Authored by : AnilaYasmin , MuhammadNaeemMohsin , MuhammadAyubBuzdar

43 Pages : 419-427


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    APA : Yasmin, A., Mohsin, M. N., & Buzdar, M. A. (2020). Training Need Assessment for the Infusion of Tolerance, Peace and Social Cohesion among University Students. Global Social Sciences Review, V(I), 419-427.
    CHICAGO : Yasmin, Anila, Muhammad Naeem Mohsin, and Muhammad Ayub Buzdar. 2020. "Training Need Assessment for the Infusion of Tolerance, Peace and Social Cohesion among University Students." Global Social Sciences Review, V (I): 419-427 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2020(V-I).43
    HARVARD : YASMIN, A., MOHSIN, M. N. & BUZDAR, M. A. 2020. Training Need Assessment for the Infusion of Tolerance, Peace and Social Cohesion among University Students. Global Social Sciences Review, V, 419-427.
    MHRA : Yasmin, Anila, Muhammad Naeem Mohsin, and Muhammad Ayub Buzdar. 2020. "Training Need Assessment for the Infusion of Tolerance, Peace and Social Cohesion among University Students." Global Social Sciences Review, V: 419-427
    MLA : Yasmin, Anila, Muhammad Naeem Mohsin, and Muhammad Ayub Buzdar. "Training Need Assessment for the Infusion of Tolerance, Peace and Social Cohesion among University Students." Global Social Sciences Review, V.I (2020): 419-427 Print.
    OXFORD : Yasmin, Anila, Mohsin, Muhammad Naeem, and Buzdar, Muhammad Ayub (2020), "Training Need Assessment for the Infusion of Tolerance, Peace and Social Cohesion among University Students", Global Social Sciences Review, V (I), 419-427
    TURABIAN : Yasmin, Anila, Muhammad Naeem Mohsin, and Muhammad Ayub Buzdar. "Training Need Assessment for the Infusion of Tolerance, Peace and Social Cohesion among University Students." Global Social Sciences Review V, no. I (2020): 419-427.