Through in-service teachers' training program administration competencies among educational managers, increased efficacy in the study delves into the realm of educational management. The aim of this study was to deal with administration, decision-making, resource allocation, team management, and conflict resolution. This case study is a qualitative and exploratory analysis of the experiences and transformations undergone by educational managers in the QAED Teachers-Training Program approach to explore this program's effectiveness and outcomes in enhancing educational managers' administrative skills. The study's methodology involves in-depth interviews of fifteen participants with a select group of educational managers who have participated in the QAED, promotion-linked training program. Themes are extracted using thematic analysis to discern patterns in their responses. By fostering administration competencies, the QAED Teachers-Training Program can contribute to the enhancement of educational management practices in Punjab. In conclusion, this exploratory study offers valuable insights into the development of administration competencies through this program.
Key Words
Administration, Educational Managers, In-service Teacher Training, Program, (INSTTP), Promotion-linked Training Program (PLTP)
A leader must be in sync with their personality and confident enough to delegate responsibility to empower others (Abbas, Ramzan, & Hussain, 2022). QAED's training delivery style emphasizes collaboration and networking, enabling educational managers at the Bs 18 to Bs 19 level to exchange ideas, best practices, and challenges, thereby fostering a community of practice (Abbas, Ramzan, et al., 2022; Abbas, Tariq, & Jamil, 2021). Teacher programs QAED plays a pivotal role in the capacity building of school heads, particularly those in grades BS-17 to BS-18, through promotion-linked training programs (Abbas, Jabeen, & Tariq, 2022).
This study examines the promotion-linked training program by QAED Punjab, aimed at enhancing the administration competencies of educational managers. As education grows more intricate, administrators need skills beyond academics. The majority of the head teachers were of the view that their training had improved their administrative skills (Abbas, Jabeen, & Tariq, 2022). QAED's training delivery style emphasizes collaboration and networking, enabling educational managers at the Bs 18 to Bs 19 level to exchange ideas, best practices, and challenges, thereby fostering a community of practice (Abbas, Ramzan, et al., 2022; Abbas, Tariq, et al., 2021).
The importance of enhancing, optimizing, or formalizing professional development options for teachers and teacher educators has been strongly emphasized in various scholarly works within Pakistan. Notable references include Khan (2009), the Asian Development Bank (2002), Davis and Iqbal (1998), and the Directorate of Staff Development in Punjab (2006). At present, educational institutions in Punjab entrust educational managers with the responsibility of managing administrative complexities. Notably, participating teachers have demonstrated significant enhancements across multiple competency dimensions that are considered crucial for effective educational leadership, as highlighted by (Abbas, Tariq, & Arif, 2023).
The promotion-linked training program offered by QAED aims to enhance administration competencies among these managers. However, there is a need to assess the program's effectiveness in fostering these competencies. The QAED Punjab training program fills this gap by providing targeted training to educational managers based on their career advancement needs (Abbas, Jabeen, & Tariq, 2021). This exploratory study aims to fill this gap by investigating the experiences and perceptions of participants, providing insights into the current status of the program's impact on the professional development of educational managers in Punjab. The majority of the head teachers were of the view that their training had improved their administrative skills (Abbas, Jabeen, & Tariq, 2022).
As education evolves, educational managers play a pivotal role in school administration. Yet, the program's effectiveness in this regard requires investigation. This study seeks to explore participants' experiences and perceptions to provide insights into the program's impact on professional development. This encompassed pedagogical proficiency, classroom management skills, communication aptitude, curriculum innovation, and the integration of contemporary teaching methodologies (Abbas, Tariq, Arif, 2023). Understanding the program's current status is crucial for informed decision-making and refining training initiatives. Through qualitative exploration, this study aims to contribute valuable insights to improve educational management practices, ensuring that educational managers are equipped with the necessary competencies to navigate the complexities of their roles effectively.
The ever-evolving landscape of education is increasingly multifaceted and demanding. These individuals are entrusted with the crucial task of not only maintaining the smooth functioning of educational institutions but also driving innovation, fostering positive learning environments and ensuring effective resource allocation. As educational institutions navigate complexities brought about by technological advancements, changing pedagogical paradigms, and diverse student needs, the proficiency of educational managers in administrative competencies has gained paramount importance. Nevertheless, there is a consensus that systemic factors can significantly affect teachers' learning and instructional practices. As highlighted by Hilton, Hilton, Dole, and Goos in their 2015 study, limitations within school organizations and variations in cultural practices among schools can serve as constraints on teachers' professional development. This exploratory study seeks to delve into the realm of educational management within the context of Punjab, focusing on the development of administration competencies among educational managers through the promotion-linked training program offered by (QAED) Punjab. Educational managers, whether principals, vice-principals, or department heads, are essential in shaping the overall quality of education within their institutions. Their ability to strategize, lead teams, manage resources, and foster a conducive learning environment significantly influences students' experiences and outcomes.
The QAED promotion-linked training program is designed to equip educational managers with the skills and knowledge necessary for effective educational administration. Competence is the knowledge, skills, and abilities that a person has acquired to carry out adequate cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor behaviour. Teacher competencies determined by Kepmendiknas No. 16 of 2007 include 4 things, namely: (Bai, Luo, Zhao, Wen, & Wang, 2021) Pedagogic Competence, (2) Personality Competence, (Bai et al. 2021) Professional Competence, and (4) Social Competence. The Aim is to explore the program's efficacy in nurturing administration competencies and its impact on the professional growth of participating educational managers. The majority of the head teachers were of the view that their training had improved their administrative skills (Abbas, Jabeen, & Tariq, 2021)Through an in-depth examination of the experiences and perceptions of these educational managers, the study endeavours to shed light on the transformative potential of the training program. The rationale behind this research stems from the realization that effective educational management is not confined to technical expertise but encompasses a range of administration competencies. These competencies include but are not limited to strategic planning, financial management, human resource leadership, conflict resolution, and innovative problem-solving. The study seeks to contribute to the understanding of how a tailored training program can enhance these competencies and, consequently, elevate the performance of educational managers in their roles.
By adopting a case study approach, this research provides an intimate exploration of the journeys of educational managers who have undergone the QAED promotion-linked training program. Through interviews and qualitative analysis, the study aims to uncover the nuances of their experiences, highlight key areas of growth, and understand the specific ways in which the program has contributed to their administration competencies. As educational institutions continue to evolve, the significance of skilled and adaptable educational managers cannot be overstated. This study aspires to offer insights that not only contribute to the discourse on educational management but also inform policy decisions, program design, and professional development strategies. Ultimately, by exploring the development of administration competencies through the QAED promotion-linked training program this research aims to advocate for a holistic and effective approach to preparing educational managers for the challenges and opportunities of contemporary education in Punjab.
Literature Review
The PLT promotion-linked training program should create a platform that encourages teachers to engage in collaborative activities, enabling them to exchange their experiences, share best practices, and discuss the challenges they encounter. This collaborative environment should be designed to nurture a culture of ongoing professional growth and development. Moreover, it is imperative to incorporate technology seamlessly into lesson plans, as suggested by (Abbas, Tariq, & Arif, 2023). The landscape of education has undergone a significant transformation, necessitating educational managers to possess a comprehensive set of administration competencies. These competencies extend beyond traditional educational knowledge and encompass skills in strategic planning, financial management, communication, team leadership, and innovative problem-solving. As such, the (QAED) promotion-linked training program aims to equip educational managers with the necessary tools to excel in their multifaceted roles. Numerous studies underline the importance of effective educational management in fostering a conducive learning environment and enhancing overall institutional performance. It is indisputable that school leaders wield substantial influence over teachers' ability to implement professional learning within their classrooms. It is crucial that school leaders actively provide support, encouragement, and recognition to teachers who proactively engage in professional learning initiatives. This notion is echoed in the works of Goldsmith, Doerr, and Lewis (2014) as well as Lachance and Confrey (2003). Additionally, research conducted by Hoy and Miskel (2013) underscores the profound impact of leadership on the overall success of a school, underscoring the importance of administrative competencies in achieving positive outcomes. Additionally, Leithwood et al. (2004) discuss transformational leadership as a key component of effective educational management, suggesting that leadership skills are instrumental in driving positive change. The majority of the head teachers were of the view that their training had improved their administrative skills (Abbas, Tariq, Arif, 2023). In the context of Pakistan, educational management studies have garnered attention due to the evolving education landscape. Qureshi and Awan (2015) examined the challenges faced by educational managers and underscored the need for competency-based training. Promotion-linked training offers a unique incentive for educational managers to engage in professional development (Abbas, Tariq, Arif, 2023; Abbas, Hassan, & Rehman, 2023; Abbas, Jabeen, & Tariq, 2022). However, limited research specifically delves into the impact of training programs, such as the QAED Teachers-Training Program, on developing administration competencies among educational managers. This study employs a case study approach to bridge this gap and explore the experiences of educational managers who have undergone the QAED program. Until now, the scholarly discourse concerning the involvement of school leaders in the professional development of teachers has predominantly centred on their responsibilities related to granting access to professional development opportunities and supplying resources within the school environment. A leader must be in sync with their own personality and confident enough to delegate responsibility in order to empower others (Abbas, Ramzan, et al., 2022). By conducting in-depth interviews, the study aims to uncover the ways in which the program has contributed to the development of administration competencies. The qualitative nature of the research enables a nuanced understanding of participants' perceptions, reflections, and the practical application of acquired skills. Teachers have distinct perceptions regarding interactions pertaining to their professional development, which they view as somewhat distinct from other professional conversations they have with leaders. These perceptions indicate that when leaders are actively involved in teacher professional development, it creates opportunities for mutual contribution, where teachers and leaders jointly influence changes in each other's external domains. Promotion-linked training offers a unique incentive for educational managers to engage in professional development (Abbas, Tariq, Arif, 2023; Abbas, Hassan, & Rehman, 2023; Abbas, Jabeen, & Tariq, 2022).
To date, the existing literature regarding the role of school leaders in teachers' professional development has predominantly emphasized their role in facilitating access to professional development opportunities and providing necessary resources within the school context (McLaughlin & Talbert, 2001). Additionally, another notable sphere in which leaders have demonstrated a positive influence is the realm of the Change Environment. The study is underpinned by the constructivist paradigm, recognizing that learning is an active and participatory process. The program's experiential learning methods align with this paradigm by encouraging participants to engage in authentic tasks that mirror real-world administrative challenges. By exploring participants' insights, the research seeks to validate the effectiveness of the QAED promotion-linked training program in enhancing administration competencies. In conclusion, the literature highlights the evolving role of educational managers and the importance of administration competencies in their effectiveness. The majority of the head teachers were of the view that their training had improved their administrative skills (Abbas, Jabeen, et al., 2021). This research may be helpful for the university administration to create a learning environment that supports students and may improve their academic performance (Abbas, Pervaiz, & Malik, 2022). The QAED promotion-linked training program aligns with this need, focusing on skill enhancement. This research aims to contribute to the discourse on educational management in Punjab by investigating the impact of the program on developing administration competencies, ultimately enhancing the quality of educational leadership in the region.
Figure 1

Statement of problem
Educational institutions in Punjab are facing the intricate challenges of a rapidly evolving education landscape. The role of educational managers has expanded beyond traditional administrative duties to encompass multifaceted responsibilities. While the (QAED) promotion-linked training program in Punjab aims to enhance administration competencies, there is a gap in understanding the program's effectiveness in achieving this goal. The current situation necessitates a comprehensive exploration of whether the QAED program effectively equips educational managers with the necessary administration competencies to navigate the complexities of modern educational institutions.
Research objective
1. To Examine the Effectiveness of the QAED promotion-linked training program to enhance the administration competencies of educational managers.
2. To Explore Participants' Perceptions and aims to uncover their perceptions of the program's impact on their administration competencies, including changes in their approach to decision-making, resource management, and leadership practices.
3. To Identify Key Contributing Factors: This objective aims to identify the factors within the QAED promotion-linked training program that contribute significantly to the development of administration competencies among educational managers.
Research question
1. How does participation in the QAED promotion-linked training program influence the development of administration competencies among educational managers in Punjab?
2. What are the experiences, perceptions, and reflections of educational managers who have undergone the QAED promotion-linked training program regarding the impact of the program on their administration competencies?
3. Which specific aspects of the QAED promotion-linked training program, such as curriculum content, pedagogical methods, or peer interactions, contribute significantly to the enhancement of administration competencies among educational managers in Punjab?
Significance of the study
The significance of this study lies in its potential to inform educational policies, program design, and professional development strategies for educational managers in Punjab. By exploring the impact of the QAED promotion-linked training program on administration competencies, the study can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of such training initiatives. The findings can guide educational institutions, policymakers, and training providers in refining their approaches to equipping educational managers with essential skills. Furthermore, this research contributes to the broader discourse on educational management practices. The insights gained from participants' experiences and perceptions can foster a deeper understanding of the multifaceted demands of administrative roles within the evolving educational landscape. By enhancing administration competencies, the study can help ensure that educational managers are well-prepared to address the challenges and opportunities posed by technological advancements, diverse student needs, and changing pedagogical approaches. Ultimately, the study's outcomes have the potential to positively impact the quality of education in Punjab by fostering capable and adept educational managers.
Research design
The research design for this exploratory study involves a qualitative case study approach (Iqbal, Muhammad, & Waqar, 2022; Pirzada, Muhammad, & Mahmood, 2022c). In-depth interviews with a select group of educational managers who have participated in the QAED promotion-linked training program will be conducted. Thematic analysis was employed to uncover patterns, themes, and insights from participants' experiences and reflections (Aslam, Muhammad, & Nasir, 2022; Atta, Muhammad, & Mahmood, 2022). This design enables a nuanced exploration of the impact of the training program on administration competencies, providing a comprehensive understanding of participants' perspectives and the program's effectiveness. The qualitative nature of the research design aligns with the study's objective to delve deeply into the lived experiences of educational managers, uncovering the intricacies of their skill development and the specific contributions of the training program (Khan, Muhammad, & Masood, 2023; Khan, Muhammad, & Waqar, 2023).
Methodology of the Study
The study will utilize purposive sampling to select educational managers who have participated in the QAED promotion-linked training program. This technique ensures that participants possess firsthand experience with the program and have insights to contribute to the study's objectives (Pirzada, Muhammad, & Mahmood, 2022a, 2022b; Pirzada et al., 2022c). Purposive sampling aligns with the qualitative case study approach, allowing for an in-depth exploration of participants' experiences and perceptions regarding the development of administration competencies(Nasir, Muhammad, & Bokhari, 2022; Naveed, Muhammad, & Siddiqui, 2022; Naz, Muhammad, & Mahmood, 2022).
Data Collection
Data collection involved semi-structured in-depth interviews with educational managers who underwent the QAED promotion-linked training program. These interviews were conducted face-to-face or through virtual platforms, allowing participants to share their experiences, perceptions, and reflections on the program's impact on their administration competencies. Open-ended questions were used to elicit rich and detailed responses, enabling a comprehensive understanding of the participants' perspectives. The data collected through interviews were transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis, uncovering recurring patterns, themes, and insights that contribute to a deeper exploration of the research objectives.
Data analysis technique
The collected data was analyzed through thematic analysis, a qualitative method suitable for exploring participants' experiences and perceptions. The process involves coding the transcribed interviews to identify recurring themes, patterns, and insights related to administration competencies and the QAED promotion-linked training program (Saleem, Muhammad, & Masood, 2021a, 2021b). The identified themes will be organized into a coherent narrative that highlights the impact, effectiveness, and contributing factors of the program. The thematic analysis enables a rigorous exploration of the research questions, providing a deep understanding of participants' viewpoints and the nuances of their skill development (Pirzada et al., 2022a; Saeed, Muhammad, & Farooq, 2022; Sharjeel, Muhammad, & Waqar, 2022). This analysis approach aligns with the study's objective of uncovering the intricacies of how the QAED promotion-linked training program influences the administration competencies of educational managers in Punjab.
Findings of the Study
The findings of the study are as under regarding different themes of the study.
Role and Responsibilities
Within the educational institution, my role entails overseeing various administrative and managerial aspects that contribute to its effective functioning. As a principal, my responsibilities encompass not only the academic aspects but also extend to financial management, resource allocation, curriculum development, and staff supervision. The study's findings revealed that the educational managers who completed the STTP had developed competencies in various areas such as leadership, management, administration communication, planning and organization, and problem-solving (Abbas, Shah, & Tariq, 2023). These administrative functions are pivotal in maintaining a conducive learning environment and ensuring the institution's overall growth. In the context of administration and management, I am tasked with formulating strategic plans to meet educational goals, implementing policies, and creating a positive organizational culture. The study's findings revealed that the educational managers who completed the STTP had developed competencies in various areas such as leadership, management, administration communication, planning and organization, and problem-solving (Abbas, Shah, et al., 2023). Overseeing daily operations, I allocate resources efficiently, manage budgets, and address challenges that arise. Additionally, I lead a team of educators, fostering collaboration and providing guidance to enhance teaching methodologies and student engagement. Overall, my role is deeply intertwined with educational administration, requiring a balance of leadership, decision-making, and effective communication to drive the institution toward excellence. This connection between my responsibilities and administration underscores the significance of honing administration competencies, which the QAED promotion-linked training program aims to enhance.
Experiences and Challenges
The study's findings revealed that the educational
managers who completed the STTP had developed competencies in various areas such as leadership, management, administration communication, planning and organization, and problem-solving (Abbas, Sarwar, Farooqi, Kouser, & Qureshi, 2022). Before engaging in the QAED promotion-linked training program my journey in educational administration was marked by a blend of accomplishments and hurdles. Navigating administrative responsibilities such as curriculum planning, staff management, and student welfare posed notable challenges. The study's findings revealed that the educational managers who completed the STTP had developed competencies in various areas such as leadership, management, administration communication, planning and organization, and problem-solving (Abbas, Shah, et al., 2023). Limited exposure to innovative administrative strategies and a lack of formal training often led to trial-and-error approaches. This resulted in instances where decision-making was less informed and resource allocation was suboptimal. Moreover, addressing conflicts within the institution required finesse, which was sometimes lacking due to a lack of specialized conflict resolution training. On the positive side, my experience provided opportunities for growth and insights into the importance of effective educational management practices. Participating in the QAED promotion-linked training program marked a turning point. The program's training modules offered fresh perspectives, introducing me to comprehensive approaches to administration. Reflecting on past challenges, I recognized the potential impact of advanced training in refining my decision-making, resource management, and conflict-resolution skills. Thus, my experiences and challenges in educational administration served as the backdrop against which the QAED Services Teachers-Training Program's potential to bolster my competencies was realized.
Certainly, the QAED promotion-linked training program has notably impacted my decision-making process in educational management through several concrete instances. One such example is the implementation of a new teaching methodology within the institution. The program's emphasis on innovative pedagogical strategies inspired me to introduce project-based learning, enhancing student engagement and critical thinking. Additionally, the program's module on data-driven decision-making prompted a change in our assessment approach. Utilizing data analytics, I identified academic trends and adjusted instructional plans accordingly, resulting in improved student performance. Furthermore, the QAED promotion-linked training's focus on effective resource allocation influenced my approach to budget planning. By applying the principles learned, I optimized resource distribution, resulting in cost savings without compromising educational quality. These specific instances highlight the direct influence of the QAED promotion-linked training program on my decision-making process. The training equipped me with practical tools and insights that have proven invaluable in navigating the complexities of educational management.
Effective Management of Resources
The QAED promotion-linked training program has played a pivotal role in enhancing my proficiency in resource management within the educational institution. Teachers' ICT competencies have been explored through the role of ICT, which is an aspect of promotion-linked training. It was explored through a study (Abbas, Hassan, & Rehman, 2023). A notable example of its impact is evident in the successful implementation of a technology integration initiative. Through the program's modules on efficient resource allocation, I acquired strategies to assess the feasibility and long-term benefits of integrating technology tools into our curriculum. Applying these principles, I initiated a technology adoption plan that aligned with both educational goals and budget constraints. By strategically investing in technology resources, we streamlined administrative processes, facilitated remote learning during unforeseen disruptions, and improved overall teaching effectiveness. Furthermore, the program's emphasis on collaborative resource utilization has led to innovative solutions. Teachers' ICT competencies have been explored through the role of ICT, which is an aspect of promotion-linked training. It was explored through a study (Abbas, Hassan, et al., 2023). I collaborated with other educational managers to pool resources for joint projects, effectively minimizing duplication and maximizing the impact of shared investments. Overall, the QAED promotion-linked training program's insights have significantly contributed to optimizing our resource allocation, fostering a culture of prudent expenditure, and enabling the institution to achieve its objectives in a more resource-efficient manner. This exemplifies the program's direct influence on elevating my resource management capabilities as an educational manager.
Interactions with Teams or Colleagues
The QAED promotion-linked training program has been instrumental in transforming my interactions with colleagues and teams within the educational institution. Prior to the program, collaboration was often limited to departmental meetings with minimal cross-functional engagement. However, since participating in the program, my approach to teamwork has undergone a significant shift. The program's modules on effective communication and team dynamics prompted me to adopt a more inclusive and collaborative approach. Recognizing the importance of diverse perspectives, I initiated interdisciplinary team discussions to address complex challenges. This change in approach has not only enriched our problem-solving processes but has also fostered a culture of open dialogue. Moreover, the program's focus on leadership development has influenced my role as a team leader. I now encourage active participation, ensuring each team member feels valued and motivated to contribute their unique insights. This has resulted in enhanced team cohesion and a shared commitment to achieving our educational objectives. Furthermore, the QAED promotion-linked training program's emphasis on peer learning encouraged me to establish cross-functional learning circles. These circles facilitate knowledge-sharing and collective problem-solving, leading to innovative solutions that transcend departmental boundaries. The QAED promotion-linked training program's impact on my interactions with colleagues and teams has been profound. It has transformed me into a more inclusive and proactive leader, fostering an environment of collaboration, mutual respect, and shared growth.
Conflicts or Challenges
The QAED promotion-linked training program content has proven invaluable in addressing conflicts and challenges that have arisen in my role as an educational manager. An illustrative scenario involves a disagreement between faculty members over curriculum changes. Drawing on insights gained from the program's conflict resolution module, I employed a structured approach to mediate the situation. Applying active listening techniques and collaborative problem-solving strategies learned from the program, I facilitated open discussions between the concerned parties. By acknowledging their viewpoints and guiding them toward a common goal, I was able to mediate a compromise that not only resolved the conflict but also led to an improved curriculum plan. Additionally, the program's emphasis on effective communication has been pivotal in managing challenges related to parent-teacher interactions. I incorporated strategies learned from the program to initiate transparent and empathetic conversations with parents, addressing their concerns and building a stronger partnership for the benefit of students. Furthermore, the program's module on change management played a crucial role in navigating challenges associated with implementing a new assessment system. Leveraging the framework provided by the program, I communicated the rationale behind the change, engaged stakeholders, and effectively managed the transition process, minimizing resistance. These instances underscore the practical applicability of the QAED promotion-linked training program's content in real-world conflict resolution and challenge mitigation. The program's tools and strategies have empowered me to approach conflicts with confidence, facilitating resolutions that promote collaboration, understanding, and positive outcomes within the educational institution
Innovative Teaching or Administrative Strategies
Since completing the QAED promotion-linked training program my educational approach has witnessed a notable infusion of innovative teaching and administrative strategies. One transformative strategy involves the implementation of a flipped classroom model. Drawing inspiration from the program's emphasis on student-centred learning, I redesigned lessons to deliver foundational content through online resources, enabling more interactive and engaging in-class activities focused on critical thinking and application. Administratively, the program's insights prompted me to adopt a data-driven approach to decision-making. I now utilize analytics to track student performance, attendance trends, and curriculum effectiveness. This data informs timely interventions and enables personalized support for struggling students, enhancing overall learning outcomes. In line with the program's emphasis on professional development, I introduced regular peer observation sessions among educators. This strategy encourages the exchange of teaching practices, enriching pedagogical approaches and promoting continuous growth. Overall, the QAED promotion-linked training program has ignited a passion for innovation in both my teaching and administrative practices. By infusing my methods with learner-centeredness, data utilization, and collaborative learning, I am better equipped to meet the evolving needs of both students and the educational institution
Communication or Collaborative
The QAED promotion-linked training program has catalyzed noticeable improvements in communication and collaboration within our educational institution. An illustrative example is the establishment of regular cross-departmental meetings, inspired by the program's emphasis on effective communication. These training meetings have become platforms for sharing insights, aligning strategies, and addressing challenges collectively. Additionally, the program's module on fostering a culture of open communication prompted the creation of an online feedback portal for students, parents, and staff. This platform has facilitated transparent communication, enabling stakeholders to voice concerns, offer suggestions, and receive timely responses. Collaboration among educators has also flourished due to the program's impact. Inspired by the collaborative learning techniques introduced, I initiated interdisciplinary project teams that merge subject expertise to develop engaging cross-disciplinary projects. This approach not only enriches student learning but also promotes a collaborative ethos among educators. Overall, the QAED program's influence on improved communication and collaboration has fostered an environment of mutual respect, active engagement, and shared growth within the educational institution. These positive changes directly contribute to enhanced operational efficiency and a more harmonious educational ecosystem.
Abilities and Confidence
Participating in the QAED promotion-linked training program has profoundly shifted my self-perception and confidence as an educational manager. Prior to the program, while I held a certain level of competence, I often hesitated when confronted with complex challenges. The program's comprehensive training modules not only equipped me with practical tools but also instilled a newfound self-assurance in my abilities. The program's emphasis on leadership development and skill enhancement has reshaped my outlook. I now approach challenges with a problem-solving mindset, guided by the strategies I learned. This increased confidence is evident in my decision-making, as I am more proactive in addressing issues and initiating positive change. Furthermore, the program's exposure to best practices and success stories from educational leaders has broadened my horizons. The resulting enhanced self-esteem has enabled me to envision innovative solutions and steer initiatives that drive the institution forward. In essence, the QAED promotion-linked training program's impact on my self-perception and confidence has been transformative. The training's reinforcement of my skills and its validation of my potential as an effective educational manager have empowered me to navigate the complexities of the role with conviction and optimism
Role and Responsibilities
The QAED promotion-linked training program has been instrumental in enhancing my administration competencies through various specific components and methodologies. One noteworthy element is the case-based learning approach employed in the program. Analyzing real-world administrative scenarios and discussing potential solutions with peers facilitated a deep understanding of practical challenges and effective strategies. This hands-on approach significantly honed my decision-making skills. Moreover, the program's mentorship sessions provided personalized guidance from experienced educational leaders. These interactions not only offered insights into successful leadership practices but also allowed for tailored advice to address my unique challenges. Engaging with diverse perspectives from fellow participants enriched my problem-solving abilities and broadened my outlook on administration. Overall, the QAED program's combination of case-based learning, mentorship, reflective practices, and collaborative activities has synergistically contributed to enhancing my administration competencies. These specific components and methodologies have not only deepened my understanding of effective leadership but have also equipped me with practical tools to excel as an educational manager. These qualitative statements aim to elicit in-depth responses from participants, allowing them to provide detailed insights into their experiences, perceptions, and the impact of the QAED promotion-linked training program on their administration competencies.
Result and discussion
The findings of this exploratory study shed light on the impact of the QAED promotion-linked training program on the development of administration competencies among educational managers in Punjab. Through in-depth interviews with participants, several key themes emerged, underscoring the program's effectiveness in enhancing their abilities. Enhanced Decision-Making Abilities: Participants universally expressed that the program significantly improved their decision-making skills. They noted that the case-based learning approach enabled them to analyze complex administrative scenarios and make informed choices. This was particularly evident in instances where participants cited implementing innovative teaching methodologies and resource allocation strategies based on the program's teachings. Increased Self-Confidence: The program played a transformative role in boosting participants' self-confidence as educational managers. Many reported a shift from tentative decision-making to more assertive and proactive approaches. The exposure to diverse leadership practices and success stories shared during mentorship sessions contributed to their increased belief in their abilities to steer their institutions effectively.
Collaborative activities, such as group projects and peer discussions, significantly improved participants' collaboration skills. They shared instances where cross-disciplinary teamwork resulted in innovative solutions to institutional challenges. These collaborations also created a platform for exchanging best practices and collectively addressing shared concerns.
The program's emphasis on resource management resonated with participants. They described instances of implementing efficient resource allocation strategies, which led to cost savings without compromising educational quality. The data-driven decision-making module equipped them to utilize analytics to track student performance, enabling targeted interventions.
Participants acknowledged that certain challenges remained, such as adapting new strategies within existing institutional structures. However, these challenges were viewed as opportunities for growth, with participants determined to overcome barriers and implement positive change.
In summary, the QAED promotion-linked training program emerged as a catalyst for elevating administration competencies among educational managers in Punjab. The program's blend of case-based learning, mentorship, collaborative activities, and emphasis on data-driven decision-making collectively contributed to participants' enhanced abilities. The findings underscore the importance of continuous professional development in preparing educational managers to navigate the multifaceted landscape of educational administration effectively. These insights hold significant implications for refining training programs and shaping educational management practices to meet the evolving demands of the education sector.
exploratory study has illuminated the transformative role of the QAED
promotion-linked training program in enhancing the administration competencies
of educational managers in Punjab. The findings underscore the program's
effectiveness in equipping participants with essential skills and knowledge to
navigate the challenges of educational administration. The study's revelations
emphasize the importance of targeted professional development initiatives in
addressing the evolving demands of the education sector. The program's diverse
components, including case-based learning, mentorship, collaborative activities,
and data-driven decision-making, collectively contributed to participants'
growth as adept educational managers. The participants' increased
self-confidence, enhanced decision-making abilities, and improved resource
management skills signify the program's significant impact on their
professional development. Furthermore, the cultivation of collaborative
networks and the willingness to embrace challenges as growth opportunities
reinforce the program's role in fostering well-rounded educational managers.
The implications of this study are far-reaching, suggesting a need for ongoing
investment in training programs that address the intricacies of educational
administration. The findings hold relevance for educational institutions,
policymakers, and training providers in Punjab and beyond. Ultimately, this
study contributes to the broader discourse on effective educational management
practices, highlighting the critical role of continuous learning in shaping
educational leaders who can navigate the complexities of the ever-evolving
education landscape. As the educational sector continues to evolve, the
insights gleaned from this study can inform strategies that empower educational
managers to lead with confidence, innovation, and proficiency.
? The QAED program's success in enhancing administration competencies warrants further customization of training modules to cater to specific challenges faced by educational managers. By aligning content with participants' roles, institutions can ensure that the program's impact is maximized and directly relevant to their unique contexts. Long-Term Impact Assessment: Conducting longitudinal studies to assess the sustained impact of the QAED program on participants' administration competencies would provide valuable insights. Monitoring their continued growth and application of acquired skills over time would underscore the program's effectiveness and inform its continuous improvement.
? Building upon the program's emphasis on collaboration, establishing digital platforms for ongoing peer networking and knowledge sharing can facilitate the exchange of best practices. Such platforms could foster a community of educational managers, encouraging regular interactions, and creating an avenue for continued growth beyond the program's duration.
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APA : Abbas, M., Rehman, R. U., & Arif, M. (2023). Developing Administration Competencies of Educational Managers in Services Teachers-Training Program QAED Punjab: A Case Study. Global Social Sciences Review, VIII(II), 635-647. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-II).56
CHICAGO : Abbas, Muhammad, Raza Ur Rehman, and Muhammad Arif. 2023. "Developing Administration Competencies of Educational Managers in Services Teachers-Training Program QAED Punjab: A Case Study." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (II): 635-647 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-II).56
HARVARD : ABBAS, M., REHMAN, R. U. & ARIF, M. 2023. Developing Administration Competencies of Educational Managers in Services Teachers-Training Program QAED Punjab: A Case Study. Global Social Sciences Review, VIII, 635-647.
MHRA : Abbas, Muhammad, Raza Ur Rehman, and Muhammad Arif. 2023. "Developing Administration Competencies of Educational Managers in Services Teachers-Training Program QAED Punjab: A Case Study." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII: 635-647
MLA : Abbas, Muhammad, Raza Ur Rehman, and Muhammad Arif. "Developing Administration Competencies of Educational Managers in Services Teachers-Training Program QAED Punjab: A Case Study." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII.II (2023): 635-647 Print.
OXFORD : Abbas, Muhammad, Rehman, Raza Ur, and Arif, Muhammad (2023), "Developing Administration Competencies of Educational Managers in Services Teachers-Training Program QAED Punjab: A Case Study", Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (II), 635-647
TURABIAN : Abbas, Muhammad, Raza Ur Rehman, and Muhammad Arif. "Developing Administration Competencies of Educational Managers in Services Teachers-Training Program QAED Punjab: A Case Study." Global Social Sciences Review VIII, no. II (2023): 635-647. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-II).56