The Patterns of Code-Switching in Pashto-English Bilingual Data
This study investigated the most dominant patterns of code switching in Pashto English bilingual data. The data was collected in the form of a semi-structured interview and analyzed in the light of the framework of the Matrix Language Frame model. The study found out that insertion is the dominant pattern of code switching. The Embedded Language noun was the most prevalent switched element in the morpho-syntax frame of Matrix Language. The second most embedded language insertion in the matrix language was the English nonfinite verbs in Pashto light verb construction. The Embedded language island was the third most dominant pattern. The switched elements in the bare DP and the bilingual VP are content words following the Morpheme Order and System Morpheme principles of Pashto.
Alternation, Congruent Lexicalization, Insertion, Patterns of code Switching, Morphosyntactic Constraints.
(1) Arshad Ali Khan
Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, UMT, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Anees
Lecturer,Department of English,Govt College, Peshawar, Kp, Pakistan.
(3) Ghani Rahman
Assistant Professor,Department of English, Hazara University, Mansehra, Kp, Pakistan.
Ideological Underpinning of Political Slogans of Mainstream Political Parties of Pakistan: A Critical Discourse Analysis
Language is not merely a means of communication; it is also a carrier of the ideology of the people who speak it though it may not be easily discernible at times. This implies that language and ideology bear a very close relationship with each other. The present study reports how language and ideology are interwoven in the form of slogans found in the political gatherings and rallies of three mainstream political parties of Pakistan: PMLN(Pakistan Muslim League, N),PPP(Pakistan People's Party) and PTI(Pakistan Tehreek –e- Insaf). To critically analyse the selected slogans,methods of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) offered by Van Dijk and specific meanings which are not clear to the ordinary audience. The present study also aimed at finding out how the hidden ideology manipulates the judgements and reaction of the public.
Slogans, Ideology, Power, Lexicalization, Transitivity, Systematic Functional Linguistics
(1) Hamed Hussain Shah
Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Javed Iqbal
Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(3) Arshad Mahmood
National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.