Conflicts in schools can arise over a variety of issues, including staff workload, funds, teaching activities and practices in and out of the classroom, rewards and sanctions, assessment procedures, power and authority, tardiness and absences, political opinions, student behavior, dress code, assignments, and placements. This study examined how teachers' dispute resolution strategies affect classroom learning. A study questionnaire was distributed to 200 elementary kids. School disagreements depress teachers and lower their effectiveness. Disappointment, dullness, unwillingness, insensitivity, stress, grief, anxiety, and uneasiness can plague teachers. Before conflict situations, necessary preparations should be made to prevent instructors, students, and the school environment from degrading education and training. Conflict resolution can help schools achieve their goals and benefit students, instructors, and staff. In-service training and seminars should help teachers understand and address school issues.
Key Words
Conflict Management, Stress, Behavior, Learning Environment
There is no single definition for the term "conflict," and much of the confusion has been caused by academics from various fields who are interested in studying conflict despite the mutual disagreement between two or more people regarding any issue that leads to hostility, violence, war, etc. between them. Researchers believe that conflict in the workplace is an expression of hatred, antagonism, and miscommunication between the staff members. Shared resources, disparities in aims, attitudes, and values, disputes over the demands of certain roles, the nature of work tasks, and individual methods are a few examples of possible sources of conflict. Conflict can also be defined as a social interaction process that involves competing claims to resources, prestige, power, and other preferences and aspirations. (Omboko, 2010)
Walker (2013) sees conflict as a breakdown in the decision-making process. Conflict may also be defined as a sort of conduct that occurs when two or more parties are in conflict or struggle as a result of perceived relative deprivation from the actions of or interaction with another person or group. Each individual or group will define conflict differently based on their experiences and findings (Seamus, 2015). All of these scholars and experts agree that conflict arises when social entities have opposing or incompatible aims, behaviours, or interactions. Some authors have discussed some of the reasons why conflicts arise inside organisations.
These include lack of information, role conflict and collision, disparities in aims, values, and rivalry for scarce resources, as well as accountability for staff, access to superiors, and competition for restricted resources. Conflict thus manifests within an individual, between individuals, between groups, and between organisations. Some authors argue that people not getting along with one other, disagreeing with one another, and expressing anger towards another by highlighting the weaknesses of one to the other are characteristics of interpersonal conflicts. Sometimes it makes life challenging and even sparks a conflict between the two powers.
Thomas (1976) advocated five leadership styles: evasion, compromising/sharing, accommodation, and collaboration/integration, which may be useful depending on the circumstances. Johnson (2000) advocates for administrators' awareness of various management methods. A few of these sources of conflict may apply to the principal and the instructors in a setting like a school. Such circumstances disrupt the educational environment, which eventually has a detrimental impact on the performance of the head teacher and class instructors as well as learning and instruction procedures. Successful conflict resolution at the school level, according to Thapa (2013), involves strong communication, encouragement of students to exercise high levels of maturity, and conflict management training.
Causes of Conflicts
Unimpressive Conditions of Service
A few school partner confrontations in schools with bad working circumstances, as well as the legislature's lack of a clear business and compensation strategy. A few schools have numerous challenges in providing vital services and educational supplies. According to the KE Conference (2000), a few schools lack fundamental amenities such as a staffroom and instructional resources, while other head teachers require even workspaces for the performance of his official tasks. Okotoni and Okotoni (2003) that instructors working in inhibitory conditions for to a great degree low wages in light of the administration and also the nonappearance of clear increments in pay rates.
Individual conflict occurs in a wide spectrum of human relationships, including every single group of friends. Given the wide range of potential differences across individuals, the absence of disagreement often indicates the absence of significant link. Conflict in itself is bad or terrible. Notwithstanding, the way they are managing the contention figure out if to construct or damaging. Clashes give a focused setting, and additionally collaboration in the association, yet differ as indicated by the circumstance. There are issues in peace making when the connection of a focused/individual or when the setting and methods for determining clashes and conflicting (Bickmore, 2001). Viability in the field of contention determination and associate intercession system might be restricted when the connection of the classroom and aggressive schools.
Incompetency of Administrative Head Teachers
Circumstances happen where rivalry may be the most ideal approach to oversee struggle. Here and there sound rivalry, and in this way enhance the status of a gathering thusly numerous other side. As an aftereffect of his push to win part of every individual school and afterward the earth to obtain entrance.
Funds Misappropriation
Rono (2000) More demonstrate that some head educators out of schools because of their poor monetary responsibility are bolted. Some head instructors of your school are not straightforward in their budgetary issues. Money related issues with your teachers don't talk about their sheets. At the point when monetary issues brought on the plan of the executive meeting, it is normally the last thing of the system when a drained and not able to examine the thing in subtle element, he encourage asserted. Permits clients to utilize the school account in a rush and without Czech against ideas (Some, 2010). This gives some head educators to misuse an escape clause to class property. Guardians go to such schools and lay off instructors and backing the withdrawal of your kids to class. Some head instructors more straightforward and responsible money related matters of the school. They don't give individuals a chance to esteem for cash and how the cash gathered is utilized to find in school.
The great side effects of contention between gatherings can be in race relations in group settings is similarly clear in the association. Particularly when clashes amongst gatherings and inclined to acceleration and firmness that gathering personalities are debilitated. Expenses can be ruinous clash between gatherings is high for a general public in financial and social conditions. Discoveries of the Republic of Kenya (2001) recommend that head educators make clashes in their schools due to wrong administration aptitudes in arranging, planning and cost control. Now and again, head educators make great utilization of bookkeeping rules gave by the Ministry of Education is most certainly not. This prompted a misallocation of assets and an absence of fundamental merchandise and administrations. The report likewise demonstrates that some head educators in taking care of monetary matters straightforward and responsible in their schools (Republic of Kenya, 2001).
Types of Conflicts
As per Stewart and Dangelo (2010) there are three sorts of contention. The primary conflict is about observations over the picture. This is normally rotates around inquiries, for example, who knows? What sort of power or power? Whose obligations and commitments. Who are social propensities or conduct? Also, that is the thing that "identity characteristics". The second is the part struggle. It emerges over various translations of what is the distinction in different parts we play. The third sort is the estimation of the hidden debate. This contention is moderately uncommon. Numerous everyday disagreements about saw picture, or substance. Typically not explain, but rather can be connected broadly acknowledged, for instance, contrasts of philosophy and religious convictions, for instance, happens mostly over key convictions, flogging in our schools is fundamental and there is life after death.
Transaction is the methods by which individuals manage their disparities. Are these distinctions incorporate purchasing another auto, diverse work contracts, terms of offer, complex cooperation between the two, or a peace bargain between warring countries, the determination is normally trailed by transactions. Is hoping to arrange a shared assertion through discourse (Lam, 2008). Arrange a perpetual component of our lives both at home and in the work environment. Talks additionally a type of refereeing is more cognizant control is given. Yes, in spite of the fact that transactions contain the control over the states of war, the general procedure is further disarray in light of the shareholders' control along these lines stamped considering the writing, and this study was proposed to make a wide range of Conflict Open secondary school in Punjab.
Conflicts Management Methods
Rounou (2000) in this meeting demonstrated that numerous poor optional schools in national examinations because of absence of appropriate administration of learning exercises by instructors over yonder. At the point when understudies in national examinations overcome the inclusion of guardians, educators, understudies and the group are confronting. So the educator expected to deal with the educational modules for understudies keep away from disappointment in examinations. The rule ought to be set to screen the training framework and comprehend what is happening at all levels and in all subjects. He demonstrated that for viable evaluation through exams, for example, the end of term-end examination and consistent appraisal test, which must be substantial and there will be helpful to understudies was required.
Okumbe (2008) concurs with the assessment and showed that staff administration is essential if the learning exercises need to succeed in school. In work force administration, HR required for head instructors to their schools there. It's sufficient to get the staff. It is likewise imperative to create, inspire, and hold HR.
The educational programs are required to be secured enough at the perfect time. Chairmen and school pioneers need to comprehend what that involves in peace promotion and struggle requires high capability ready to be successful in their schools. At the point when peace promoters have decided and characterized nature of the war in a contention circumstance, they attempt and discover an answer for it. The creators of the different clashes in various methods for determining these contentions have highlighted. A hefty portion of these are included in the school. School heads will viably highlight the nature of the writing of war (Anderson, 1994).
Opportunities for Service and Conflict Resolution Courses
Jantzi (2002) found that head instructors required in the initiative of experienced ability brushes at any rate in their organizations. Schools that have less rivalry experience are a connection between inspirations, duty and limit building. The instructors likewise create moral obligation regarding their work and actually in charge of the outcome. Okumbe (2008) concur with the creator and focuses out that a few instructors perceived for a long time without being taught or given advancement. Educators need inspiration since they don't have anything to anticipate in working there.
Proficient improvement of educators ought to be helped where they will utilize their abilities and desires. He later demonstrated that those educators who are incidentally or for all time in your profession quit publicizing grades. He claims to be an instructor for this situation experiences stress and mental withdrawal. An educator, head instructor of this nature can be an issue. Head educators need to spur instructors to set up extra profession step. He brought up that when the most noticeably bad goes to the most exceedingly bad instructor must change (Gordon, 2011).
Kempiles (2005) demonstrates that instructors are less troublesome that they have professional stability, open doors for cooperation and institutional backing. He demonstrated that instructors are spurred to work when their endeavors are perceived. He likewise proposes that instructors ought to have great working conditions, for example, nature of training, supervision, bolster administrations and open doors for the activity. What's more, instructors must workplace helpful for the productive and viable conveyance of instructive administrations to be uncovered. Instructors in this classification can be found by taking them for in-administration preparing for limit building has made a difference.
Hughes (2004) reported a general hypothesis of human relations. Hypothesis recommends that the human relationship was an essential resource in school administration. It additionally demonstrates that understanding the conduct of laborers was vital. Understanding the likenesses and contrasts in age, sexual orientation and enthusiasm outside for a chief in making a decent working relationship in the working environment is critical. Foster (2000) concur with this perspective and recommends that head educators need to impart in a way that instructors are prepared to work with them. He recommends that head educators ought to be in connection to both enthusiastic and material needs of instructors. The educator ought to be protected from forceful guardians. Musvosvi (2008) offers this perspective and cases that a fruitful director is the top sympathy toward individuals yet in the meantime keeps the general objectives of the association. Positive working connections build efficiency.
Crozier (2014) affirmed the above perspective when they accentuate that the fundamental effect understudies, instructors and guardians consistently and need to deal with. So head educators in peace promotion information required to handle different circumstances. The rule must convey trust through activities.
Objectives of this Study are
1. To examine the perceived relationship of conflict management strategies and classroom learning environment.
2. To investigate the perceived relationship of integrating teaching style with classroom learning environment.
3. To study the perceived relationship of avoiding style with classroom learning environment.
Research Questions
1. What is the perceived relationship of conflict management strategies and classroom learning environment?
2. What is the perceived relationship of integrating style with classroom learning environment?
3. What is the perceived relationship of avoiding style with classroom learning environment?
Methods and Procedures of the Study
The study was quantitative descriptive in design in the form to test Impact of Teachers’ Conflict Management Strategies on Classroom Learning Environment. Researchers collected data about conflict management from different schools of Punjab. Population of this study was the government school teachers of Lahore, Gujranwala and Faisalabad districts. All the boy’s and girl’s secondary school teachers of mentioned three districts were selected as population. The researcher used simple convenient sampling technique to select 20 teachers from each school who filled up total 200 questionnaires. Following ten schools were selected as a sample and 20 questionnaires were filled from each school. A well designed and close ended questionnaire was made for teachers of secondary level classes. Likert type scale was made with the help and under supervision of my supervisor.
Questionnaire consists of 55 questions total. In which 10 questions are about general conflict resolution qualities of teachers, and other 45 questions are about styles of conflict management used in classroom which are further divided into five categories, Integrating Style, Dominating Style, Avoiding Style, Compromising Style, and Obliging Style.
Researcher personally visited the schools and collected data from the teachers. The objectives of research were explained to the respected heads of schools. Instrument was governed to the teachers in selected schools. About 200 questionnaires were given to the teachers and give explanation about questions to them.
Table 1
Mean Standard Deviation and Values of Statements Related to Integrating Style
Statement |
Gender |
M |
SD |
P(sig.) |
try to find out a problem with pupils to find a resolution suitable to us. |
Male Female |
4.64 4.57 |
.48 .49 |
.45 |
seek to incorporate my thoughts with the Students to approach to a conclusion
together. |
Male Female |
4.53 4.60 |
.68 .58 |
.54 |
work with Students to find way out to a crisis which convince our hopes. |
Male Female |
4.41 4.38 |
.65 .63 |
.37 |
change correct information with Students to find solution of a problem. |
Male Female |
4.62 4.63 |
.61 .48 |
.17 |
work with Students for appropriate understanding of a difficulty. |
Male Female |
4.52 4.62 |
.37 .60 |
.88 |
work together with Students to make decision suitable to us. |
Male Female |
4.28 4.65 |
.89 .60 |
.19 |
try to concern with problem to find best solution. |
Male Female |
4.48 4.46 |
.53 .73 |
.85 |
investigate problems of students before making a solution. |
Male Female |
4.29 4.22 |
.77 .94 |
.65 |
which concerned in conflict were allowed to find out solution. |
Male Female |
4.76 4.65 |
.43 .54 |
.23 |
thoughts are implementing to reduce students quarrel in the school. |
Male Female |
4.57 4.44 |
.56 .61 |
.25 |
Table 2
Mean Standard deviation and values of statements related to factor dominating style.
Statements |
Gender |
M |
SD |
P(sig.) |
use pressure to acquire my thoughts acceptable to the students. |
Male Female |
4.05 4.14 |
1.08 1.21 |
.61 |
is used by me to make decision in my support. |
Male Female |
3.74 3.56 |
1.08 1.18 |
.37 |
personal expertise is used to make decisions in my favor. |
Male Female |
4.47 4.48 |
.59 .53 |
.91 |
am usually hard in follow my side of concern. |
Male Female |
4.10 4.05 |
.64 .62 |
.66 |
is not normally employ to find solution of a problem. |
Male Female |
4.64 4.63 |
.58 .48 |
.97 |
that are involved in conflict also have right of conflict resolution. |
Male Female |
4.34 4.29 |
.44 .73 |
.65 |
solution of student’s problem is definite in my school. |
Male Female |
4.50 4.73 |
.62 4.0 |
.67 |
occasionally use authority to win a quarrel. |
Male Female |
4.47 4.40 |
.68 .75 |
.60 |
do not make always quick decisions for conflict management. |
Male Female |
4.28 4.65 |
.89 .60 |
.10 |
Table 3
Mean Standard Deviation and Values of Statements related to Factors of task Orientation
Statements |
Gender |
M |
SD |
P(sig.) |
Statements |
pathway is finding to solve a dead lock. |
Male Female |
4.69 4.60 |
.50 .52 |
.92 |
.35 |
middle ground is purposed for contravention deadlocks. |
Male Female |
4.28 4.65 |
.89 .60 |
2.7 |
.01 |
compromise can be reached by negotiating with the Students. |
Male Female |
4.48 4.46 |
.53 .73 |
.19 |
.85 |
can be made by give and take formula. |
Male Female |
4.29 4.22 |
.77 .94 |
.45 |
.65 |
are made as a way to solve conflicts. |
Male Female |
4.76 4.65 |
.43 .54 |
1.2 |
.23 |
are satisfied with their win and loss. |
Male Female |
4.66 4.62 |
.47 .60 |
.36 |
.72 |
are allowed to meet separately with teachers for resolving conflict. |
Male Female |
4.57 4.44 |
.56 .61 |
1.1 |
.25 |
try to keep my conflict with the Students to myself. |
Male Female |
4.10 4.25 |
.78 .69 |
1.1 |
.26 |
Table 4
Mean Standard deviation and values of statements related to Avoiding Style
Statements |
Gender |
M |
SD |
P(sig.) |
Statements |
differences with students are avoided by me. |
Male Female |
4.31 4.14 |
.62 .82 |
.25 |
try to avoid opposing students. |
Male Female |
4.43 4.32 |
.56 .75 |
.52 |
.60 |
avoid an encounter with the Students. |
Male Female |
4.50 4.73 |
.62 4.0 |
.42 |
.67 |
avoiding hard feelings I avoid disagreement with students. |
Male Female |
4.47 4.40 |
.68 .75 |
.52 |
.60 |
try to avoid disagreeable interactions with students. |
Male Female |
4.31 4.22 |
.79 .90 |
.56 |
.57 |
are encouraged to ignore problematic issues in school... |
Male Female |
4.33 4.21 |
.65 .88 |
.85 |
.39 |
are frightened of squeeze an issue beside the school power but as an
alternative seeks for kindness. |
Male Female |
4.07 4.03 |
.89 .98 |
.21 |
.82 |
students’ issues were set-aside because urgent managerial and academic
issues. |
Male Female |
4.64 4.63 |
.58 .48 |
.30 |
.97 |
Table 5
Mean Standard Deviation and values of Statements Related to Obliging Style
Statements |
Gender |
M |
SD |
P(sig.) |
Statements |
normally try to gratify the requirements of the Students. |
Male Female |
4.64 4.57 |
.48 .49 |
.74 |
.45 |
generally contain the desires of Students. |
Male Female |
4.53 4.60 |
.68 .58 |
.61 |
.54 |
give up to the requirements of the Students. |
Male Female |
4.41 4.38 |
.65 .63 |
.85 |
.37 |
frequently compromise to the Students. |
Male Female |
4.64 4.63 |
.58 .48 |
.03 |
.97 |
often agreed with ideas of the students. |
Male Female |
4.34 4.29 |
.44 .73 |
0.44 |
.65 |
struggle to please the hopes of Students... |
Male Female |
4.50 4.73 |
.62 4.0 |
.42 |
.67 |
supposed cure for resolution of clashes. |
Male Female |
4.47 4.40 |
.68 .75 |
.52 |
.60 |
Discussion and Suggestions
Conflicts arising from differences of opinion at the school are undesirable circumstances. Lack of communication, as well as personal, political/ideological, and organisational reasons, are the main causes of conflicts at school.
On organisational, social, and psychological levels, conflicts at school can have both positive and negative repercussions. Organisational bad results include a stressful atmosphere, impaired collaboration, failures in communication, and ideological conflicts. Antagonism and hostility, intolerance, violence, the formation of groups with like-minded people, hate, and polarisation are examples of socially detrimental results. Some psychologically harmful results include a lack of discipline at work, abandoning one's employment, poorer educational standards, rage, poor communication, injuring oneself and others, anxiety, reluctance, insecurity, feelings of insignificance, melancholy, resentment, frustration, and stress.
Conflicts may be advantageous for one's self and for society. Social benefits include enhanced interaction, getting to know each other better, respecting others, compromise, and managerial benefits. Individual benefits include learning appropriate behaviours, realising mistakes and different ideas, creating new ideas and methods, coming to the truth, relaxing, and compromising. Conflict resolution may result in concerns being recognised, practical solutions being developed, improvements in performance, the growth of a democratic atmosphere, and enrichment of the company. Teachers' performance is harmed by conflicts at school and their negative feelings. Teachers can feel disappointment, flatness, unwillingness, insensitivity, stress, grief, tension, and unease as negative feelings. Having negative views about their work, losing excitement, communication breakdowns, morale-motivation breakdowns, discrimination, and establishing groups with like-minded individuals are all factors that lower teacher performance. When instructors are involved in conflicts, their responses can take the shape of conversations or arguments, avoidance, violence, or being unresponsive.
The following recommendations are produced in light of research results:
All educators should be made aware of effective conflict resolution in schools so that they can all take part in the process. Prior to conflict situations, necessary measures should be done to prevent conflicts between educators, the school environment, and students from impairing the standard of instruction and training. Effective conflict management can help schools achieve their goals while also benefiting students, teachers, and staff. So that teachers can better comprehend and handle school issues, in-service training courses and seminars should be set up.
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Cite this article
APA : Noor, S., Ali, A., & Hashmi, M. A. (2023). Effects of Teachers' Conflict Management Techniques on the Learning Environment in the Classroom. Global Social Sciences Review, VIII(I), 481-489. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).45
CHICAGO : Noor, Shabina, Asim Ali, and Muhammad Aamir Hashmi. 2023. "Effects of Teachers' Conflict Management Techniques on the Learning Environment in the Classroom." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (I): 481-489 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).45
HARVARD : NOOR, S., ALI, A. & HASHMI, M. A. 2023. Effects of Teachers' Conflict Management Techniques on the Learning Environment in the Classroom. Global Social Sciences Review, VIII, 481-489.
MHRA : Noor, Shabina, Asim Ali, and Muhammad Aamir Hashmi. 2023. "Effects of Teachers' Conflict Management Techniques on the Learning Environment in the Classroom." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII: 481-489
MLA : Noor, Shabina, Asim Ali, and Muhammad Aamir Hashmi. "Effects of Teachers' Conflict Management Techniques on the Learning Environment in the Classroom." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII.I (2023): 481-489 Print.
OXFORD : Noor, Shabina, Ali, Asim, and Hashmi, Muhammad Aamir (2023), "Effects of Teachers' Conflict Management Techniques on the Learning Environment in the Classroom", Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (I), 481-489
TURABIAN : Noor, Shabina, Asim Ali, and Muhammad Aamir Hashmi. "Effects of Teachers' Conflict Management Techniques on the Learning Environment in the Classroom." Global Social Sciences Review VIII, no. I (2023): 481-489. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).45