Published : Jun 2023
Impact of Perceived Internal Respect and Thriving on Subjective Well-being: Mediating Mechanism of Organizational Identification
The conception of subjective well-being (SWB) is crucial in management research. Through organizational identification (OI), our study explored the effects of perceived internal respect (PIR) and thriving at work (TW) on SWB in Pakistan's service industry. We used a non-probability sampling method and PROCESS Macros and gathered the data from the employees. The relationship between PIR and TW is positively related to OI, which is positively associated with SWB. The association of PIR and TW with SWB is mediated by OI. Organisations that employ diverse practices to support SWB may also be affected by this study's findings. Additionally, managers can learn to enhance the benefits of PIR, TW and OI.
Subjective Well-being (SWB), Perceived Internal Respect (PIR), Thriving, Organizational Identification (OI)
(1) Syed Abid Husain Shah
Institute of Management Sciences, IMS, (Pak-AIMS), Department of Management Sciences, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Imran Khan
HoD, Institute of Management Sciences, IMS, (Pak-AIMS), Department of Management Sciences, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Asmat Nawaz Khattak
Assistant Professor, Institute of Management Sciences, IMS, (Pak-AIMS), Department of Management Sciences, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.