is influenced by politics, and politics is influenced by society; we can consider it as a ‘give and take process. This process produces better results for the citizens. The education system is the best channel for the political development and social adjustment of the citizens (Roderick, J., 2003).
The political development of the students depends upon the friends, teachers, environment and fellows. Students think that adults are responsible for having political knowledge, and it is the duty of the adults to perform political activities. Moreover, the students follow the political beliefs of their adults. They never try to develop their own political beliefs (Wiseman, A. W., 2010).
According to Muzaffar M. et al. (2017), following the adults political beliefs rather than developing their own beliefs is not the mistake of the students. Actually, there is a great question mark on the teaching-learning process in Pakistan studies classrooms. As political participation and education run parallel, this may adversely affect the education system. The political activities in educational institutions become high because of the high level of political awareness among the students, and the high level of political activities affects the literacy rate (Adam J. B., & Gabriel S. L., 2010).
For political awareness and the finest citizenship, the understandings of the political concepts are crucial at the secondary level. The value of the Students involvement and understanding of political affairs is mention in many of the researches at the global level. These researches focused on the active involvement of the students in the political organizations, but in many schools, the political activities have been stopped; this is not a good indication for the political development of the youth (Jan W. Van Deth, 2010).
Pakistan studies were introduced at the secondary level for producing the youth with good citizenship qualities who understand the political system of Pakistan and human values as well. But this aspect is missing in teaching Pakistan Studies. Politics and education have a strong link with each other, and the political system is responsible for providing good education to their nation while the education system is responsible for providing youth to the nation who is creative, skilful and technical in all perspectives of life. The education sector is also responsible for the sustainable development for a stable economy and democracy for the strong political system.
The political system is strengthened by education, but there are many issues created in the educational institutions. The dynamic, progressive educational system is the key factor in political development as education flourish democracy. So there is a greater need to strengthen the education system on a sound basis because a poor and weak education system resulted in the production of the undemocratic political system (Kenneth P. L., & Kent, J., 2014). Political attitudes, civic skills, political culture and knowledge is neglected in our curriculum. The curriculum I developed by the experts, but a lot of the researches provide evidences that it is not developed in the light of modern democratic theories. Our schools lack a positive working atmosphere and a democratic culture; this inefficiency results in non-democratic attitudes in the educational institutions. If the Political culture is nurture in our educational institutions, then democratic leadership can be flourished (Alexander, R., 2013).
Pakistan studies are the only subject that provides political knowledge at the secondary level of education, but its teaching-learning process is not given proper attention. According to the report of World Bank (World Bank, 2008), it is a common observation that the teachers who are engaged in the teaching of Pakistan Studies are irrelevant to this subject; moreover, they are teaching this subject in a conventional way. The secondary level Pakistan studies textbooks also exhibit little content on political knowledge. This situation is producing poor, politically developed students.
The eradication of poverty and the development of the economy depends upon the political development of the society. The norms of political development do not seem in both developed and developing countries. The prime job of the educational institution is to inform and prepare the citizens for political development. This practice will result in sustainable development. As the political development of the society rescued the nations and eradicate the poverty as well. But it is a matter of sorrow that the political development of the youth is not valued. Education and political development is the remedy for poverty in both underdeveloped and developed nations (Acemoglu, D., & Robinson J. A., 2012).
Many researches have been conducted to analyze the Pakistan studies’ content. Khan I. (2012) critically analyze the curriculum of Pakistan Studies. He investigates the content of Pakistan studies in terms of its utility, relation with the interest and the needs of the students and its relation with the society
Russel et al. (2007) state that the rural education system does not emphasize and valued the political development of the youths. The maintenance of the status quo is shared in education, but it lacks the progress spirit, so revisions should make in the curriculum. To compete with the progressive localities and the developed areas, there is a need for radical ideas. Educational reforms not only improve the education system but also improve the social sectors. Connie (2005) described that public schools had been failed in balancing progress and the growth of the revitalizing political system.
Because of these observations, this research study efforts to analyze the Pakistan studies’ secondary level 10th grade textbooks. The results of this study will guide the curriculum developer to modify the textbook and strategies of teaching for the political development of the youth of the nation
Objectives of the study
• To analyze the politics related content in the 10th grade Pakistan studies textbook.
• To measure the level of political development in the students of 10th grade.
• To suggest the content for improving the political development among the students
Research Questions
• What content is related to political knowledge?
• Which level of political development students possess?
• How can the content be modified for fostering political development in the students?
Literature Review
Need of Pakistan Studies as a Subject
In the early 1980s, Pakistan Studies was introduced at the secondary level as a compulsory subject. At the same time, Pakistan studies were introduced at a higher level. Pakistan studies were introducing to strengthen and to promote national integration, national solidarity, national cohesion and harmony in the youths of Pakistan. In the curriculum of Pakistan Studies, a different multidisciplinary approach was established. Thus the content related to geography, history, economy, politics, social culture, international relations and languages are spoken in Pakistan were added to the subject of Pakistan Studies.
The main purpose was that to equip the students with numerous facets of life. By considering its importance, the ministry of education revised its curriculum and made it a compulsory subject at all levels of education. Pakistan Studies is a subject that covers all features of Pakistan. e.g. political movements, disaster, economic condition, challenges, tradition, customs values, natural disaster, etc.
The value of Pakistan is highlighted and explored through the subject of Pakistan Studies. Students become aware of the hardships faced by their leaders in the creation of Pakistan; they become knowledgeable about the past and present political situation of Pakistan. Pakistan Studies also include the content about the existing all cultures in Pakistan, their dresses and festivals, traditions and climate in different regions of Pakistan (Malik K. S., Zaheer I., 2012).
In the majority of Pakistani school, the only teaching material is the textbook (Khan L.M., 2017). Despite the technological innovations, textbooks are an important tool in the teaching-learning process (Mahmood, K., 2010). Indicated that the textbooks are implemented without the formal investigation and the piloting process for many decades. Textbooks are the major component in schools of developing countries that facilitate the teaching-learning process. Textbooks may be considered as the practical display of the curriculum. A textbook is required for fulfilling the needs of the students, achieving the objectives of the curriculum, allocated budget and show the duration of the course etc. (Jupri, R., 1994). The curriculum is considered as a plan or course for learning in an educational context. A curriculum may be defined as the organized set of the goals of educational institutions. The curriculum delivers knowledge regarding the responsibilities and rights of the people (Khan, I. 2012). The curriculum is a way for achieving educational aims, and it regulates the work of students and teachers. It supports the teachers in the selection of the appropriate teaching method. Curriculum also transmits the values of equity, dignity, justice, respect, group living and liberty (Shahid S. M., 2000).
It also supports the national integration, moral values, spiritual values, respect and unity for every faith and love for motherland (Rashid, M., 2004). The national curriculum is responsible for the enhancement of patriotism and national unity (Hashmi, R. S., 2014).
The curriculum of the Pakistan studies focused on national integration, patriotism and national cohesion. Ministry of Education,
Ministry of Education (2006), Explains that the national integration, patriotism and national cohesion is the core objective of the teaching-learning process in Pakistan studies classroom. The textbook is the tool for the communication of the curriculum in an effective way. Teachers become able to teach in an effective way and make their teaching result oriented. Teachers may choose the related strategies by knowing the shortcomings of the content (Sarem, S. N., 2013).
Textbook evaluation needs a specific level approach. This approach focused on:
1. Overview of the content: The quick overview is helpful in determining the outer quality and the textbook suitability.
2. In-depth evaluation: The first step is followed by the in-depth evaluation; this determines the inner quality of the subject matter. In this step, the textbook or its portion is described in detail, and its connection with the learners’ need, teaching objectives, and aims are measured (Lawrence, W. P. W., 2011).
In the past, multiple textbooks were used in classrooms. Ministry of Education (1959) states that the national education commission in 1959 replaced multiple textbooks with a single textbook for 1 subject. The provincial government was made responsible for its publication, and the provincial textbook board was assigned this task. These textbooks were reviewed by the national curriculum review committee to check their alignment with the national curriculum and approve it accordingly (Mahmood, K., 2010). The curriculum of Pakistan studies was developed to inculcate national cohesion, integration and patriotism in the youth of Pakistan (Ministry of Education, 2006). Patriotism refers to the love of citizens with the country's prosperity, progress and development progress (Primoratz, I., 2015).
Political Science is very important and useful for people and government. Political Science is a branch of study which deals with political behavior and political activity, which brings positive change and development in any state. Political Science gives technical meaning to the term of political or the term of state. Political science is not about the study of state and government. But it applies scientific application to political matters which are existing in any state.
Scope of Political Science
Political Science gives the concept to know about forms of government, understanding the policies which directly affect the people’s lives. Through political science, people can understand political phenomena.
It gives good political life to citizens, and it brings political wisdom which gives the ideas about solving public issues, the study about the relationship between man and state affairs. In this study, citizen adjusts themselves to the society. The process of adjustment of a citizen with society is a very important aspect of political science. Political Science is an independent discipline that gives positive theories related to states affairs. Political science gives empirical facts about human government. When human governments are studied with logical fact is called political science. Simon, D. W et al. (2018), describe political science as:
1. Political Science is the study of state and government
2. Political theories may solve the issues related to political affairs.
3. Political Science studies different political institutions, for example, parliament, National Assembly, provincial Assembly.
4. Political Science studies mans’ political role with society.
5. This gives awareness about National and International Laws.
Benefits of Political Science
State Knowledge
A citizen can understand the knowledge about the state. Every citizen can understand that what the importance of the state is.
Government Affairs Knowledge
A citizen can understand the knowledge about government affairs in detail.
Knowledge of World Affairs
A citizen can understand that what is going on in the world. He can manage himself according to world politics.
Knowledge about Democracy
A citizen can understand the knowledge about democracy. Create good citizen for the state through democracy. According to Aristotle, political science is Supreme Science. Political Science helps to understand the mechanism of the constitutional development of any state.
Leadership Qualities
Political Science gives the qualities of leadership.
Research Methodology
The research design was descriptive quantitative in nature. This study was conducted through 02 instruments as under:
1. Content analysis of 10th-grade textbooks: for analyzing how much the content is aligned with political development.
2. Survey questionnaire: students’ political development level was also through survey questionnaire focused on the questions related to political development elements.
The sample for content analysis was the 10th grade Pakistan studies textbook and for survey 120 students enrolled in 10th grades in secondary schools of Quetta city. These 120 students were selected through a simple random sampling procedure from 10 secondary schools. Out of 10 schools, 05 were girls, and 05 were boys’ schools. Twelve students from each school were selected for the sample of this study.
Rubrics were
developed to analyze the content of the Pakistan studies 10th-grade
textbook (Baluchistan Board). Rubrics
were developed in the light of the elements which are necessary for the political
development of the youth. Obtained results are described in the following
Table 1. Content Analysis
Rubrics |
Poor 0 – 5% |
Poor 5 -10% |
Good 40 -
50% |
good 60 -
70% |
Excellent 70 –
80% |
Objectives of politics i.e.
Debate, Negotiation, legislation, safety, general welfare order and within
the state |
X |
Purpose of politics Enable the society to achieve the goals collectively |
X |
Human Rights i.e. Different acts on human rights. |
X |
Value of Vote i.e. Elect the right people without any
pressure, for the common welfare of the society |
X |
Structure of the political organization |
X |
Approaches to become a good political
leader |
X |
Qualities of a good leader |
X |
Terminologies used in politics i.e. Big
Government, Bipartisan, Caucus, Campaign, Bleeding Heart, Convention, Dark
Horse, Delegate etc. |
X |
Meaning of power |
X |
Role of power |
X |
The above table indicates that the majority of elements of political
development were missing in the content. But the structure of the political
organization was described in a good way, and the role of power was also
explained in a good way.
Description of Rubrics
The objectives and
purposes of the politics are not described separately but can be identified in
the reforms carried out by the different ruled government of Pakistan.
Acts on Human
rights and the value of the vote were totally missing in the content.
The structure of the political organization is explained under the
heading of impacts of Bhutto’s Government Reforms. But it is not explained in
detail. But the tiers of the organizational structure of local government, 2001
are explained in a good way.
Approaches to become a good leader, qualities of a good leader, politics’
terminologies and meaning of power is totally missing in the content.
The role of power was described in the form of actions taken by the
different political leaders and but not described under the specific headings
to develop the youth politically.
Quantitative Data
A survey
questionnaire was developed to measure the level of political development in
the students of 10th grade. This survey included 11 items. It was
developed on 3- point Likert scale, Agree, neutral disagree. The number of
students who agreed to the statements is given in the following table:
Table 2. Students’ Views about
Statements |
N |
F |
%age |
Mean |
I am well aware of politics and its purpose. I know all the
government of Pakistan since its existence. I know all the
constitutions of Pakistan. I know my all
rights. I want to
become a political leader. I know how a
leader can run the state effectively. I can analyze
the drawbacks of different Pakistani governments. I can highlight
the best steps taken by different governments for the welfare of Pakistan. I have my own
view to elect the politicians. I know how to join
politics. I am well aware
of the political structure of my country |
120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 |
20 50 30 6 80 30 50 50 20 0 25 |
17% 42% 25 5% 67% 25% 42% 42% 17% 17% 17% |
0.16 0.41 0.25 0.05 0.66 0.25 0.41 0.41 0.16 0 0.20 |
Figure 1
Students Political Development Level
The above table and figure highlight that the majority of the students want to become a political leader [M = 0.66, 67%], but they do not know how to join politics [0%]. Data also indicates that the students know all the governments that ruled Pakistan; they can analyze the good and bad of these governments [M = 0.41, 42%]. Some of the students have information about Pakistan’s constitutions, political leaders’ role and the political structure of Pakistan [M = 0.25, 25%]. Few of the students were well aware of politics and its purposes; they have their own views about politics [M = 0.16, 17%]. A very few of the students know all of their rights [M = 0.05, 5%].
The major findings highlight that political development was not supported by the Pakistan studies textbook. 1st 2 chapters show political knowledge, but they do not foster political development. Because political development means enable the youth to become active partner of political organization. Active political partner doesn’t mean to become a political worker. The selection of the right people for the welfare society is also possible with the political development of ones.
But the results of the study show that the Pakistan studies book only sharing the knowledge of political efforts carried out by the different governments of Pakistan. The content also shares the knowledge of political relations of Pakistan with the other countries, but it does not enough to develop the political sense of the youth.
The main objective of education is the overall development of the students. The textbooks are the only source that is used in the teaching-learning process at the secondary level. The political development can be carried out through the textbook of Pakistan Studies. On the findings of this research study following recommendations are made:
• The knowledge of politics has been given in the 10th grade Pakistan Studies textbook, but it is not organized in a way to develop the students on a political basis, so it is recommended that more content should be added to it and organized in a way which fosters the political development.
• The content regarding efforts of different Pakistani government should be reduced, and the focus on sharing this knowledge should be that it this act was good and that was bad action etc.
• Moreover, students can’t be developed politically just by simply by acquiring the knowledge, but there should be some different teaching strategies for it. The student should be engaged in activities that develop their political skills.
• Activities may be introduced, as different groups may be developed in the classrooms, different tasks should be assigned to them. And for the completion of the task, engage them in debating, legislation for their group tasks, delegating different functions, cooperating with each other, valuing different thoughts etc.
• Field trips of different political organizations should also be arranged.
• Political leaders should be invited to the schools, who share their experiences and answer the students’ query regarding the political issue.
• Voting practice should be carried out in the schools, and after the election of any leader, all students’ groups should be trained that they must obey the elected leader, not only this but also support the leader in performing his/her duties.
• An elected leader should also be trained that he/she must care for the individual differences of thoughts and put all of them on one track.
• All of the students should be given a chance to do different jobs, and even they become a leader. So the duration of one elected person should be for 3 months. After that, any other person got this chance.
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Cite this article
APA : Ayub, A., Karim, K., & Akhtar, S. (2020). Political Development and Pakistan Studies at 10th Grade: An Analytical Study. Global Social Sciences Review, V(III), 289-297. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2020(V-III).30
CHICAGO : Ayub, Alia, Khadija Karim, and Shabana Akhtar. 2020. "Political Development and Pakistan Studies at 10th Grade: An Analytical Study." Global Social Sciences Review, V (III): 289-297 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2020(V-III).30
HARVARD : AYUB, A., KARIM, K. & AKHTAR, S. 2020. Political Development and Pakistan Studies at 10th Grade: An Analytical Study. Global Social Sciences Review, V, 289-297.
MHRA : Ayub, Alia, Khadija Karim, and Shabana Akhtar. 2020. "Political Development and Pakistan Studies at 10th Grade: An Analytical Study." Global Social Sciences Review, V: 289-297
MLA : Ayub, Alia, Khadija Karim, and Shabana Akhtar. "Political Development and Pakistan Studies at 10th Grade: An Analytical Study." Global Social Sciences Review, V.III (2020): 289-297 Print.
OXFORD : Ayub, Alia, Karim, Khadija, and Akhtar, Shabana (2020), "Political Development and Pakistan Studies at 10th Grade: An Analytical Study", Global Social Sciences Review, V (III), 289-297
TURABIAN : Ayub, Alia, Khadija Karim, and Shabana Akhtar. "Political Development and Pakistan Studies at 10th Grade: An Analytical Study." Global Social Sciences Review V, no. III (2020): 289-297. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2020(V-III).30