The Relationship Between Ostracism and Turnover Intention: Role of Commitment as a Mediator
The basic objective of this study is to examine the mediating role of OC between WO and TI among the teaching faculty of universities of KP, Pakistan. Data were collected via questionnaires from 207 teachers. SPSS and Amos were used to analyze the data. The results revealed a significant positive relationship between WO and turnover intention, while a significant negative relationship between WO and OC and between OC and TI was confirmed. The results also revealed a significant partial mediation of OC between WO and turnover intention.
Workplace Ostracism, Turnover Intention, Teachers; Organizational Commitment
(1) Nazim Ali
Assistant Professor,Department of Management Studies,University of Malakand, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Zahid Ali
Lecturer,Department of Management Studies,University of Malakand, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Adnan Khan
Lecturer,Department of Management Studies,University of Malakand, KP, Pakistan.
The Effect of Workplace Ostracism on Knowledge Sharing Influence and Task Performance: The Mediating Role of Organization
The focus of this research study is to investigate how workplace ostracism influenced employee task performance, as mediated by knowledge sharing. Workplace ostracism may make it hard to engage with one another and limit opportunities for social interaction which may have an impact on how well coworkers share knowledge and how well they carry out the necessary result. The study is purely applied. The study's technique also aids in providing the actual picture of workplace ostracism and how it impacts employee task performance with the mediation of knowledge sharing. Employees selected from IT sector organizations in Pakistan's Karachi are the study's target respondents. The population is to be around 400 participants. This research's main focus is to broaden the literature by understanding the influence of knowledge sharing mediated the relationships between workplace ostracism and task performance.
Workplace Ostracism, Knowledge Sharing, Task Performance, IT Industry
(1) Asghar Ali Sahito
Lecturer, Institute of Commerce & Management, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
(2) Noreen Hassan
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Gulshan Campus, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
(3) Ghulam Murtaza Lahbar
Benazir School of Business, Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University Lyari, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.