36 Pages : 341-350      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-III).36      Published : Sep 2020

An Exploratory Study about the Role of Experiential Learning for Developing Professional Skills at Higher Education

    This study explores the learning experiences of postgraduate students pursuing master's degree in higher education. The assessment students enrolled in the course "Application of Computer in Research" observed through semi-structured observations. These observations contained 16 weeks (4 days a week). The observation tool was validated through five experts' opinions, and a mock observation was conducted in order to ensure the reliability of the tool. The researcher deeply observed the students' learning experiences daily by tasks, activities and discussions in which they were involved by the teacher—the analysis procedures controlled through coding, memos and themes generation. The study findings revealed that experiential learning provided students with some important skills that enhance their learning in a better way. The study contributed to the field of education at a higher level than postgraduates might be handled through active learning because active learning may indulge new visions, ideas for creative work and transferring those ideas through reflection by involving students in the activities in which they do the tasks by themselves.

    Experiential Learning, Learning Experiences, Postgraduates, Active Learning, Higher Education, Practical Approach
    (1) Sidrah Ilyas
    PhD Scholar, Institute of Education & Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Mahvish Fatima Kashif
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Hafiza Sadiya Iqbal
    Lecturer, Department of Education, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.

19 Pages : 143-150      10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-II).19      Published : Jun 2019

Learning Engagement in Mathematics: A Test of an Active Learning Model

    This experimental study explored the effect of the 4WsHs active learning model on learning engagement in mathematics classes. The research design used for conducting this study was true experimental research design (pre-test post-test equivalent group design). A sample comprising 190 students selected from two public sector schools was divided into experimental and control groups using a matched random sampling technique. The newly developed active learning model was used as treatment for an experimental group while the same contents of mathematics were taught to the control group using a traditional method. After practice of three months, learning engagement of both groups was measured using a classroom observation checklist. The analyzed data revealed a significant superiority of students belonging to the experimental group over their counterparts in learning engagement. Hence, the newly developed active learning model proved to be effective for developing learning engagement among students.

    Learning Engagement, Active Learning, Secondary School Students, Mathematics Class, Teaching Mathematics
    (1) Syed Iftikhar Hussain Shah
    Ph.D Scholar, Hazara University, Mansehra, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Iqbal Majoka
    Associate Professor,Department of Education,Hazara University, Mansehra, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Shaista Irshad Khan
    Secretary, Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) Abbottabad, KP, Pakistan.