17 Pages : 168-179      10.31703/gssr.2022(VII-I).17      Published : Mar 2022

Financial Literacy and Adoption of Fintech: The Role of Financial Risk Tolerance

    Fintech is one of the novelty in the area of finance, it's a collaboration of finance and technology. Now a day's technology has become a significant part of the financial industry. Major products and services of Fintech include ATM, peer to peer lending, crowdfunding, and cryptocurrency. Understanding of financial terminology and acceptance of related risk of Fintech products and services are important. In that concern financial literacy and risk tolerance are significant element. This study has been conducted to evaluate how financial literacy and risk tolerance directly or indirectly can impact an entrepreneur for adoption of Fintech. After applying research method and data analysis from entrepreneur of Lahore, Pakistan, it has been concluded that financial.

    (1) Safyan Majid
    Department of Commerce and Finance, GC University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Gulzaib Chaudhary
    Department of Economics, GC University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
    (3) Usman Ali
    Department of Economics, GC University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Majid, S., Chaudhary, M. G., & Ali, U. (2022). Financial Literacy and Adoption of Fintech: The Role of Financial Risk Tolerance. Global Social Sciences Review, VII(I), 168-179.
    CHICAGO : Majid, Safyan, Muhammad Gulzaib Chaudhary, and Usman Ali. 2022. "Financial Literacy and Adoption of Fintech: The Role of Financial Risk Tolerance." Global Social Sciences Review, VII (I): 168-179 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2022(VII-I).17
    HARVARD : MAJID, S., CHAUDHARY, M. G. & ALI, U. 2022. Financial Literacy and Adoption of Fintech: The Role of Financial Risk Tolerance. Global Social Sciences Review, VII, 168-179.
    MHRA : Majid, Safyan, Muhammad Gulzaib Chaudhary, and Usman Ali. 2022. "Financial Literacy and Adoption of Fintech: The Role of Financial Risk Tolerance." Global Social Sciences Review, VII: 168-179
    MLA : Majid, Safyan, Muhammad Gulzaib Chaudhary, and Usman Ali. "Financial Literacy and Adoption of Fintech: The Role of Financial Risk Tolerance." Global Social Sciences Review, VII.I (2022): 168-179 Print.
    OXFORD : Majid, Safyan, Chaudhary, Muhammad Gulzaib, and Ali, Usman (2022), "Financial Literacy and Adoption of Fintech: The Role of Financial Risk Tolerance", Global Social Sciences Review, VII (I), 168-179
    TURABIAN : Majid, Safyan, Muhammad Gulzaib Chaudhary, and Usman Ali. "Financial Literacy and Adoption of Fintech: The Role of Financial Risk Tolerance." Global Social Sciences Review VII, no. I (2022): 168-179.