Authored by : SaqibWahabMahar , IkhtiarAliGhumro

47 Pages : 458-468


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    APA : Mahar, S. W., & Ghumro, I. A. (2020). Social Capital and its Impact on Business Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises of Sindh (Pakistan). Global Social Sciences Review, V(I), 458-468.
    CHICAGO : Mahar, Saqib Wahab, and Ikhtiar Ali Ghumro. 2020. "Social Capital and its Impact on Business Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises of Sindh (Pakistan)." Global Social Sciences Review, V (I): 458-468 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2020(V-I).47
    HARVARD : MAHAR, S. W. & GHUMRO, I. A. 2020. Social Capital and its Impact on Business Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises of Sindh (Pakistan). Global Social Sciences Review, V, 458-468.
    MHRA : Mahar, Saqib Wahab, and Ikhtiar Ali Ghumro. 2020. "Social Capital and its Impact on Business Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises of Sindh (Pakistan)." Global Social Sciences Review, V: 458-468
    MLA : Mahar, Saqib Wahab, and Ikhtiar Ali Ghumro. "Social Capital and its Impact on Business Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises of Sindh (Pakistan)." Global Social Sciences Review, V.I (2020): 458-468 Print.
    OXFORD : Mahar, Saqib Wahab and Ghumro, Ikhtiar Ali (2020), "Social Capital and its Impact on Business Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises of Sindh (Pakistan)", Global Social Sciences Review, V (I), 458-468
    TURABIAN : Mahar, Saqib Wahab, and Ikhtiar Ali Ghumro. "Social Capital and its Impact on Business Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises of Sindh (Pakistan)." Global Social Sciences Review V, no. I (2020): 458-468.