05 Pages : 42-49      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-IV).05      Published : Dec 2020

Inclusive Growth Measurement Under Different Political Regimes of Pakistan

    Existing literature focuses on the determinants and ways to enhance economic growth. This, however, neglects the growth benefit to society. Distribution aspect of economic growth is ignored in the previous decades. As a result, the world cannot enjoy the benefits of economic growth. In this paper inclusive growth index (IGI) is used which is constructed by the Asian Development Bank, 2011 to investigate whether the economic growth in Pakistan creates opportunities for the entire population on an equal basis and how political regimes affect the inclusive growth. Performance of the sixteen indicators of inclusive growth index is assessed over the period of 1978-2014, under two Democratic and two dictators' regimes. The result of the study shows that inclusive growth in Pakistan is low. However, the trend of inclusive growth in Pakistan is positive. Inclusive growth can be increase by increase the pace of economic growth besides democratic culture.

    Inclusive Growth, Economic Growth, Political Economy, Political regimes, Democracy, Dictatorship.
    (1) Muhammad Masood Anwar
    PhD Scholar, Kashmir Institute of Economics, University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Aftab Anwar
    Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Ghulam Yahya Khan
    Assistant Professor, Kashmir Institute of Economics, University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.

56 Pages : 432-440      10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-I).56      Published : Mar 2019

Political Economy of Development: A Study of CPEC

    Development' is a political project which is based on a principle of reducing inequalities and poverty. It is a centuries-old concept that is deeply rooted in the history of economic thoughts.From the age of mercantilism to the liberal and neoliberal context, the nature of development has changed drastically. From 1945 to the 1970s, there was a popular liberal model of development under the slogans of 'rightto development. The liberal nature of development tuned into conservatively camouflaged neoliberal development in the 1980s protected by the world bank structural adjustment program. In neoliberal development facade, the development process is emptied from welfarist.Development without welfare and development for underdevelopment are the main characteristics of neoliberal development. This paper is an exploration of the political economy of development, which means development to whom? Through a qualitative approach, it is found that neoliberal forces benefited from CPEC developmental project. The political economy of CPEC is a complex phenomenon that is linked with development, investment, technology, and human resources.

    Political Economy, Development, CPEC, China, Pakistan
    (1) Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad
    Assistant Professor, Centre for Policy Studies, COMSATS University-Islamabad, Pakistan/Post-Doctoral Fellow, School of Politics and International Relations, The University of Nottingham United Kingdom

02 Pages : 24-40      10.31703/gssr.2017(II-II).02      Published : Dec 2017

Emerging Political Economy of CPEC Future Dynamics and Perspectives for Pakistan

    The study focuses on China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) as a great regional, political and economic force, which would lead the region to a prosperous future. The route of CPEC is not only a connection between Gwader and Khunjrab but it is also "a motorway of political economy" which would become a track to development and sustainable prosperity. No doubt, the route leads to cooperation in the transition of resources and increase the bilateral trade partnership but there emerge various questions. The present study provides detailed analysis of how the route connects Asia to Europe and provides access the local markets. The study further recommends that Gwadar Port is one of the shortest ways for China rather than Strait of Malacca or any other international route. At the end, based on an in-depth critical evaluation, the study recommends the strategy of boosting its Political Economy on emergency basis.

    Political Economy, Silk Road, China Pakistan Economic Corridor, One Belt One Road.
    (1) Muhammad Zia Rehman
    Assistant Professor, Department of LMS, National Defense University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Asif Khan
    Independent Research Scholar, Islamabad, Pakistan
    (3) Qaim Raza Jaffry
    Director & Instructor at National Defense University Islamabad, Pakistan