12 Pages : 193-206      10.31703/gssr.2018(III-III).12      Published : Sep 2018

The Establishment of Azad School Utmanzai and Anjuman-i-Islahul Afaghina: A Successful Methodology of Organizational Excellence (1921-1946)

    This historical paper explores the role of one of the indigenous educational movement of the British Indian North West Frontier Province, now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan. The movement 'Anjuman-i-islahul Afaghina' established in 1921 by Abdul Ghaffar Khan also known as Bacha Khan (1890- 1988) and his companions to educate the unprivileged Pakhtuns in the early decades of the 20th century. The Anjuman established 104 Azad schools in the settled as well as tribal territory to educate the nation in formal way, besides education and training was imparted through non formal mode, as well. The strength of the Anjuman was its organizational excellence in the shape of its components like propagation, fund raising, management committees, faculty of intellectuals, co-curricular activities, annual jamborees, conflict resolution committees, literary activities and social reformation. No doubt, the movement contributed to educate the unprivileged Pakhtun nation in ensuring the quantity as well quality of education.

    (1) Mohammad Sohail
    Lecturer, Department of Education, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Mardan, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Rani Gul
    Associate Professor, Department of Education, Baluchistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences, Quetta, Baluchistan, Pakistan.
    (3) Rukhshanda Mushtaq
    Assistant Professor, University of Wah, Wah Cantt, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Sohail, M., Gul, R., & Mushtaq, R. (2018). The Establishment of Azad School Utmanzai and Anjuman-i-Islahul Afaghina: A Successful Methodology of Organizational Excellence (1921-1946). Global Social Sciences Review, III(III), 193-206.
    CHICAGO : Sohail, Mohammad, Rani Gul, and Rukhshanda Mushtaq. 2018. "The Establishment of Azad School Utmanzai and Anjuman-i-Islahul Afaghina: A Successful Methodology of Organizational Excellence (1921-1946)." Global Social Sciences Review, III (III): 193-206 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2018(III-III).12
    HARVARD : SOHAIL, M., GUL, R. & MUSHTAQ, R. 2018. The Establishment of Azad School Utmanzai and Anjuman-i-Islahul Afaghina: A Successful Methodology of Organizational Excellence (1921-1946). Global Social Sciences Review, III, 193-206.
    MHRA : Sohail, Mohammad, Rani Gul, and Rukhshanda Mushtaq. 2018. "The Establishment of Azad School Utmanzai and Anjuman-i-Islahul Afaghina: A Successful Methodology of Organizational Excellence (1921-1946)." Global Social Sciences Review, III: 193-206
    MLA : Sohail, Mohammad, Rani Gul, and Rukhshanda Mushtaq. "The Establishment of Azad School Utmanzai and Anjuman-i-Islahul Afaghina: A Successful Methodology of Organizational Excellence (1921-1946)." Global Social Sciences Review, III.III (2018): 193-206 Print.
    OXFORD : Sohail, Mohammad, Gul, Rani, and Mushtaq, Rukhshanda (2018), "The Establishment of Azad School Utmanzai and Anjuman-i-Islahul Afaghina: A Successful Methodology of Organizational Excellence (1921-1946)", Global Social Sciences Review, III (III), 193-206
    TURABIAN : Sohail, Mohammad, Rani Gul, and Rukhshanda Mushtaq. "The Establishment of Azad School Utmanzai and Anjuman-i-Islahul Afaghina: A Successful Methodology of Organizational Excellence (1921-1946)." Global Social Sciences Review III, no. III (2018): 193-206.