Published : Mar 2020
Learner Autonomy and its Existing Practices: A Comparison between EFL Students of Various Disciplines in the Context of Pakistan
Learner autonomy refers to a state where a learner seeks the understanding of the concepts more independently, takes charge of his own learning and becomes more motivated and self-supportive towards the learning procedures. The present study explored the existing practices of EFL learners with reference to autonomy practices, in the context of Punjab, Pakistan. The autonomy of the learners was examined through their use of foreign language learning strategies. The sample of the study consisted of 104 university students from arts and science groups. The results indicated that the students of science group were using more autonomous learning strategies as compared to the arts group.
(1) Ayesha Butt
Assistant Professor, TESOL, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Faisal Anis
Assistant professor, Department of Education, University of Management and Technology Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Amna Yousaf
Assistant professor, Department of Education, University of Management and Technology Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Butt, A., Anis, F., & Yousaf, A. (2020). Learner Autonomy and its Existing Practices: A Comparison between EFL Students of Various Disciplines in the Context of Pakistan. Global Social Sciences Review, V(I), 596-608.
CHICAGO : Butt, Ayesha, Faisal Anis, and Amna Yousaf. 2020. "Learner Autonomy and its Existing Practices: A Comparison between EFL Students of Various Disciplines in the Context of Pakistan." Global Social Sciences Review, V (I): 596-608 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2020(V-I).60
HARVARD : BUTT, A., ANIS, F. & YOUSAF, A. 2020. Learner Autonomy and its Existing Practices: A Comparison between EFL Students of Various Disciplines in the Context of Pakistan. Global Social Sciences Review, V, 596-608.
MHRA : Butt, Ayesha, Faisal Anis, and Amna Yousaf. 2020. "Learner Autonomy and its Existing Practices: A Comparison between EFL Students of Various Disciplines in the Context of Pakistan." Global Social Sciences Review, V: 596-608
MLA : Butt, Ayesha, Faisal Anis, and Amna Yousaf. "Learner Autonomy and its Existing Practices: A Comparison between EFL Students of Various Disciplines in the Context of Pakistan." Global Social Sciences Review, V.I (2020): 596-608 Print.
OXFORD : Butt, Ayesha, Anis, Faisal, and Yousaf, Amna (2020), "Learner Autonomy and its Existing Practices: A Comparison between EFL Students of Various Disciplines in the Context of Pakistan", Global Social Sciences Review, V (I), 596-608
TURABIAN : Butt, Ayesha, Faisal Anis, and Amna Yousaf. "Learner Autonomy and its Existing Practices: A Comparison between EFL Students of Various Disciplines in the Context of Pakistan." Global Social Sciences Review V, no. I (2020): 596-608.