Authored by : Abdur Rahman , Asghar Ali Shah , Abdus Salam

18 Pages : 193-203


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    APA : Rahman, A., Shah, A. A., & Salam, A. (2023). Development and Psychometric Evaluation of Life Skills Scale: An Indigenous Approach. Global Social Sciences Review, VIII(I), 193-203.
    CHICAGO : Rahman, Abdur, Asghar Ali Shah, and Abdus Salam. 2023. "Development and Psychometric Evaluation of Life Skills Scale: An Indigenous Approach." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (I): 193-203 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).18
    HARVARD : RAHMAN, A., SHAH, A. A. & SALAM, A. 2023. Development and Psychometric Evaluation of Life Skills Scale: An Indigenous Approach. Global Social Sciences Review, VIII, 193-203.
    MHRA : Rahman, Abdur, Asghar Ali Shah, and Abdus Salam. 2023. "Development and Psychometric Evaluation of Life Skills Scale: An Indigenous Approach." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII: 193-203
    MLA : Rahman, Abdur, Asghar Ali Shah, and Abdus Salam. "Development and Psychometric Evaluation of Life Skills Scale: An Indigenous Approach." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII.I (2023): 193-203 Print.
    OXFORD : Rahman, Abdur, Shah, Asghar Ali, and Salam, Abdus (2023), "Development and Psychometric Evaluation of Life Skills Scale: An Indigenous Approach", Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (I), 193-203
    TURABIAN : Rahman, Abdur, Asghar Ali Shah, and Abdus Salam. "Development and Psychometric Evaluation of Life Skills Scale: An Indigenous Approach." Global Social Sciences Review VIII, no. I (2023): 193-203.