09 Pages : 94-105      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-II).09      Published : Jun 2020

Ambidexterity as a New Research Paradigm: Examining the Mediating Role of Employees Goal Orientation, Exploitation and Exploration

    The aim of this study was to empirically validate the impact of ability-enhancing HR bundles on organizational ambidexterity through mediation of employees cognitive factors and employees exploration and exploitation. The multi-level data was collected from 600 employees of the software companies and analyzed through MEDTHREE analysis and SEM using AMOS software. Data was collected in two-time waves and results revealed positive relationship between ability-enhancing HR bundles and organizational ambidexterity. This study contributes to literature by providing new insights and by investigating links of ability-enhancing HR bundles with organizational ambidexterity directly and indirectly.

    Ability-Enhancing HR Bundles, Employees Learning Orientation, Employees Learning Orientation and Organizational Ambidexterity
    (1) Gul Bahar
    PhD Scholar, Department of Management Sciences, SZABIST Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Shazia Akhtar
    Associate Professor, Department of Management Sciences, SZABIST Islamabad, Pakistan.

07 Pages : 63-72      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-I).07      Published : Mar 2020

Achieving Organizational Innovation Through HR bundling: A Contingency and Contextual Perspective in the Oil Marketing Sector of Pakistan

    This paper empirically investigates the impact of the HR bundle on organizational innovation with the mediation effect of talent management in the oil marketing sector of Pakistan. The paper undertakes the quantitative analysis through a stratified random sample of 250 respondents, which undergone through various statistical analysis techniques. Finding depicts the positive significant relation of HR bundle on organizational innovation with the mediation effect of talent management. The findings allow managers to attain organizational innovation by contextual and contingency base HR bundling and talent management. The results contribute to the selection of relevant bundle that enables them to be innovative in the oil marketing sector of Pakistan. The major limitation of the paper is, it only considers the oil marketing sector but providing the theoretical foundation for future researches in another sector as well.

    HR Bundle, Contingency, Contextual, Organizational Innovation, Oil Marketing.
    (1) Muhammad Sohail
    PhD Scholar, Management Sciences, SZABIST Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Shazia Akhtar
    Associate Prof,Management Sciences,SZABIST Islamabad, Pakistan.