The Feudal and Political System in Pakistan: A Historical Analysis of South Punjab (1969-1990)
The term "feudalism" is often used to describe a social order in which land is held by an elite group that is not subservient to a monarchy or government. In return for their service to the king or his kingdom, his subjects are granted land. In the feudal system, the male head of the family (typically a large joint family) is accountable for the maintenance of the home and the land that has been bequeathed to him. It is true that the social structures of feudalisms in Medieval Europe and Medieval India shared some similarities; however, the feudalism that developed in Pakistan (which was a descendant of Indian feudalism) had its own unique roots and characteristics that were shaped by local history (such as the influence and intent of invaders) and culture. According to land reforms
adopted in 1959, each individual's yearly produce from 500 irrigated and 1000 non-irrigated acres was capped at 36,000 index units. This study looks at what happened to feudalism in Pakistan's Southern Punjab between 1969 and 1990, and it offers solutions to the problems that led to its decline.
(1) Sohail Amin
PhD Scholar, Department of Pakistan Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Aftab Hussain Gillani
Chairman, Department of Pakistan Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Amin, S., & Gillani, A. H. (2023). The Feudal and Political System in Pakistan: A Historical Analysis of South Punjab (1969-1990). Global Social Sciences Review, VIII(I), 224-237.
CHICAGO : Amin, Sohail, and Aftab Hussain Gillani. 2023. "The Feudal and Political System in Pakistan: A Historical Analysis of South Punjab (1969-1990)." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (I): 224-237 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).21
HARVARD : AMIN, S. & GILLANI, A. H. 2023. The Feudal and Political System in Pakistan: A Historical Analysis of South Punjab (1969-1990). Global Social Sciences Review, VIII, 224-237.
MHRA : Amin, Sohail, and Aftab Hussain Gillani. 2023. "The Feudal and Political System in Pakistan: A Historical Analysis of South Punjab (1969-1990)." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII: 224-237
MLA : Amin, Sohail, and Aftab Hussain Gillani. "The Feudal and Political System in Pakistan: A Historical Analysis of South Punjab (1969-1990)." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII.I (2023): 224-237 Print.
OXFORD : Amin, Sohail and Gillani, Aftab Hussain (2023), "The Feudal and Political System in Pakistan: A Historical Analysis of South Punjab (1969-1990)", Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (I), 224-237
TURABIAN : Amin, Sohail, and Aftab Hussain Gillani. "The Feudal and Political System in Pakistan: A Historical Analysis of South Punjab (1969-1990)." Global Social Sciences Review VIII, no. I (2023): 224-237.