Study of Socio-Economic Background and its Effect on the Ability of English Reading Skills at Secondary School Level
The study aims to see the effect of the socio-economic background of learners on their language skills of 9th class students in public sector schools in southern districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The Stratified simple random sampling technique was adopted following Krejcie and Morgan rule and 379 respondents were consulted for data collection. Two valid and reliable instruments were applied, first, the socioeconomic status scale and then test were conducted for finding ability in reading skills i.e. comprehension, fluency, identification of adverb, to skim and to scan the passages. Data was analyzed through mean; for checking the outcome of SE background on the reading skills, the mean of means was calculated. The students who have a supportive environment at home for English performed better in test scores of comprehension, fluency, adverb identification, skimming and scanning. The study recommends that students may be supported at home for polishing their reading skills.
Socio Economic Background, Effect, Reading Skills
(1) Shehla Sheikh
Ph.D Scholar,Institute of Education and Research,Gomal University, D.I.Khan, Kp, Pakistan.
(2) Allah Noor Khan
Assistant Professor,Institute of Education and Research,Gomal University, D.I.Khan, Kp, Pakistan.
(3) Mazhar Gul
Lecturer, Department of Education, Preston University, Kohat, Kp, Pakistan.
Impact of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition Method on Development of English Reading and Writing Skills of Secondary School Students
The Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) English teaching approach was compared to the traditional English teaching method in this study. The research was carried out in Punjab secondary schools. The goal of this research was to see how the CIRC technique compared to traditional English teaching methods. Because teaching pedagogies primarily rely on teacher-centered methods, the absence of critical pedagogies during the teaching process results in an unproductive system. In nature, the current study used a per-test-post-test nonequivalent control group design.The study included experimental and control groups. The study's participants were chosen using a convenient sampling approach. The experimental group was given the treatment(the CIRC technique was used), whereas the control group was given traditional instruction. A pilot study was conducted to establish the test's content validity and item analysis. To test the hypotheses, descriptive (Mean, percentage) and inferential(independent and paired samples t-tests) statistics were used to evaluate the data. The study's findings were useful for instructors in establishing new teaching techniques to address the challenges in developing English reading and writing abilities, as well as the obstacles experienced by secondary school students in learning English.
Writing Skills, Reading Skills, Secondary School, Students
(1) Rabeea Maqbool
PhD Scholar, Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Abid Hussain Ch.
Faculty of Education, Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.