07 Pages : 63-72      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-I).07      Published : Mar 2020

Achieving Organizational Innovation Through HR bundling: A Contingency and Contextual Perspective in the Oil Marketing Sector of Pakistan

    This paper empirically investigates the impact of the HR bundle on organizational innovation with the mediation effect of talent management in the oil marketing sector of Pakistan. The paper undertakes the quantitative analysis through a stratified random sample of 250 respondents, which undergone through various statistical analysis techniques. Finding depicts the positive significant relation of HR bundle on organizational innovation with the mediation effect of talent management. The findings allow managers to attain organizational innovation by contextual and contingency base HR bundling and talent management. The results contribute to the selection of relevant bundle that enables them to be innovative in the oil marketing sector of Pakistan. The major limitation of the paper is, it only considers the oil marketing sector but providing the theoretical foundation for future researches in another sector as well.

    HR Bundle, Contingency, Contextual, Organizational Innovation, Oil Marketing.
    (1) Muhammad Sohail
    PhD Scholar, Management Sciences, SZABIST Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Shazia Akhtar
    Associate Prof,Management Sciences,SZABIST Islamabad, Pakistan.

70 Pages : 696-706      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-I).70      Published : Mar 2020

Augumenting Task and Contextual Performance: Analysing the Critical role of Locus of Control for Sustainable Organizational Performance

    The main purpose of the study was to find out how task and contextual performance within organizations can be improved so as to achieve sustainable organizational performance. The study indicates that increasing task performance, which is about good implementation of formal job responsibilities, might result in favorable outcomes for sustainable organizational performance. Similarly, promoting contextual performance, which involves extra-role behaviors contributing to efficient organization operation, may also improve sustainable organizational performance. However, essentially, the research is all about raising both dimensions. This study aims at exploring the relationship between External Locus of Control (LOC), task performance and contextual performance among employees. The research design used was descriptive while data for the study was collected using convenience sampling method from 170 middle level managers of banks in Pakistan. After collecting data using a modified questionnaire, IBM SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0 were used to analyze it. To conduct this analysis regression analysis was applied.

    Task Performance, External Locus of Control, Banking Sector of Pakistan, Contextual Performance, Middle-Level Managers
    (1) Muhammad Zia-ur-Rehman
    Assistant Professor, Department of Leadership and Management Studies (LMS), National Defence University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

13 Pages : 133-142      10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-II).13      Published : Jun 2023

The Indecisive Role of English and Urdu in Multilingual Pakistan

    The paper explores Pakistani graduate EFL learners' attitudes towards the increasing significance of the English language at national and global levels in the contemporary world. The analysis adopts a qualitative style, using twenty interviews to gain painstaking insights into the learners' linguistic attitudes. The research scrutinizes the socio, contextual and cultural factors that impact Pakistani learners' perceptions of English. The study reveals that while Pakistani learners appear uncertain about English in addition to its culture, they have adopted the educational and social functions of the language. The outcomes indicate the linguistic imperialism and symbolic capital of English, as individuals contemplate it as essential for socioeconomic advancement in Pakistan. The study's results can help academicians and officials assess the potential impacts of English on the roles of local languages, particularly in Pakistan's education system.

    EFL Learners, Pakistan, Socio-Cultural, Contextual, Education, Socio-Economic
    (1) Amna Saeed
    Student, Department of Linguistics and Communications, Institute of Liberal Arts, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Aamna Zafar
    Student, Department of Linguistics and Communications, Institute of Liberal Arts, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Arshad Ali Khan
    Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics and Communications, Institute of Liberal Arts, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.