Unmasking the Minds of Serial Killers: A Jungian Analysis of Jeffrey Dahmer's and Javed Iqbal's Personalities
This study examines the cause of evil and the emergence of serial killers' personalities, focusing on Jeffrey Dahmer and Javed Iqbal. Central to this investigation is the debate over whether killers are born evil or shaped by their experiences, highlighting the interplay between nature and nurture in creating notorious criminals. The research explores psychological, cultural, and societal influences on deviant behaviors, incorporating criminology, sociology, and forensic psychology insights. Additionally, it critiques the media’s portrayal of serial killers and its impact on societal perceptions, questioning the media’s role in shaping and understanding evil. By closely examining Dahmer and Iqbal through multiple lenses, this study promotes a deeper understanding of the complex processes underlying criminal behavior and challenges cultural narratives that may perpetuate evil.
(1) Nayab Saqib Ghani
Teacher Assistant, Department of English, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Sadia Nazeer
Head of the Department (HOD), Department of English, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Anbarin Fatima
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
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Cite this article
APA : Ghani, N. S., Nazeer, S., & Fatima, A. (2024). Unmasking the Minds of Serial Killers: A Jungian Analysis of Jeffrey Dahmer's and Javed Iqbal's Personalities. Global Social Sciences Review, IX(II), 35-46. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2024(IX-II).04
CHICAGO : Ghani, Nayab Saqib, Sadia Nazeer, and Anbarin Fatima. 2024. "Unmasking the Minds of Serial Killers: A Jungian Analysis of Jeffrey Dahmer's and Javed Iqbal's Personalities." Global Social Sciences Review, IX (II): 35-46 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2024(IX-II).04
HARVARD : GHANI, N. S., NAZEER, S. & FATIMA, A. 2024. Unmasking the Minds of Serial Killers: A Jungian Analysis of Jeffrey Dahmer's and Javed Iqbal's Personalities. Global Social Sciences Review, IX, 35-46.
MHRA : Ghani, Nayab Saqib, Sadia Nazeer, and Anbarin Fatima. 2024. "Unmasking the Minds of Serial Killers: A Jungian Analysis of Jeffrey Dahmer's and Javed Iqbal's Personalities." Global Social Sciences Review, IX: 35-46
MLA : Ghani, Nayab Saqib, Sadia Nazeer, and Anbarin Fatima. "Unmasking the Minds of Serial Killers: A Jungian Analysis of Jeffrey Dahmer's and Javed Iqbal's Personalities." Global Social Sciences Review, IX.II (2024): 35-46 Print.
OXFORD : Ghani, Nayab Saqib, Nazeer, Sadia, and Fatima, Anbarin (2024), "Unmasking the Minds of Serial Killers: A Jungian Analysis of Jeffrey Dahmer's and Javed Iqbal's Personalities", Global Social Sciences Review, IX (II), 35-46
TURABIAN : Ghani, Nayab Saqib, Sadia Nazeer, and Anbarin Fatima. "Unmasking the Minds of Serial Killers: A Jungian Analysis of Jeffrey Dahmer's and Javed Iqbal's Personalities." Global Social Sciences Review IX, no. II (2024): 35-46. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2024(IX-II).04