21 Pages : 163-169      10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-III).21      Published : Sep 2019

Trust, Rewards and Training Impact on Employee's Work Engagement: An Evidence from Banking Sector

    Pakistans banking sector shows a key role in its economic growth. Employee behavior in this sector is greatly affected by job-related factors. The drive of the study was to assess the impact of trust, rewards, and training on WE in the banking sector. Data were collected from a random sample of 150 correspondences through the survey questionnaire. The model of correlation and regression was used to scan the connection between the variables. Results based on the model of correlation and statistical regression revealed that all three factors, including trust, reward, and training, have a positive influence on the WE of the employees. This research is a distinct study of trust, rewards and training consequences on the employees WE from a banking perspective. The outcomes of the study, therefore, have a number of suggestions in the field of human resource for researchers and practitioners.

    (1) Hazrat Bilal
    Assistant Professor, Center for Management and Commerce, University of Swat, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Naveed Farooq
    Assistant Professor,Institute of Business Studies & Leadership, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Lala Rukh
    Lecturer, Center for Management and Commerce,University of Swat, KP, Pakistan.
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    APA : Bilal, H., Farooq, N., & Rukh, L. (2019). Trust, Rewards and Training Impact on Employee's Work Engagement: An Evidence from Banking Sector. Global Social Sciences Review, IV(III), 163-169.
    CHICAGO : Bilal, Hazrat, Naveed Farooq, and Lala Rukh. 2019. "Trust, Rewards and Training Impact on Employee's Work Engagement: An Evidence from Banking Sector." Global Social Sciences Review, IV (III): 163-169 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-III).21
    HARVARD : BILAL, H., FAROOQ, N. & RUKH, L. 2019. Trust, Rewards and Training Impact on Employee's Work Engagement: An Evidence from Banking Sector. Global Social Sciences Review, IV, 163-169.
    MHRA : Bilal, Hazrat, Naveed Farooq, and Lala Rukh. 2019. "Trust, Rewards and Training Impact on Employee's Work Engagement: An Evidence from Banking Sector." Global Social Sciences Review, IV: 163-169
    MLA : Bilal, Hazrat, Naveed Farooq, and Lala Rukh. "Trust, Rewards and Training Impact on Employee's Work Engagement: An Evidence from Banking Sector." Global Social Sciences Review, IV.III (2019): 163-169 Print.
    OXFORD : Bilal, Hazrat, Farooq, Naveed, and Rukh, Lala (2019), "Trust, Rewards and Training Impact on Employee's Work Engagement: An Evidence from Banking Sector", Global Social Sciences Review, IV (III), 163-169
    TURABIAN : Bilal, Hazrat, Naveed Farooq, and Lala Rukh. "Trust, Rewards and Training Impact on Employee's Work Engagement: An Evidence from Banking Sector." Global Social Sciences Review IV, no. III (2019): 163-169.