Authored by : Gul Bahar , Shazia Akhtar

09 Pages : 94-105


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    APA : Bahar, G., & Akhtar, S. (2020). Ambidexterity as a New Research Paradigm: Examining the Mediating Role of Employees Goal Orientation, Exploitation and Exploration. Global Social Sciences Review, V(II), 94-105.
    CHICAGO : Bahar, Gul, and Shazia Akhtar. 2020. "Ambidexterity as a New Research Paradigm: Examining the Mediating Role of Employees Goal Orientation, Exploitation and Exploration." Global Social Sciences Review, V (II): 94-105 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2020(V-II).09
    HARVARD : BAHAR, G. & AKHTAR, S. 2020. Ambidexterity as a New Research Paradigm: Examining the Mediating Role of Employees Goal Orientation, Exploitation and Exploration. Global Social Sciences Review, V, 94-105.
    MHRA : Bahar, Gul, and Shazia Akhtar. 2020. "Ambidexterity as a New Research Paradigm: Examining the Mediating Role of Employees Goal Orientation, Exploitation and Exploration." Global Social Sciences Review, V: 94-105
    MLA : Bahar, Gul, and Shazia Akhtar. "Ambidexterity as a New Research Paradigm: Examining the Mediating Role of Employees Goal Orientation, Exploitation and Exploration." Global Social Sciences Review, V.II (2020): 94-105 Print.
    OXFORD : Bahar, Gul and Akhtar, Shazia (2020), "Ambidexterity as a New Research Paradigm: Examining the Mediating Role of Employees Goal Orientation, Exploitation and Exploration", Global Social Sciences Review, V (II), 94-105
    TURABIAN : Bahar, Gul, and Shazia Akhtar. "Ambidexterity as a New Research Paradigm: Examining the Mediating Role of Employees Goal Orientation, Exploitation and Exploration." Global Social Sciences Review V, no. II (2020): 94-105.