http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).44      10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).44      Published : Mar 2023
Authored by : Sidra Ismail Brohi , Ruqia Bano Mastoi , Tania Laghari

44 Pages : 473-480


    Education is the source of achievement in the world of competition. In addition, it has a significant contribution to the development of human beings. Before it was thought that education only means being able to write and read, but now the concept is totally changed. Modern trends in teaching and learning have been introduced. The emerging world arises technology which has billions of connected devices today in the world even twice the human population. The Internet of Things works on an internet-based system and it is also a sort of network semantic concerned with. Technical learning or E-learning is a way by which people get benefits as it is mini software that we keep in our phones and electronic devices too. Hence, this study anticipated to explore the importance of E-learning and IoT in Education.

    Key Words

    Internet of Things, E-learning, Education, ICT, Technical Learning


    Education is the source of achievement in the modern world education system. It is playing an important role in the life of human beings. Before, it was thought that education only means being able to write and read, but now the concept is totally changed. Modern trends in teaching and learning have been introduced. The increasing number of educators in tertiary instruction try different things with innovation, searching for better approaches to improve their customary methods for instructing, and the need for adaptable devices arranged in mixed learning situations. Learning Management Systems, particularly those which depend on open-source programming, have been demonstrated to be extremely useful to reach this objective. By and by, modernization is not only enough in the brightness of the reality that instructors need to see in advance the possibilities but it offers so as to have the option to utilize it successfully in overhauling their instructive situations. As time passed, it is realized that education is the key to success.

    To understand this phenomenon, education is evaluated and distributed in different subjects and specializations. In the current scenario, education has multi concepts and these concepts are already predicted by the philosophers of the past. Plato, the pioneer of the idealism philosophy, defines education in the sense of achieving social justice because if individuals have equal opportunities, they would achieve unanimously. Education is divided into formal, informal and non-formal education. Formal education required proper school boundaries and proper places like schools, colleges, and universities, where individuals get registered and certified after the completion while informal education is not pre-planned, no specific place and timetable is required. Non-formal education is also called distance learning.  Since the Stone Age to the digital world, the definition of learning has remained in a transition stage. 

    First learning was limited to change in behaviour, however, in this global and technological era, learning is the development of skills. Gaining knowledge is a powerful tool that enhances the ability and makes the performance reliable for the new generation. (Ambrose et al, 2010, p.3). In the modern era, different learning styles have been introduced by using technology. Here the question arises; why do we discuss modern learning? The best answer is that now we have the modern learner. Modern learning doesn't rely only on traditional methods like strict classroom-based and teacher-centred. Beyond this, modern learning includes innovative methods, current techniques, ideas, and procedures. Modern learning needs information quickly and for that, they use different tools of technology. In simple, modern learning derived things from theory to practice without wasting time.

    Internet of Things (IoT) in Education

    The emerging world arises technology which has billions of connected devices today in the world even twice the human population. Currently, there are more than 10 billion interconnected devices and further increasing day by day which expect to cross more than 25 billion devices by 2021.   Cuomo (2016) mentions that in spite of several advancements and improvements in context-aware data-gathering approaches, it is observed that these devices are small, scalable, and limited battery life supports heterogeneity.  In education institutes, IoT brought a revolution to the teaching and learning process. IoT made it easy to control and coordinate activities of educational institutes and provides ease of usage. 

    Problem Statement

    In the education and research field, modern trends of teaching and learning have been introduced all over the world. Technology like E-learning and IoT made a revolution in research and development. It is important to make an aware educationist other than the IT & computer science field to introduce the latest methods of learning and teaching.

    Research Objectives

    ? To understand the importance of E-learning and the Internet of Things (IoT) in Education.

    ? To explore methods and techniques of E-learning and ICT in education. 

    Research Questions

    ? What is the importance of E-learning and the Internet of Things (IoT) in Education?

    ? What are the different methods and techniques of E-learning and ICT in education?

    Literature Review

    Rehman (2017) mentions that Internet of Things learning enhances various skills of students and provides easy observation to check out the performance of students. If staff is fully equipped and trained, IoT is the best source to increase the level of the student in their strong leadership. No doubt that it developed challenges, but it also reduces our working time and improved the efficiency of work. Aldowah and Rehman (2017) mention that the number of devices used in life to improve the life quality of an individual, different versions of a single thing are introduced day by day. IoT is leading different industries and several departments with its tremendous work. IoT is basically helpful in the adaptation of new technologies and to improve the standard of working in different fields. Especially in education, it helps students to develop excellent outcomes. 

    Dominguez and Ochoa (2017) explain that IoT is actually learning for an extraordinary time and it facilitates long-time life learning. It increases the self-confidence of students and it allows students to learn according to their interests.  Zhang (2017) states that the best thing about IoT is that it provides us with network connection y the help of wire and without wire. It is feasible for students to work with wireless devices at any time and anywhere because students are now able to carry their laptops and handheld devices with them.

    Kaur (2017) elaborates that IOT brought a revolution in the world of technology, sometimes when studying deeply by using IoT it feels that talking is taking place with objects and devices. Even this condition leads to the extreme level at which it realizes that everything is communicated through the language which we can listen to. 

    Alkuhlani and Thorat (2015) state that whenever people interact with IOT many security issues are also faced by the people, sometimes it lost the whole work done by an individual and it develops the need for security threats. People who are using the Internet of Things must have solutions at the time of the problem.   

    Modern Trends of it and IoT Used in Education

    Technology introduced different teaching and learning modes included, including Multimedia Usage, blogs exploring qualitative educational research, distance learning (open learning), online courses, video training programs and E-Learning. These modes of learning have been followed by different universities in a more effective way by the implementation of ICT modern trends. Each of them is discussed in detail below.

    Multimedia Usage

    Multimedia is a source of improving teaching and learning skills in a systematic and organized way. The paradigm shifts from teacher-centred to student-centred and offers a great deal to change the old traditional methods. It bases on instructional procedure which changes pointless sense information into data. Our sensing organs in relationship to the mind form an impressive framework through the usage of multimedia. The significant difficulties are outlining direction through media and its application for enhancing human learning for target learning. The implementation of multimedia is effective and can prove equal to the task.

    Distance Learning (Open Learning)

    Distance learning is a method for adapting remotely without being in normal up close and personal contact with an instructor in the classroom. For created nations, it is extremely hard to give formal instruction to each person. Separation instruction is getting increasingly significant. In separate training instructors and students remain far from each other yet stay in contact with each other through features of media. In spite of the fact that instructors and understudies are absent at a similar place in this framework, yet with arranging they stay near each other. At display, the AIOU offers distinctive courses and a more elevated amount of degrees up to a PhD. Henceforth keeping in see the instance of Allama Iqbal Open University Pakistan it might be guaranteed with certainty that the University has demonstrated its potential in the conveyance of instruction at a more elevated amount.

    Online Courses

    There are many online courses through which learning availability is very easy. Online courses facilitate learners with a remarkable approach. Because people who are busy in their jobs and homes are able to continue their studies online. In Pakistan, many universities are currently offering online courses for professional development. These courses are based on exercises after the end of each lesson, by attempting them and completing the final exam it is decided that a person is eligible for a certificate/degree.  

    Video Training Programs

    As compare to communication based on text, videos are considered a more reliable source of understanding. It reduces the cost of traveling for face-to-face communication especially when people are at different locations. It is affected by enhancing thoughts, ideas, behaviour, and mental attainment. The video additionally enables members to learn at their own pace with the chance to rewatch anything they missed. It is said that individuals recall just 10% of what they hear, 30% of what they read, and 80% of what they see. Beyond any doubt, video is fundamentally visual, yet it really fuses an assortment of learning styles.

    Technical Learning (E-Learning)

    Technical learning or E-learning is a way by which people get benefits as it is mini software which we keep in our phones and electronic devices too. In the old era, this technique was not so much known by the people as with the passage of time, when people come across the development of the generations of the computer, they entered into the new era of technology and their way of learning is enhanced day by day. The development of the apps is increasing and utilised by downloading on cell phones, computers, tablets and laptops. This helps people by giving them a greater advantage in less time, which means less investment and more advantages.

    Methods and Techniques of E-Learning in Education

    Today's learner needs to authenticate information within a short span of time. This needs rapid methods to satisfy modern learners. E-Learning methods are divided into different sections. A lot of content types are there that focus on E-learning. These are designed on the basis of the learners' needs.  Learner-centred content should be according to the needs of learners. This will facilitate the learners and they will focus on their targets. Interactive content using different technology-integrated tools is needed to satisfy the learners. Learners' interests and needs are the basic requirements. Different learners' pyramids help learners to find different ways. 

    Many methods of E-Learning are created with the latest technology that suits modern workplaces. In the last few years, e-learning has brought revolutionary changes and lifelong learning. Mohammadyari and Singh (2015) highlighted that the utilization of information technology is improving innovative methods in education in many different ways. E-learning utilizes internet technology to promote learning, information, and skills and also diverts the chances for learners and instructors. The instructors provide online stuff to the students and assist the learners without meeting physically. In the 21st century, e-learning promotes adhere, comprehensive and empirically oriented structure for learners. Garrison (2016) mentions that the modern era provides practical models that pedagogues utilize to understand the influence of e-learning. A large portion of the eLearning techniques are Synchronous and Asynchronous in nature, it relies on the student's need and the learning destinations you choose. 


    Self-paced learning enables the student to search and work properly by using Wikipedia, Blogs and from different sources, they utilized achieved material in a systematic way to prepare their presentations and worksheets for learning purposes. Self-paced knowledge is also called self-assessment because it helps the student in a broader way to keep their work in a perspective manner.


    Technical learning is very helpful in seminars as we can approach the scholar person to live and records their speeches for later use. It is another policy in terms of verbal and face-to-face communication. This is the basic approach for students to achieve their goals by learning in a systematic way.

    Blended E-Learning

    This consolidates both the Synchronous and the Asynchronous methods for learning. Some preparation, such as delicate aptitudes or deals preparation, must have an up close and personal part so as to be really significant. A mixed methodology works best here - where the study hall is used to direct activities and cooperation. These activities can't be led in eLearning conveyance as friend association is constrained. Short e-courses can be made to enable students to set up a foundation for the exercise before they come to class.

    Learning by Cell Phone

    The cell phone is the cheapest and most reliable device. It provides access to the internet and connects with the world. It has the capacity to hold data in it and many of the books can be installed in it, which helps the learner to save money and time. The smartphone is also used as a projector and multimedia. It is used for audiovisual learning purposes. The individual can store their presentations of business, lectures for students and huge project accessories that are also done with the help of this small device called a smartphone. According to the present time, this technology has a vast effect on the learning environment.

    E-Learning by Social Discussion Gathering

    Technology-Based Learning

    E-learning refers to technology-based learning in which technology is integrated with delivering resources. E-Learning sound has been reaching our ears for a decade. E-Learning is the integration of electronic resources with traditional learning. Modern learners don't want to limit the learning within the boundary of classrooms but they need it formally as well as informally. The quick developments in technology and progress in learning systems pushed the masses towards a new era where they demand things on an urgent basis.  In that age, it has flourished in multiple dimensions. It is the base of almost all businesses as well as for learning techniques. Old techniques have been replaced with modern techniques.

    In this age, electronic educational stuff has taken the place of books. Youth needs things quickly without going physically to libraries. Youth don't rely on assumptions but they have their own technological tools to verify and authenticate the information. E-learning is considered a virtual mentor as it creates an atmosphere in which the electronic and digital technology in a well-structured discipline is synchronized. Learners take more interest in such an environment. A teacher is limited to the classroom only but through electronic learning, learners don't need help from the teachers every time.

     Zhang et.al (2018) noted that traditional methods of learning are replaced with e-learning. He further elaborated that e-learning has decreased the stress upon the students they take in the classrooms because a learner in the traditional classroom knows that only the classroom is the place of learning, however, the e-learning system rejected this concept in such a way that a learner can learn things at home. Nowadays interest in e-learning is increasing with the passage of time because of its advancement and involvement in education.

    E-Learning Modes Characteristics Table 1

    E-learning Modes Characteristics






    1. Blended Learning

    Synchronous and Asynchronous

    Pave the way to integrate the teachers and students

    Lack of confidence due to not facing people.

    Used in formal and non-formal education.

    2. Electronic Whiteboards

    Electronic whiteboards are interactive. Project a diagram from a laptop onto the board.

    Whiteboards are used to teach Mathematics, Languages, Social Studies, and Sciences.

    If leads to group learning, People rely on a single person for their work.

    Teachers use it to draw different diagrams from their laptops to whiteboards.

    3. Flipped Learning

    This technology connects students' personal computers to the school server

    Students use this technology to watch lectures and discuss with teachers and themselves.

    Most students waste time in other internet activities by involving themselves in games and social networks etc.

    This is a connection between students and teachers. This technology is used in large classrooms.

    4.  Projectors

    Provides large screen

    Teachers use this in large classrooms in order to cover a large number of students.

    Backbenchers feel difficult to see, and students with low eyesight are also not able to view.

    Used in smart classrooms. Lectures are delivered with a visual facility.

    5. Video conferencing Classroom

    Provides an opportunity to attend different seminars, sessions and lectures sitting in different geographical positions.

    Students get a lot of information through online courses etc. Foreign lectures are also delivered by foreign faculty through this mode.

    Sometimes it is difficult for students to understand the proper knowledge of the video due to the continuity of the video.

    Different applications are used like Skype etc. to conduct the lectures visually. Different sessions are organized by foreign faculties.

    Challenges using Iot and E-learning

    Technology-based learning provides a lot of modern learning modes. IoT and E-Learning have brought a revolution in education however lot of challenges are there in promoting technology applications in the real world. Those challenges include:

    Lack of Sufficient Training

    Training provides an opportunity to avail of the expertise and skills. Every technology requires proper training to take the fullest advantage of technology. Technology has made people so busy that they are striving for better things in a short time. This will only be possible with the proper use of technology in a short time otherwise it will waste time. Wang, Y. (2019) said that the lack of sufficient training in IoT and E-Learning has created hindrances in front of people. This is the reason that we are still in a struggling position in technology.

    Unawareness of Technology 

    The population of Pakistan is divided into rural 

    and urban. Rural areas are still unaware of technology-oriented applications. It is a big challenge in promoting the advancement of technology. This is the reason that people have a fear of new technology like robotic advancement, and artificial intelligence. Briz (2015) opined that people are fearful that with the integration of technology in education human efforts will reduce resulting in unemployment will increase. This is unawareness of technology as Stephen Hawking said "People are afraid of technology but it is under the control of man like on or off the machines"

    Internet of Things Usage Causes Health Damage 

    It is also a big challenge in the propagation of technology. Reyna and Soler (2018) noted that Continuous use of technology makes people habitual of such things may cause health hazards. Farahani, et.al (2018) highlighted that continuous use of the computer may cause many vision issues and neck strain. It has also a lot of impacts on mental and physical health. New research has acknowledged that technology has become the cause of depression because people spent most of their time with technology and social contact has decreased.

    Government Support in it Skills Improvements

    The government plays a vital role in providing opportunities to enhance technology-oriented skills among the masses. The lack of support decreases the interest of people towards the technology side. Mahmood (2019) noted that a great step taken by the government to integrate ICT into education provided opportunities for learners and teachers. But due to lack of interest in that area has not brought fruitful results in education. The main reason behind this failure was the lack of interest in the government.


    On the whole, this study is exploring E-learning and IoT implications in Education and research development. E-learning modes are discussed in detail which can be more effective for readers. This study is purely related to E-learning and IoT tools and techniques which encourage educationists to implement modern trends in education and research.  The importance of IoT devices and tools are important areas of concern these days to furnish technical and professional skills.  


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    APA : Brohi, S. I., Mastoi, R. B., & Laghari, T. (2023). Exploring the Effect of Internet Learning and Internet of Things in Education: Applications and Challenges. Global Social Sciences Review, VIII(I), 473-480. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).44
    CHICAGO : Brohi, Sidra Ismail, Ruqia Bano Mastoi, and Tania Laghari. 2023. "Exploring the Effect of Internet Learning and Internet of Things in Education: Applications and Challenges." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (I): 473-480 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).44
    HARVARD : BROHI, S. I., MASTOI, R. B. & LAGHARI, T. 2023. Exploring the Effect of Internet Learning and Internet of Things in Education: Applications and Challenges. Global Social Sciences Review, VIII, 473-480.
    MHRA : Brohi, Sidra Ismail, Ruqia Bano Mastoi, and Tania Laghari. 2023. "Exploring the Effect of Internet Learning and Internet of Things in Education: Applications and Challenges." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII: 473-480
    MLA : Brohi, Sidra Ismail, Ruqia Bano Mastoi, and Tania Laghari. "Exploring the Effect of Internet Learning and Internet of Things in Education: Applications and Challenges." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII.I (2023): 473-480 Print.
    OXFORD : Brohi, Sidra Ismail, Mastoi, Ruqia Bano, and Laghari, Tania (2023), "Exploring the Effect of Internet Learning and Internet of Things in Education: Applications and Challenges", Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (I), 473-480
    TURABIAN : Brohi, Sidra Ismail, Ruqia Bano Mastoi, and Tania Laghari. "Exploring the Effect of Internet Learning and Internet of Things in Education: Applications and Challenges." Global Social Sciences Review VIII, no. I (2023): 473-480. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).44