This research study is carried out to know about the importance of social mobilization intervention of Crop Maximization Project on the socio-economic development of small farmers of district Charsadda. The objective of this research study was to know about the role of the social mobilization of the project in uplifting the social and economic conditions of small farmers of the targeted area. The present research study was carried out in union councils Rajjar-II and Sarki Tetara of Tehsil and district Charsadda. Pre-tested interview schedule was used for data collection from 150 respondents, who were purposively selected through random sampling method. The analyzed data indicated that 100% of the respondents were fully satisfied the role played by social mobilization in their motivation, awareness, empowerment, capacity building and organization. Majority (93.3%) of the respondents utilized these skills empowerment for their social and economic development while only 6.7% of them got no benefits. The research findings indicates that effective social mobilization can pave the way for other practical developmental initiatives by motivating, organizing and building the capacity of the targeted population. In future rural development projects there should be effective social mobilization sector, which can bring the maximum number of the targeted population in main stream to get the maximum benefits from the development projects.
Key Words
Small farmers, Social Mobilization, Crop Maximization Project, Empowerment
Social Mobilization is continues process with no specific ending and starting point. Social mobilization bring to gather all the stakeholders of common interest, train, organize, engaged and prepared them for planned collective actions to achieve a common goal through a particular development program(Leimona, 2008). Social mobilization is the key in rural development projects. Through social mobilization the poor rural people and small farmers can be sensitized and motivated to become aware and understand the causes of their vulnerable conditions and make them able to take collective actions through self-help bases to pull out from vulnerable conditions and improve their social and economic conditions (SRSP, 2011). Being an agricultural base economy, about 66% of Pakistan population is dependent on agriculture sector for their survival. The sector contributes 21% in the total GDP and its share in employment is about 43.6% of the total workforce of the country (Khan, 2015).It was observed by Khan, (2012) that small farmers and people living in rural areas are the major stakeholders in Pakistan agriculture sector but their capacity and awareness level is very devastating. Therefore majority of small farmers of the country are only relying on subsistence agriculture. They hardly produced for kitchen necessities. This is the main cause of mounting poverty among the small farmers of the country. To control this situation and improve their life standard social mobilization interventions in required to initiate for small farmers of the country. Bushra, (2015) demonstrated that social mobilization of small farmers especially of rural women make them able to diversify their income which ultimately improve their socio-economic conditions. Sahibzada, (1997) revealed that in Pakistan the main focus is always on crops and agriculture land for agriculture development.
The poor small farmer behind the plough is never the part of the strategies and planning made for agriculture development. That’s why majority of poor small farmers of the country is unskilled, unaware and disorganized. Through social mobilization the small farmers could be bring in mainstream by harnessing their potential and by making them organized for collective social and economic development actions. Hazell, (2006) demonstrated that for rural development and eradication of poverty from among the rural people, agriculture is the only sector should be developed and the resource less small farmers should be mainstreamed through effective social mobilization. Small scale agriculture has great potential to create new jobs and improve the existing assets of the small farmers. The most recent comparison and analysis among different agricultural countries indicated that increase in farm productivity has direct relation with poverty reduction. It was observed by Bajwa, (2007) that the small farmers of the country should be organized in community organizations through social mobilization to link them with development organizations and public sector agriculture departments to provide them an easy access to developmental initiatives and programs to enhance their farm production and to improve their socio-economic conditions. Rebecca, (2013)observed that agriculture is the main sector to be improved in the countries having agriculture base economy for the eradication of poverty and improving the life standard of poor small farmers through social mobilization. It was studied by Rao, (1995) that sustainable agricultural development is one of the major challenges confronting by the small farmers around the world especially in the third world.
Social mobilization is the all-important intervention to motivate and prepared the poor small farmers to develop their agriculture through sustainable manner to improve their life standard without affecting the environment and degrading the natural resources. According to Yazhari, (2016) enhancement in farm production and for improvement in social and economic conditions of small farmers, the smooth running of any developmental initiative is of high importance. According to him social mobilization keeps the developmental initiative smooth and right on track especially at gross root level. Khattak, (2016) also studied that effective social mobilization is the grantee for mainstreaming the deprived and poor small farmers. According to World Bank report, (2013) about 86% of the rural people around the world are still dependent on agriculture for their livelihood and small farmers are the major contributor in the world agriculture system. So the small farmers should be motivated and organized through effective and continues social mobilization to make them able to catch the world food requirement and also play their role in eradicating poverty from among the rural people. In the same manner Crop Maximization Project was mega small scale agriculture development project. Small farmers were the target group of the project.
The main theme of the project was participatory. Social mobilization was one of the interventions. The main objective of social mobilization of the project was to mobilize the small farmers of the targeted areas for the purpose to organize them in village organizations, to make them empowered and make them able to plan, manage and implement developmental initiatives on self-help base to increase their income and improve their life standard. Charsadda was also one of the districts included in the project. The small farmers of Charsadda were very poor, unaware and disorganized. So the project social mobilization was a perfect intervention for the motivation, organization and capacity building of the small farmers of the district (MNFAL, 2007). The project has claimed considerable amount of success in organizing and empowering the small farmers of the targeted area trough social mobilization and bringing positive changes in their social and economic development by increasing their income and crop productivity. So far no one has conducted any study to know about the impact of social mobilization intervention of Crop Maximization Project on social and economic development of small farmers of the area. Therefore this research study will highlight the importance of social mobilization in socio-economic development of small farmers.
To know about the role of social mobilization intervention of Crop Maximization Project in the social and economic development of small farmers of district Charsadda.
Hypothesis of the Study
There is no significant association between Crop Maximization Project’s social mobilization and socio-economic development of targeted population.
Materials and Methods
Two union councils i.e. Rajjar-II and Sarki Tetara of Tehsil and District Charsadda was the universe of the present study. The aim of this study was to know about the role of social mobilization intervention of the said project in the socio-economic development of small farmers of district Charsadda. The data were collected through pre-tested interview schedule from 150 respondents, who were purposively selected from the above mentioned universe through random sampling method. Later on the data were tabulated and analyzed through SPSS. For knowing the association and relationship between the variables, Chi-square and Gamma Statistics were used.
Results and Discussion
Table No.01 Small farmers were socially mobilized by the Crop Maximization
Small farmers were mobilized |
Frequency |
Percent |
Yes |
150 |
100.0 |
No |
00 |
00 |
Total |
150 |
100.0 |
Results of table no 01
demonstrates the information about the social mobilization intervention of the
crop maximization project. All of the 150 respondents confirmed it that the
social mobilization sector of the project socially mobilized the targeted population.
The social mobilization provide base for the smooth running of any development
activity. Hassan (2002), demonstrated that Social mobilization is a continue
process with no ending and starting point. Social mobilization makes enable the
rural poor people to take part in decision making for their social and economic
development. Social mobilization further makes able the small farmers to
establish community organizations for their collective benefits. It makes them
aware about their social problems, weaknesses and strong points. Moreover Social
mobilization motivates the unaware small farmers to actively take part in
developmental initiatives to eradicate poverty through increase in crop
productivity and income to improve their social and economic conditions. Crop
maximization project was also initiated for poor and unaware small farmers of
the targeted area. It was also included an effective social mobilization sector
with well qualified and committed social mobilization team. The results of the
research show that 100% of the small farmers were effectively mobilized and
motivated by Crop Maximization Project.
Table No. 02 The Method
used by Crop Maximization Project for the Social Mobilization of Targeted
Method Used |
Frequency |
Percent |
door to door contact |
150 |
100.0 |
In office |
00 |
00 |
Total |
150 |
100.0 |
The result of table no.
02 provides the facts about the method used by Crop Maximization Project for
the social mobilization of targeted population. The 100% of the small farmers
admitted that the project social mobilization staff contacted them at their
doors steps. According to NRSP report (2007), that Social mobilization is an
emerging approach in the rural developmental process and in community
development. Irrespective of the conventional governmental system of contact
with rural people for any developmental initiative, through this new process of
development the changing agents and development workers visit in remote and
lift behind rural areas and contacted the poor rural people, mostly the small
farmers and motivated and mobilized them about their social and economic
development. They make them aware about their vulnerable conditions and about
the role of the concern project or initiative in helping them to pull out from
such conditions. Similarly the Project social mobilization team also followed
the same methodology and visited extensively in the villagers Hujra and
contacted the small farmers at their door step.
Table No.
03 Formation of Village Organizations through Social Mobilization
Intervention of the Project
Result of Social Mobilization |
Frequency |
Percent |
of village organizations through social mobilization |
150 |
100.0 |
No role in
VOs formation |
00 |
00 |
Total |
150 |
100.0 |
Result shown in the table no. 03 indicated the
information about the outcomes of the social mobilization intervention of the
Crop Maximization Project. The 100% of the small farmers reply was in yes.
According to them the village organizations were formed by the project through
social mobilization. Pretty (2000), studied that in Pakistan this new trend of
village organization/community organization of rural poor people through social
mobilization started in early 1980s by different rural support organizations
i.e. AKRSP, SRSO, PRSP, SRSP and NRSP. The purpose of this new trend was to organize
and educate the deprived and unaware rural people to provide them a platform
for harnessing their potential through capacity building trainings and to make
them empowered to develop their social and economic conditions. In the same
manner Crop Maximization Project organized and empowered the small farmers of
the targeted area through social mobilization in village organizations.
Table No. 04 Any Change brings by the Social Mobilization
Intervention of
Project in the Socio-economic Conditions of Small Farmers
Any change bring |
Frequency |
Percent |
Yes |
140 |
93.3 |
No |
10 |
6.7 |
Total |
150 |
100.0 |
Result in table no. 04
revealed the information about the role of social mobilization in bringing the
change in social and economic conditions of the targeted population. The data
in the table indicated that social mobilization of the project bring positive
change in 93.3% of the respondent social and economic conditions while 6.7% of
the small farmers got no benefits from the social mobilization intervention of
the project. The RSPN, report (2008) also indicated that social mobilization is
the key to bring awareness in poor and illiterate small farmers of the country.
The report further demonstrated that only through social mobilization a change
can be bring in the social and economic conditions of small farmers of the
country. The modules of social mobilization sector of Crop Maximization Project
were also prepared by RSPN. Khattak, (2015) also revealed that social
mobilization harness people potential. It converts the unskilled and
unproductive members of society in skill full and productive labor. The said
project also motivates and harness small farmer’s skill through social
mobilization and capacity building trainings. That’s why a major portion of the
small farmers of the targeted area got benefits from the project interventions
one way or the other.
Table No. 05 Cross
Tabulation showing association between “Socio-economic
Development” and “Social
Mobilization” of Small Farmers.
Type of role played by the Social
Mobilization intervention of the project |
social and economic conditions of Small Farmers raise to |
Total |
Statistics |
To Some
Extent |
Greater Extent |
To Less
Extent |
Change Occur |
Social mobilization bring no empowerment
in small farmers |
1 |
0 |
4 |
5 |
10 |
value 22.995 P-value 0.00 Gamma value .003 |
Make empowered Small Farmers |
86 |
20 |
22 |
12 |
140 |
Total |
87 |
20 |
26 |
17 |
150 |
The table no. 05 shows
the cross tabulation between dependent variable “Socio-economic development”
and independent variable “Social mobilization”.
The Chi-square was used to know about the association
between the two variables while Gamma statistics were used to find out the
relation between them. The analyzed data provided 22.995 of Chi-square value
and the P-value is 0.00. These figures demonstrated that there are very
significant association between Independent and dependent variables. On the
bases of driven p and Chi-square values the null hypothesis (Ho) is being
rejected while the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted. After applying the
Gamma statistics, its value becomes .003, this shows direct relation between
the two variables i.e. dependent and independent variables. After analyzing the
data, the derived values indicate that the role of social mobilization in
social and economic development of small farmers is of high importance i.e.
more focus on effective social mobilization of small farmers will surely
increase the chance of social and economic development of small farmers. Major
portion of the targeted respondents of the project was unaware and illiterate. They
were very poor and small scale subsistence nature of agriculture was their only
mean of livelihood because their skills and awareness level was very low. The
social mobilization intervention of Crop Maximization Project organized and
empowered the small farmers, harnesses their potential, provided them the
awareness towards their social and economic development and prepared them to
work collectively for their common interests and support each other in their
individual aims to come out from the vulnerable situation and improve their
life standard. Furthermore through social mobilization the said project
organized the small farmers in village organizations, which made them,
empowered. They become able to plan, implement and take part at the village
level day to day affairs, which was impossible for most of them in the past.
Further through above mentioned intervention the skills of the majority of
small farmers were harness which made them able to start new income generation
activities and bitterly manage their small scale agriculture to increase their
farm productivity. The collective marketing was encouraged through social
mobilization which reduced their cost and got better price of their
commodities. All these innovations bring by social mobilization of the project
ultimately positively affect the overall life standard of the majority of the small
farmers of the project area. Although some of them were remain deprived from
the advantages of the social mobilization intervention of the project.
research findings indicate that social mobilization intervention of the project
has very important role in the social and economic development of small farmers.
It is therefore suggested that in future development projects there should be a
comprehensive social mobilization sector to build the small farmers capacity
for collective common interest base activities and harness their potential to
develop their socio-economic conditions through self-help bases.
The main focus of the present study was to know about the role of social mobilization intervention of Crop Maximization Project on the socio-economic development of small farmers of district Charsadda. The research findings demonstrated that social mobilization intervention of the project played very important role in uplifting the social and economic conditions of small farmers of the project area. Major portion of the research population were fully satisfied with the social mobilization intervention of the project. They were of the view that through social mobilization the devoted and competent social mobilization team of the project motivated and organized the poor small farmers and made them empowered through village organizations and harness their potential. Resultantly it made them able to plan, implement and manage any developmental initiative for their socio-economic development. Social mobilization of the project also provided them the awareness of to alter their subsistence small scale farming to commercial farming by increasing the farm productivity through better planning and caring of farm products. Furthermore they started extra income generating small scale businesses which further enhanced their income. So the social mobilization intervention of the project positively changed the overall social and economic environment of the small scale farming community of the targeted area.
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Cite this article
APA : Kaleem, M., Khattak, B. S., & Ali, S. R. (2016). Importance of Social Mobilization Intervention of Crop. Global Social Sciences Review, I(II), 98-107. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2016(I-II).07
CHICAGO : Kaleem, Muhammad, Bahader Sher Khattak, and Syed Rashid Ali. 2016. "Importance of Social Mobilization Intervention of Crop." Global Social Sciences Review, I (II): 98-107 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2016(I-II).07
HARVARD : KALEEM, M., KHATTAK, B. S. & ALI, S. R. 2016. Importance of Social Mobilization Intervention of Crop. Global Social Sciences Review, I, 98-107.
MHRA : Kaleem, Muhammad, Bahader Sher Khattak, and Syed Rashid Ali. 2016. "Importance of Social Mobilization Intervention of Crop." Global Social Sciences Review, I: 98-107
MLA : Kaleem, Muhammad, Bahader Sher Khattak, and Syed Rashid Ali. "Importance of Social Mobilization Intervention of Crop." Global Social Sciences Review, I.II (2016): 98-107 Print.
OXFORD : Kaleem, Muhammad, Khattak, Bahader Sher, and Ali, Syed Rashid (2016), "Importance of Social Mobilization Intervention of Crop", Global Social Sciences Review, I (II), 98-107
TURABIAN : Kaleem, Muhammad, Bahader Sher Khattak, and Syed Rashid Ali. "Importance of Social Mobilization Intervention of Crop." Global Social Sciences Review I, no. II (2016): 98-107. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2016(I-II).07