33 Pages : 257-263      10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-III).33      Published : Sep 2019

The Relationship of Emotional Intelligence with the Academic Achievement of Students

    The objective of this study was finding the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement. 384 students from secondary and high secondary school participated in this study. A significant relationship was found between academic achievement and Emotional Intelligence with the p-value = 0.01. The mean difference in emotional intelligence score of the students who secured high academic scores were found high. i.e. 58.57 as compared to the mean of emotional intelligence score of the students who secured low academic scores i.e. 56.93. A significant correlation was also found between Emotional Intelligence and academic scores(r=0.130). The results of the study suggest that higher emotional intelligence leads to better educational outcomes. An individual with a high level of Emotional Intelligence could have a strong, stable, and positive state of emotional well-being. Students who have a positive state of emotional wellbeing are more open to new experiences, which research has shown to lead to more learning.

    Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Quotient, Academic Achievement. Adolescents, Emotional Quotient Inventory, Emotional Management
    (1) Iram Afridi
    PhD Scholar, Institute of Education and Research,University of Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Arshad Ali
    Professor, Institute of Education and Research, University of Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.