Pattu: The Dying Fabric Making Art of Baltistan
The traditional Balti dresses were made with a beautiful material, "Pattu". We conducted a survey regarding the procedure of pattu making in Baltistan. The data was collected through in-depth interviews of 30 personnel who were associated with pattu making art. Thematic analysis has been adopted to examine the responses. Pattu fibre was obtained from sheep next convert into yarn and then into the fabric. Pattu was dyed with the help of leaves and fruits. Pattu was used in garments, caps, shawls and carpets. It is the need of time to work on the revival of this dying art of making pattu with new innovations to improve the procedure and speed of making fabric. This study will provide knowledge to our new generations about traditional fabric which helps them build a strong bond with the culture. Bringing the skilled persons from Baltistan on the front line and create economic opportunities for them.
(1) Sarwat Halima Haider
Assistant Professor, Government College for Women, Skardu, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.
(2) Afsheen Masood
Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Samia Kalsoom
Professor, College of H. Economics, Gulberg, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Haider, S. H., Masood, A., & Kalsoom, S. (2021). Pattu: The Dying Fabric Making Art of Baltistan. Global Social Sciences Review, VI(I), 329-345.
CHICAGO : Haider, Sarwat Halima, Afsheen Masood, and Samia Kalsoom. 2021. "Pattu: The Dying Fabric Making Art of Baltistan." Global Social Sciences Review, VI (I): 329-345 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-I).34
HARVARD : HAIDER, S. H., MASOOD, A. & KALSOOM, S. 2021. Pattu: The Dying Fabric Making Art of Baltistan. Global Social Sciences Review, VI, 329-345.
MHRA : Haider, Sarwat Halima, Afsheen Masood, and Samia Kalsoom. 2021. "Pattu: The Dying Fabric Making Art of Baltistan." Global Social Sciences Review, VI: 329-345
MLA : Haider, Sarwat Halima, Afsheen Masood, and Samia Kalsoom. "Pattu: The Dying Fabric Making Art of Baltistan." Global Social Sciences Review, VI.I (2021): 329-345 Print.
OXFORD : Haider, Sarwat Halima, Masood, Afsheen, and Kalsoom, Samia (2021), "Pattu: The Dying Fabric Making Art of Baltistan", Global Social Sciences Review, VI (I), 329-345
TURABIAN : Haider, Sarwat Halima, Afsheen Masood, and Samia Kalsoom. "Pattu: The Dying Fabric Making Art of Baltistan." Global Social Sciences Review VI, no. I (2021): 329-345.