Green Marketing Strategies : Paradigms and Assessment
The current study also attempts to contribute significantly in this regard, as it attempts to map relationships between value systems and attitude towards green buying behavior. This study postulates that Environmental Value (EnV) forms the GA, which endorses CBB. After a careful literature review it has been revealed that very limited studies have attempted to map this relationship thread lending credence to the current study. The results indicate that the correlation coefficient achieved a value of 0 .275 0 significant at a P-value of 0.001*. The Cronbachs α value achieved for the EnV is 0.747 which is also significant, indicating that the overall results endorse the postulate of the current research that, EnV is also a principle variable other than CV to map CBB for the case of mapping green buying behavior
(1) Adnan Jamil
Lecturer, Department of Leadership and Management Studies, National Defence University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Zia ur Rehman
Assistant Professor,Department of Leadership and Management Studies, National Defence University, Islamabad, Pakistan
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APA : Jamil, A., & Rehman, M. Z. u. (2019). Green Marketing Strategies : Paradigms and Assessment. Global Social Sciences Review, IV(II), 261-268.
CHICAGO : Jamil, Adnan, and Muhammad Zia ur Rehman. 2019. "Green Marketing Strategies : Paradigms and Assessment." Global Social Sciences Review, IV (II): 261-268 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-II).34
HARVARD : JAMIL, A. & REHMAN, M. Z. U. 2019. Green Marketing Strategies : Paradigms and Assessment. Global Social Sciences Review, IV, 261-268.
MHRA : Jamil, Adnan, and Muhammad Zia ur Rehman. 2019. "Green Marketing Strategies : Paradigms and Assessment." Global Social Sciences Review, IV: 261-268
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OXFORD : Jamil, Adnan and Rehman, Muhammad Zia ur (2019), "Green Marketing Strategies : Paradigms and Assessment", Global Social Sciences Review, IV (II), 261-268
TURABIAN : Jamil, Adnan, and Muhammad Zia ur Rehman. "Green Marketing Strategies : Paradigms and Assessment." Global Social Sciences Review IV, no. II (2019): 261-268.