13 Pages : 137-148      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-II).13      Published : Jun 2020

Effect of Employee Creativity on Project Performance with the Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing and Moderating Role of Openness to Experience

    Since almost last two decades employees creativity has been discussed immensely by the researchers. This study majorly focuses on the effect of employee creativity in project performance in project-based organizations of Pakistan. We have discussed that the relationship between, employees creativity and project performance depend on the knowledge sharing whereas, openness to experience moderating the correlation of employees creativity with knowledge sharing. For this purpose, data was collected from 273 employees working in project-based organizations of Pakistan. The results obtained after the data analysis, considerably shows that there is an optimistic relationship between employees creativity and project performance whereas knowledge sharing mediates this relationship with the moderating role of openness to experience. The study significantly expands to the prevailing literature by highlighting the procedure through which employees’ creativity has a major effect on the enhancement of project performance.

    Employee Creativity, Knowledge Sharing, Openness to Experience, Project Performance.
    (1) Hina Ahmed
    MS Scholar, Capital University of Science and Technology Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Cynthia Sigamony
    MS Scholar, Capital University of Science and Technology Islamabad, Pakistan.

44 Pages : 341-349      10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-IV).44      Published : Dec 2019

Knowledge Hiding and Creativity in Higher Education Institutes: Understanding the Contingent Role of Perceived Supervisory Support

    In higher education institutes, knowledge sharing is part and parcel for the success of the individuals and institutions. However, there are a number of instances where employees are found to be indulged in knowledge hiding. This paper explores this novel construct by targeting permanently faculty of private and semi-private higher education institutes of Pakistan. Theorizing on social learning and exchange theory, this study proposes that employees are indulged in knowledge hiding which sensitizes a reciprocal loop of distrust among colleagues and as a consequence the target is later also reluctant to share the required information. This finally leads to decreasing the creativity of the hider too. Furthermore, it has been proposed that perceived supervisory support can play an important role in decreasing the negative effects of knowledge hiding on the creativity of the hider. Implications and recommendations for future research prospects in the said area are also highlighted

    Creativity, Evasive Hiding, Interpersonal Distrust, Knowledge Hiding, Rationalized Hiding. Supervisory Support.
    (1) Hina Samdani
    Senior Assistant Professor,Department of Business Studies,Bahria Business School, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Bakhtiar Ali
    Professor,Department of Business Studies, Bahria Business School, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Nida Kamal
    Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Studies, Bahria Business School, Islamabad, Pakistan.

22 Pages : 238-247      10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).22      Published : Mar 2023

Imagination, Creativity and Adventurous Advertising: Analysing Pakistani Youngsters

    Imagination involves holding onto an idea until it is transformed into a possibility. By forming an imaginary world full of adventures, advertising creatively plays with viewers' imaginations. Such a material and commercial gain may have dangerous outcomes as well as whatever the audience sees on television, majority considers it truth, correct or believable. After watching flashy advertisements pre-adults are compelled to purchase expensive products as well it affects their imagination and  creativity. Under the umbrella of cultivation theory the study asserts that exposure to adventurous television advertisements is creating adventurism in Pakistani youth, leading to imitation of stunts,frustration and persistence.

    Imagination, Creativity, Adventurous Advertisements, Cultivation, Pre-adults
    (1) Sehreen far Bokhari
    Department of Philosophy, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Madiha Maqsood
    School of Communication Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Basma Khan
    Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.