15 Pages : 162-184      10.31703/gssr.2024(IX-I).15      Published : Mar 2024

Effect of Celebrity Endorsement on Brand Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Brand Passion

    The importance of current study is to find the effect of celebrity endorsement on brand passion and brand loyalty. Descriptive analysis, Correlation, Regression, Reliability, Frequency and Structure equation modeling applied in this analysis. An estimated hierarchical regression model was used to test the various hypotheses developed for the study. The findings showed that among consumers of clothing brands, factors such as celebrity endorsers' likeability, expertise, trustworthiness and attractiveness were important in determining brand passion. The outcomes further demonstrated that brand loyalty had positively impacted by brand passion. Finally, brand passion had a significant positive mediating role between the likeability and attractiveness of celebrity endorsers and brand loyalty.The resources were fewer otherwise surveys could be done all over Pakistan. Additional effects or consequences of brand passion could not be considered, like word-of-mouth and readiness to pay higher prices. Future research may need to take these outcomes into account.

    Celebrity Endorser Attractiveness, Celebrity Endorser Expertise, Celebrity Endorser Trustworthiness, Celebrity Endorser Likeability, Brand Passion, Brand Loyalty
    (1) Zargham Ullah Khan
    Assistant Professor, Hailey College of Banking & Finance, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Iram Shahzadi
    MBA, Hailey College of Banking & Finance, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Tania Arshad
    MBA Candidate, Hailey College of Banking & Finance, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.

03 Pages : 21-36      10.31703/gssr.2024(IX-III).03      Published : Sep 2024

Parents' Advice-Based Discipline Selection and its Impact on Academic Performance in Higher Education: Insights from Students’ Perceptions

    This study emphasizes the common perceptions of students regarding discipline selection on their parents’ advice and its impact on academic attainment in tertiary education. The objective of this particular study was, to find out the effect on academic achievement of discipline selection on parental advice. A mixed-method approach was utilized. The target population of the study was comprised of senior students of BS-level programs. Samples for qualitative and quantitative were 15 and 382 respectively. Phenomenological design for the qualitative part while survey design was employed for the quantitative part. Word cloud and thematic analysis were used for the qualitative data, while Pearson (r) and linear regression were employed as inferential statistics for the quantitative data. The findings reveal a weak positive association between discipline selection based on parents' advice and academic performance. The study recommends that parents should recognize and respect their children's autonomy in making subject selections.

    Perceptions, Parents’ Advice, Aptitude, Passion, Discipline Selection and Academic Achievement
    (1) Abdus Samad
    PhD Scholar, Department of Education and Research, University of Lakki Marwat, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Irfanullah Khan
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education and Research, University of Lakki Marwat, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Mudassar Hussain
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education and Research, University of Lakki Marwat, KP, Pakistan.

09 Pages : 84-91      10.31703/gssr.2024(IX-IV).09      Published : Dec 2024

Subjective Truth and The Leap of Faith: A Textual Analysis of Updike’s Terrorist

    Kierkegaard’s existential theory that an individual with faith truly exists correspond to his idea of subjective truth that prompts the individual to take leap of faith. The current paper explores the treatment of truth in Updike’s Terrorist from theoretical perspective of Kierkegaard’s concept of subjective truth. After conducting textual analysis of the novel, we have come to understand that the higher truth is subjective and functions in an individual in such a way that he is ready to live or die for it. We also found out that passionate inwardness and commitment with the truth is necessary and truth develops with the passage of time according to the turn of events in the life of an individual, the way it happened in the life of Ahmad. Updike’s treatment of truth and its reshaping with the realization and understanding of Ahmad is tantamount in understanding how Kierkegaard is still relevant today.

    Subjective Truth, Leap of Faith, Existence, Faith, Passionate Inwardness
    (1) Ghulam Zakaria Khan
    PhD Scholar, Area Study Centre for Africa, North and South America, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Umaima Kamran
    Associate Professor, Department of English, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.