Smiles and Struggles: Investigating the Effects of Leader Emotional Labour Strategies on Job Satisfaction and Emotional Exhaustion in the Service Industry
The main objective of this study is to examine the impact of leader emotional labour strategies on job-related outcomes, job satisfaction (JS) and emotional exhaustion (EE) and the moderating effect of perceived organizational support (POS) under the theoretical support of conservation of resource (COS) theory. The current study was carried out by gathering data from doctors working in the Public Health sector of Pakistan. A self-administered questionnaire survey was employed to gather responses. The selection process employed a simple random sampling technique. Results of the current study explicate that POS has a positive moderating effect on the relationship between leaders' emotional labour strategies and EE. At the same time, the moderated effect of POS on the relationship between leaders' emotional labour strategies and JS was not supported. The present study bridges the research gap by applying the COS theory and using POS as moderating variable to study relationships between leaders' emotional labour strategies and job-related outcomes (e.g., JS and EE).
(1) Javed Iqbal
Visiting Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Bahria University, Lahore Campus, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Hafiz Ahmad Ashraf
Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, University of Central Punjab, Gujranwala Campus, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Arooj Fatima
MS Management Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Bahria University, Lahore Campus, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Iqbal, J., Ashraf, H. A., & Fatima, A. (2023). Smiles and Struggles: Investigating the Effects of Leader Emotional Labour Strategies on Job Satisfaction and Emotional Exhaustion in the Service Industry. Global Social Sciences Review, VIII(I), 564-578.
CHICAGO : Iqbal, Javed, Hafiz Ahmad Ashraf, and Arooj Fatima. 2023. "Smiles and Struggles: Investigating the Effects of Leader Emotional Labour Strategies on Job Satisfaction and Emotional Exhaustion in the Service Industry." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (I): 564-578 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).52
HARVARD : IQBAL, J., ASHRAF, H. A. & FATIMA, A. 2023. Smiles and Struggles: Investigating the Effects of Leader Emotional Labour Strategies on Job Satisfaction and Emotional Exhaustion in the Service Industry. Global Social Sciences Review, VIII, 564-578.
MHRA : Iqbal, Javed, Hafiz Ahmad Ashraf, and Arooj Fatima. 2023. "Smiles and Struggles: Investigating the Effects of Leader Emotional Labour Strategies on Job Satisfaction and Emotional Exhaustion in the Service Industry." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII: 564-578
MLA : Iqbal, Javed, Hafiz Ahmad Ashraf, and Arooj Fatima. "Smiles and Struggles: Investigating the Effects of Leader Emotional Labour Strategies on Job Satisfaction and Emotional Exhaustion in the Service Industry." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII.I (2023): 564-578 Print.
OXFORD : Iqbal, Javed, Ashraf, Hafiz Ahmad, and Fatima, Arooj (2023), "Smiles and Struggles: Investigating the Effects of Leader Emotional Labour Strategies on Job Satisfaction and Emotional Exhaustion in the Service Industry", Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (I), 564-578
TURABIAN : Iqbal, Javed, Hafiz Ahmad Ashraf, and Arooj Fatima. "Smiles and Struggles: Investigating the Effects of Leader Emotional Labour Strategies on Job Satisfaction and Emotional Exhaustion in the Service Industry." Global Social Sciences Review VIII, no. I (2023): 564-578.