12 Pages : 176-193      10.31703/gssr.2018(III-I).12      Published : Mar 2018

Effects of E-Learning Media on Cognitive Skills Enhancement of Students

    The significant time that learners spend on using e-learning media for teaching learning purpose at schools and homes creates some thought provoking questions like how the use of e-learning media may influence cognitive skills enhancement?, and if it does have influence, then how much? The study evaluates the effects of e-learning media on cognitive skills enhancement of science students respectively, and compares the impact of elearning media on cognitive skills enhancement of male and female science learners. The study is experimental in nature. Results of the study are tested at significance level alpha: a = 0.05. After conducting pre-tests, treatment and post-tests, it is found that the post-test results of male and female science students are better than their pre-test. It is also found that the cognitive skills enhancement score of both genders of students of experimental group is higher than the score of both genders of students of control group on the basis of post-tests scores. It is also found that there was no difference between cognitive skills enhancement score of male students of experimental group and that of female students of experimental group on the basis of post-tests scores. Consequently, it is concluded that the use of e-learning media has considerable positive effect on the achievement of male and female science students and it enhances their cognitive skills, but no considerable difference was observed between the cognitive skills enhancement of male and female students using e learning media.

    E-Learning media, Traditional classroom, E-learning media based classroom, Effects, Cognitive Skills, Cognitive Skills Enhancement
    (1) Rahmat Ullah Khan
    Ph.D Scholar (Education), STED Faculty of Education, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad,Pakistan.
    (2) Hafiz Muhammad Inamullah
    Associate Professor, IER, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan.
    (3) Hafiz M Irshadullah
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Mardan, KP,Pakistan.

39 Pages : 425-437      10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).39      Published : Mar 2023

Investigate the Effectiveness and Student Satisfaction of Online Learning Platforms in Comparison to Traditional Classroom Settings

    This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness and student satisfaction of online learning platforms in comparison to traditional classroom settings. A sample of 500 university students was surveyed to gather data on their experiences and perceptions of both learning modes. The study employed a quantitative data collection method. The questionnaires utilized Likert-scale items to measure satisfaction levels and effectiveness ratings. The statistics showed how online learning platforms compare to traditional classrooms in effectiveness and student satisfaction. Students were largely satisfied with both learning styles, with online learning platforms somewhat higher in satisfaction. The study also found that online learning platform accessibility, schedule flexibility, and multimedia resources affect student happiness. Regarding effectiveness, both online learning platforms and traditional classroom settings were perceived as effective by the majority of students. The findings can inform educational institutions and policymakers in their decision-making processes and help improve the design and implementation of online learning platforms.

    Student Satisfaction, Online Learning, Traditional Classroom Settings
    (1) Bakht Jamal
    PhD Scholar, Department of Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Zainab Sajjad
    Lecturer, Department of Applied Psychology, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Humera Omer Farooq
    Assistant Professor, College of Art & Design, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.