http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2017(II-II).05      10.31703/gssr.2017(II-II).05      Published : Dec 2
Authored by : HikmatAfridi , ManzoorKhanAfridi , IjazKhalid

05 Pages : 85-108


  • Adaresh Sein Anand, the Development of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, Verinag Publishers, Azad Kashmir, 1991, p. 101.
  • Alastair (2002). Kashmir: A Disputed Legacy: 1846 - 1990. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
  • Alastair Lamb, Incomplete Partition: The Genesis of the Kashmir Dispute 1947- 1948, Rexford Books, 1997, p.175.
  • Ali, Chaudhry Muhammad. (1973). the Emergence of Pakistan. Pakistan Historical Society.
  • Amanullah Khan,
  • Amit A. Pandya, 'The Current Crisis in South Asia', www.globaldem.org/ default. cfm? page=amit_hirc_1
  • B. G. Verghese,
  • Barua, Pradeep P. (2005). The State at War in South Asia. London. University of Nebraska Press.
  • Basrur, Rajesh M. (2008). South Asia's Cold War: Nuclear Weapons and Conflict in Comparative Perspective (Asian Security Studies).New York. Routlege.Behera,
  • Behera, A.D. and Mathew J.C. ed. New Delhi. Knowledge World. Kreutzmann, Hermann. (2008). Kashmir and the Northern Areas of Pakistan.
  • Lamb, Bose, S. and Jalal, A. Modern South Asia: History, Culture, Political Economy, 2nd ed. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Chaudhri Muhammad Ali, The Emergence of Pakistan, Research society of Pakistan, Lahore, 1985, p. 284.
  • Choudhry, G.W. (1968). Pakistan's Relations with India, 1947-1966. London. Pall Mall Press
  • Das, N.K. (2006). People of India and Indian Anthropology.Economic and Political Weekly.3156-59.
  • Ganguly, S. (1996).Explaining the Kashmir Insurgency: Political Mobilization and Institutional Decay. International Security 21(2), 76-107.
  • Ganguly, S. (2007).Kashmir: Roots of Conflict, Paths to Peace (review). Journal of Cold War Studies. 9 (1), 144-146.
  • Good Friday Agreement, April 10, 1998', http://cain.ulst.ac.uk/events/ peace/docs/agreement.htm
  • Greater Kashmir, October 4, 2002. 97. Reported in The Hindu, October 11, 2002.
  • Hellmann, Donald Ed. (1976). Southern Asia: The politics of Poverty and Peace. Toronto. Lexington Books.
  • IjazHussain, Kashmir Dispute: An International Law Perspective, National Institute of Pakistan Studies, 1998, pp. 141-152.
  • Indian Express, October 20, 2017.
  • Johnson, Rob (2005). A Region in Turmoil. London. Reaktion Books.
  • K. SarwarHasan, (ed) Documents on the Foreign Relation of Pakistan: The Kashmir Question, Pakistan Institute of International Affairs, Karachi, 1966. pp. 279-283.
  • Karnad, B. (2004). A Strategy to Counter Pakistan Supported Terrorism. In
  • Kashmir in the Security Council, Government of Pakistan publication. 43.
  • KuldipNayar, 'Globalization of Kashmir,' The Tribune, (Chandigarh), January 19, 1994. 84. Robert G. Wirsing, op.cit. p. 220
  • Lord Birdwood, Two Nations and Kashmir, London, Robert Hale Limited, 1956, p. 74; quoted by Chaudhri Muhammad Ali, op.cit. p. 216.
  • M. S. Deora and Grover (ed.), Documents on Kashmir Problem, Vol. I, New Delhi, Discovery Publishing House, 1991, p.64. 38.
  • Malik, I. (2002). Kashmir Ethnic Conflict International Dispute. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
  • Margolis, E. S. (2001). War at the Top of the World.New York: Routledge.
  • MujtabaRazvi, The Frontiers of Pakistan, Karachi, National Publishing House Ltd., 1971, p.94.
  • N.C. (May 2007). Demystifying Kashmir.Washington D.C. Brookings Institution Press.
  • Nixon, R. (1992). Seize the Moment: America's Challenge in a one-superpower World. New York.
  • PremNathBazaz, Democracy through Intimidation and Terror: The Untold Story of Kashmir Politics, Heritage Publishers, New Delhi, 1978, p.3.
  • Raju, G.C. Ed. Westview Press. Pakistan Horizon.(10-3-1957). Pakistan Horizon. (10-12-1957, Pakistan Horizon. (11-6-1957).
  • Robert G. Wirsing, India, Pakistan and the Kashmir Dispute, Rupa& Co., New Delhi, 1995, pp. 222 and 326.
  • Rosalyn Higgins, United Nations Peace-Keeping 1946-1947: Documents and Commentary, II, Asia, London, Oxford University Press, 1970, p.318. 44.
  • Sahni, H. K. (2006). The Politics of Water in South Asia: The Case of the Indus Waters Treaty. SAIS Review of International Affairs 26(2), 153-165.
  • Saraf, M.Y. (1977). Kashmir's Fight for Freedom, Lahore.Ferozsons.
  • Schofield, Victoria. (2003). Kashmir in Conflict: India, Pakistan, and the Unfinished War 42(3), 551-556. International Islamic University, Islamabad, Article Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20837300
  • Selig Harrison, 'South Asia and the United States: A Chance for Fresh Start', Current History, Vol. 91, No. 563, March 1992, pp. 102-103;
  • Shireen M. Mazari, 'Kashmir in the new Pre-emptive doctrines', The News, (Islamabad), October 2, 2002.
  • Shireen M. Mazari,
  • Simla Agreement at, www.jang.com.pk/thenews/spedition/pk-india/accord3.htm
  • Simon and Schuster.Noorani, A.G. (1992).
  • Sisir Gupta, Kashmir: A Study in India-Pakistan Relations, Asia Publishing House, New Delhi, 1967, p. 470.
  • Sumantra Bose, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self-Determination and a Just Peace, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1997, p. 33
  • SumitGanguly, 'Explaining the Kashmir Insurgency: Political Mobilisation and Institutional Decay', International Security, Vol. 21, No.2, Fall 1996, p.96.
  • Tavares, R. (2008). Resolving the Kashmir Conflict: Pakistan, India, Kashmiris and Religious Militants Asian Journal of Political Science, 16(3).
  • The Hindu, quoting New York Times reported on January 21, 2002.
  • The MIT Press.Retrieved April 20, 2014, from Project MUSE database.
  • V. K. Nayar, 'Low Intensity Conflict: Jammu and Kashmir', U.S.I. Journal, Vol. C XXVIII, No. 533, July-September 1998.
  • V. P. Menon, the Story of Integration of the Indian States, Calcutta, Orient Longmans, 1956, p. 394.
  • V. P. Menon, the Transfer of Power in India, Calcutta, Orient Longmans, 1956, p. 384.
  • Victoria Schofield, Kashmir: In the Crossfire, I. B. Tauris Publishers, London, 1996, p. 127.
  • Adaresh Sein Anand, the Development of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, Verinag Publishers, Azad Kashmir, 1991, p. 101.
  • Alastair (2002). Kashmir: A Disputed Legacy: 1846 - 1990. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
  • Alastair Lamb, Incomplete Partition: The Genesis of the Kashmir Dispute 1947- 1948, Rexford Books, 1997, p.175.
  • Ali, Chaudhry Muhammad. (1973). the Emergence of Pakistan. Pakistan Historical Society.
  • Amanullah Khan,
  • Amit A. Pandya, 'The Current Crisis in South Asia', www.globaldem.org/ default. cfm? page=amit_hirc_1
  • B. G. Verghese,
  • Barua, Pradeep P. (2005). The State at War in South Asia. London. University of Nebraska Press.
  • Basrur, Rajesh M. (2008). South Asia's Cold War: Nuclear Weapons and Conflict in Comparative Perspective (Asian Security Studies).New York. Routlege.Behera,
  • Behera, A.D. and Mathew J.C. ed. New Delhi. Knowledge World. Kreutzmann, Hermann. (2008). Kashmir and the Northern Areas of Pakistan.
  • Lamb, Bose, S. and Jalal, A. Modern South Asia: History, Culture, Political Economy, 2nd ed. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Chaudhri Muhammad Ali, The Emergence of Pakistan, Research society of Pakistan, Lahore, 1985, p. 284.
  • Choudhry, G.W. (1968). Pakistan's Relations with India, 1947-1966. London. Pall Mall Press
  • Das, N.K. (2006). People of India and Indian Anthropology.Economic and Political Weekly.3156-59.
  • Ganguly, S. (1996).Explaining the Kashmir Insurgency: Political Mobilization and Institutional Decay. International Security 21(2), 76-107.
  • Ganguly, S. (2007).Kashmir: Roots of Conflict, Paths to Peace (review). Journal of Cold War Studies. 9 (1), 144-146.
  • Good Friday Agreement, April 10, 1998', http://cain.ulst.ac.uk/events/ peace/docs/agreement.htm
  • Greater Kashmir, October 4, 2002. 97. Reported in The Hindu, October 11, 2002.
  • Hellmann, Donald Ed. (1976). Southern Asia: The politics of Poverty and Peace. Toronto. Lexington Books.
  • IjazHussain, Kashmir Dispute: An International Law Perspective, National Institute of Pakistan Studies, 1998, pp. 141-152.
  • Indian Express, October 20, 2017.
  • Johnson, Rob (2005). A Region in Turmoil. London. Reaktion Books.
  • K. SarwarHasan, (ed) Documents on the Foreign Relation of Pakistan: The Kashmir Question, Pakistan Institute of International Affairs, Karachi, 1966. pp. 279-283.
  • Karnad, B. (2004). A Strategy to Counter Pakistan Supported Terrorism. In
  • Kashmir in the Security Council, Government of Pakistan publication. 43.
  • KuldipNayar, 'Globalization of Kashmir,' The Tribune, (Chandigarh), January 19, 1994. 84. Robert G. Wirsing, op.cit. p. 220
  • Lord Birdwood, Two Nations and Kashmir, London, Robert Hale Limited, 1956, p. 74; quoted by Chaudhri Muhammad Ali, op.cit. p. 216.
  • M. S. Deora and Grover (ed.), Documents on Kashmir Problem, Vol. I, New Delhi, Discovery Publishing House, 1991, p.64. 38.
  • Malik, I. (2002). Kashmir Ethnic Conflict International Dispute. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
  • Margolis, E. S. (2001). War at the Top of the World.New York: Routledge.
  • MujtabaRazvi, The Frontiers of Pakistan, Karachi, National Publishing House Ltd., 1971, p.94.
  • N.C. (May 2007). Demystifying Kashmir.Washington D.C. Brookings Institution Press.
  • Nixon, R. (1992). Seize the Moment: America's Challenge in a one-superpower World. New York.
  • PremNathBazaz, Democracy through Intimidation and Terror: The Untold Story of Kashmir Politics, Heritage Publishers, New Delhi, 1978, p.3.
  • Raju, G.C. Ed. Westview Press. Pakistan Horizon.(10-3-1957). Pakistan Horizon. (10-12-1957, Pakistan Horizon. (11-6-1957).
  • Robert G. Wirsing, India, Pakistan and the Kashmir Dispute, Rupa& Co., New Delhi, 1995, pp. 222 and 326.
  • Rosalyn Higgins, United Nations Peace-Keeping 1946-1947: Documents and Commentary, II, Asia, London, Oxford University Press, 1970, p.318. 44.
  • Sahni, H. K. (2006). The Politics of Water in South Asia: The Case of the Indus Waters Treaty. SAIS Review of International Affairs 26(2), 153-165.
  • Saraf, M.Y. (1977). Kashmir's Fight for Freedom, Lahore.Ferozsons.
  • Schofield, Victoria. (2003). Kashmir in Conflict: India, Pakistan, and the Unfinished War 42(3), 551-556. International Islamic University, Islamabad, Article Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20837300
  • Selig Harrison, 'South Asia and the United States: A Chance for Fresh Start', Current History, Vol. 91, No. 563, March 1992, pp. 102-103;
  • Shireen M. Mazari, 'Kashmir in the new Pre-emptive doctrines', The News, (Islamabad), October 2, 2002.
  • Shireen M. Mazari,
  • Simla Agreement at, www.jang.com.pk/thenews/spedition/pk-india/accord3.htm
  • Simon and Schuster.Noorani, A.G. (1992).
  • Sisir Gupta, Kashmir: A Study in India-Pakistan Relations, Asia Publishing House, New Delhi, 1967, p. 470.
  • Sumantra Bose, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self-Determination and a Just Peace, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1997, p. 33
  • SumitGanguly, 'Explaining the Kashmir Insurgency: Political Mobilisation and Institutional Decay', International Security, Vol. 21, No.2, Fall 1996, p.96.
  • Tavares, R. (2008). Resolving the Kashmir Conflict: Pakistan, India, Kashmiris and Religious Militants Asian Journal of Political Science, 16(3).
  • The Hindu, quoting New York Times reported on January 21, 2002.
  • The MIT Press.Retrieved April 20, 2014, from Project MUSE database.
  • V. K. Nayar, 'Low Intensity Conflict: Jammu and Kashmir', U.S.I. Journal, Vol. C XXVIII, No. 533, July-September 1998.
  • V. P. Menon, the Story of Integration of the Indian States, Calcutta, Orient Longmans, 1956, p. 394.
  • V. P. Menon, the Transfer of Power in India, Calcutta, Orient Longmans, 1956, p. 384.
  • Victoria Schofield, Kashmir: In the Crossfire, I. B. Tauris Publishers, London, 1996, p. 127.

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    CHICAGO : Afridi, Hikmat, Manzoor Khan Afridi, and Ijaz Khalid. 2017. "Kashmir at Crossroad: The Partition's Unfinished Agenda." Global Social Sciences Review, II (II): 85-108 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2017(II-II).05
    HARVARD : AFRIDI, H., AFRIDI, M. K. & KHALID, I. 2017. Kashmir at Crossroad: The Partition's Unfinished Agenda. Global Social Sciences Review, II, 85-108.
    MHRA : Afridi, Hikmat, Manzoor Khan Afridi, and Ijaz Khalid. 2017. "Kashmir at Crossroad: The Partition's Unfinished Agenda." Global Social Sciences Review, II: 85-108
    MLA : Afridi, Hikmat, Manzoor Khan Afridi, and Ijaz Khalid. "Kashmir at Crossroad: The Partition's Unfinished Agenda." Global Social Sciences Review, II.II (2017): 85-108 Print.
    OXFORD : Afridi, Hikmat, Afridi, Manzoor Khan, and Khalid, Ijaz (2017), "Kashmir at Crossroad: The Partition's Unfinished Agenda", Global Social Sciences Review, II (II), 85-108
    TURABIAN : Afridi, Hikmat, Manzoor Khan Afridi, and Ijaz Khalid. "Kashmir at Crossroad: The Partition's Unfinished Agenda." Global Social Sciences Review II, no. II (2017): 85-108. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2017(II-II).05