29 Pages : 427-440      10.31703/gssr.2018(III-IV).29      Published : Dec 2018

Studying the Operational Management Strategies for Promoting Quality of Secondary Education

    This study examined the operational management strategies for promoting the quality of education at the secondary level in Punjab Province. The secondary school heads, teachers and students were subjects of the study. It used three questionnaires developed for them respectively. The findings suggest that the head teacher perceived his role as an operation manager. These role dimensions indicate that the head teacher acts as an educational manager by using operational management strategies deliver professional support to teachers by; solving the school-based problems of their teachers, promoting a culture of discipline in the school, conducting a performance evaluation of school staff and checking lesson plans regularly, consulting teachers in academic decisions, holding periodic meetings of teachers regarding coverage of syllabus and maintaining conducive to the working environment in their schools.

    Operational Management, Quality Education, Strategies, Administration, Secondary Education.
    (1) Muhammad Ismail Durrani
    PhD Scholar, Department of Educational Training, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Irshad Hussain
    Professor (Chairman), Department of Education, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Ali Rasheed
    PhD Scholar,Department of Educational Training, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Durrani, M. I., Hussain, I., & Rasheed, M. A. (2018). Studying the Operational Management Strategies for Promoting Quality of Secondary Education. Global Social Sciences Review, III(IV), 427-440.
    CHICAGO : Durrani, Muhammad Ismail, Irshad Hussain, and Muhammad Ali Rasheed. 2018. "Studying the Operational Management Strategies for Promoting Quality of Secondary Education." Global Social Sciences Review, III (IV): 427-440 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2018(III-IV).29
    HARVARD : DURRANI, M. I., HUSSAIN, I. & RASHEED, M. A. 2018. Studying the Operational Management Strategies for Promoting Quality of Secondary Education. Global Social Sciences Review, III, 427-440.
    MHRA : Durrani, Muhammad Ismail, Irshad Hussain, and Muhammad Ali Rasheed. 2018. "Studying the Operational Management Strategies for Promoting Quality of Secondary Education." Global Social Sciences Review, III: 427-440
    MLA : Durrani, Muhammad Ismail, Irshad Hussain, and Muhammad Ali Rasheed. "Studying the Operational Management Strategies for Promoting Quality of Secondary Education." Global Social Sciences Review, III.IV (2018): 427-440 Print.
    OXFORD : Durrani, Muhammad Ismail, Hussain, Irshad, and Rasheed, Muhammad Ali (2018), "Studying the Operational Management Strategies for Promoting Quality of Secondary Education", Global Social Sciences Review, III (IV), 427-440
    TURABIAN : Durrani, Muhammad Ismail, Irshad Hussain, and Muhammad Ali Rasheed. "Studying the Operational Management Strategies for Promoting Quality of Secondary Education." Global Social Sciences Review III, no. IV (2018): 427-440.