Authored by : ShehzadAhmed , MuhammadTahir KhanFarooqi , AbdulShakoor

38 Pages : 563-574


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    APA : Ahmed, S., Farooqi, M. T. K., & Shakoor, A. (2018). Human Resource Development Practices and Faculty Development: A Review in the Context of Pakistani Universities. Global Social Sciences Review, III(IV), 563-574.
    CHICAGO : Ahmed, Shehzad, Muhammad Tahir Khan Farooqi, and Abdul Shakoor. 2018. "Human Resource Development Practices and Faculty Development: A Review in the Context of Pakistani Universities." Global Social Sciences Review, III (IV): 563-574 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2018(III-IV).38
    HARVARD : AHMED, S., FAROOQI, M. T. K. & SHAKOOR, A. 2018. Human Resource Development Practices and Faculty Development: A Review in the Context of Pakistani Universities. Global Social Sciences Review, III, 563-574.
    MHRA : Ahmed, Shehzad, Muhammad Tahir Khan Farooqi, and Abdul Shakoor. 2018. "Human Resource Development Practices and Faculty Development: A Review in the Context of Pakistani Universities." Global Social Sciences Review, III: 563-574
    MLA : Ahmed, Shehzad, Muhammad Tahir Khan Farooqi, and Abdul Shakoor. "Human Resource Development Practices and Faculty Development: A Review in the Context of Pakistani Universities." Global Social Sciences Review, III.IV (2018): 563-574 Print.
    OXFORD : Ahmed, Shehzad, Farooqi, Muhammad Tahir Khan, and Shakoor, Abdul (2018), "Human Resource Development Practices and Faculty Development: A Review in the Context of Pakistani Universities", Global Social Sciences Review, III (IV), 563-574
    TURABIAN : Ahmed, Shehzad, Muhammad Tahir Khan Farooqi, and Abdul Shakoor. "Human Resource Development Practices and Faculty Development: A Review in the Context of Pakistani Universities." Global Social Sciences Review III, no. IV (2018): 563-574.